First time reaching level 80 (build and gear)

First time reaching level 80 (build and gear)

in Ranger

Posted by: elpino.3781


I just reached this weekend lvl 80
Now I need to buy new gear , I got 35g, I play so far pve , but If I play more wvw or pvp , I should buy different set ? Whats best to spend my money for gears ?

I play mostly torch and axe , anyone has build to suggest for that or popular sites about builds

Thanks !

First time reaching level 80 (build and gear)

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Check the link in my sig for lots of builds mate. Welcome to Ranger!

First time reaching level 80 (build and gear)

in Ranger

Posted by: Prophet.1584


pvp you won’t need to buy gear at all you use the amulets supplied by anet or can get cheap filler items from vendors there.

wvw you can buy gear with badges of honor so once you know what build you want to run you can get exotic gear in there. one thing to remember is that you can’t salvage this gear so if you put expensive runes/sigils in that gear you can’t get it out.

I’m sorry, Dave. I’m afraid I can’t do that.

First time reaching level 80 (build and gear)

in Ranger

Posted by: Rizo.9534


To gearUP, you can Go to dungeons and get your “free” ExoticGear, or Go EOTM and farm with ppl there BadgesOfHonor and buy gear for you.

Or you can do StoryMode of any dungeon, and do sPvP and get your gear there from sPvP progression.

First time reaching level 80 (build and gear)

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


In addition to all the other methods mentioned, you can get exotic gear for karma at each temple in Orr. Karma is otherwise useless, so I definitely recommend that method if you can find the gear you want.