From this day forward if you find a build that works keep it to yourself.
The bm bunker build was amazing so amazing it had to be shared. Because of this the pets were nerfed because it became so mainstream.
At every turn rangers have been hit and it’s causing us to scramble for new working builds or going back to ones that were okay. I just recently found some good builds that are no longer viable. Still the ranger is my favorite class and I refuse to give up on it.
So from now on I encourage every dedicated ranger player to keep their mouth shut. Don’t make vids, don’t offer advice don’t share privileged information. The reason for this is simple, we don’t want anymore nerfs. We don’t want to expose anymore strengths that can be taken away.
So our code is silence. If you figure something out, great. Keep it to yourself. This way we keep ranger complaints to a minimum. Also people who aren’t good with a ranger will constantly complain about no viable build options. With any luck this will lead to small buffs we can take advantage off.
Rangers code? What code? Ranger builds? What builds? we know nothing, nothing but ranger noobs here.