Fix for Taunt coming soon

Fix for Taunt coming soon

in Ranger

Posted by: blitzkrieg.2451


Grouch has announced it as a bug and they are currently tracking a fix for it via Backpack who talks with him on a regular basis regarding balance issues.. Below is a list of the other bugs/ideas that they know of as well from Grouch’s bug list google doc:

Get the full URL for all bugs here:



Taunt goes through Evade, Block, and Invuln. (intended maybe) – Tracking fix

The Trait “Expertise Training” does not increase the condition duration of pets skills. F.

The Trait “Light on your Feet” currently increases condition duration by 100% rather than the intended 10%. However nerfing this to 10% would make the trait extremely bad. I suggest nerfing it down to around 50% duration to keep it worth using as a Grandmaster Trait. F.

Ranger Greatsword 3 currently acts as 2 leap finishers. F.

Healing Spring does not heal the pet. F.

The Signet recharge trait in Marksmanship doesn’t affect the “Enlargement” Trait cooldown. F.

Ranger’s Pets were not given the baseline +150 stat bonus to all pets attributes that was meant to compensate for the loss of “Beastmastery” giving +300 stats prepatch. Like Elementalist getting cooldown reduction on attunements baseline. F.

Balance issues:

Pets have 0 condition damage, this is a big problem as pets like Spiders apply conditions that do literally no damage while being a condition damage pet. Easy fix would be to up the condition damage baseline and add traits in Beastmastery to increase condition damage (Like the “Expertise Training” that is currently in Wilderness Survival for some reason..) F.

Ranger lacks condition cleanse now that “Wilderness Knowledge” and “Empathic Bond” are both in the same Grandmaster line of Wilderness Survival. An easy fix would be to move empathic bond to Beastmaster / Nature Magic trait line so that Rangers can have reliable condition removal. F.

The trait that was increasing the radius of all off-hand skills on ranger is no longer in the game. This has made torch radius very small as well as dagger evade a very small range. Simple fix would be to combine off-hand skills gain increased range/radius trait into Ambidexterity. F.


Another F2 ability for the pet’s other attack? Just as Engi/Thief/Mes will all have.

Move Rune of the Trapper to SPvP this would allow Ranger to have more sustain while playing traps. Also adding a new mechanic to Ranger in SPvP. F.

GS Auto attacks deal very low damage compared to other 2 handed weapon sets on other classes, the damage needs a slight increase. F.

GS 4 (Counter attack) Kicks back way too slow, animation needs to happen a lot faster so that you get punished for hitting the Ranger’s block in melee instead of just dodging the counter attack easily F.

GS 5 (Hilt Bash) Should be able to be used on the move as right now it is very static and hard to use in a teamfight. Should also be able to be stowed to cancel cast. F.

Make it possible to stow longbow 2,3,4,5 without the skills going on full cooldown.

Currently when you stow any of the longbow skills before using it (Like “stow canceling” a skill on any other class) it puts the skill on full cooldown, rather than kitten cooldown like every other class. F.

Healing Spring: no arming time, heal when it gets triggered, and no activation when on full health so it would work more like a trap.

Tanbin – Ranger / Thief / Ele

(edited by blitzkrieg.2451)

Fix for Taunt coming soon

in Ranger

Posted by: Aomine.5012


GS3 having 2 leaps is for how long? 3 DAM YEARS!
So Anet didn’t realize it for 3 years, and now claiming it’s a freaking BUG?

Anet really has absolutely no knowledge about ranger whatsoever!
No wonder the all those “fixes” are horrendous.

How come they do not discuss the missing radius traits for off-hand weapons while many of the classes having increased radius as baseline?
How come they do not discuss the missing Hide in Plain Sight?
How come they do not discuss about spirits still being trashes for anywhere other than PVE dungeon?
How come they do not discuss about any trap other than spike trap and healing spring are garbages?

(edited by Aomine.5012)

Fix for Taunt coming soon

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffball.8307



Fix for Taunt coming soon

in Ranger

Posted by: blitzkrieg.2451


Yea, it’s broken as it is although I wish it stayed unblockable, it probably won’t.

“The Trait “Light on your Feet” currently increases condition duration by 100% rather than the intended 10%. However nerfing this to 10% would make the trait extremely bad. I suggest nerfing it down to around 50% duration to keep it worth using as a Grandmaster Trait. F.”

This one surprised me as well… Didn’t realize it did 100% and it’s still pretty bad because the duration of LOYF makes it pretty bad. Putting it to 10% will be ridiculously horrible.

Tanbin – Ranger / Thief / Ele

Fix for Taunt coming soon

in Ranger

Posted by: Sol.4310


They don’t have Sic “Em!” on there sad, and hilt bash is bugged, it will only hit targets at the start of animation not the end.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

Fix for Taunt coming soon

in Ranger

Posted by: Sol.4310


Yea, it’s broken as it is although I wish it stayed unblockable, it probably won’t.

“The Trait “Light on your Feet” currently increases condition duration by 100% rather than the intended 10%. However nerfing this to 10% would make the trait extremely bad. I suggest nerfing it down to around 50% duration to keep it worth using as a Grandmaster Trait. F.”

This one surprised me as well… Didn’t realize it did 100% and it’s still pretty bad because the duration of LOYF makes it pretty bad. Putting it to 10% will be ridiculously horrible.

Funny part is no one uses this trait atm cause its bad lol, so fixing it would just make it worse.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

Fix for Taunt coming soon

in Ranger

Posted by: Vendetta.1958


I use LOYF, but on a zerk sbow build. The +10% damage is nice, and the pair of nice sbow traits it comes paired with seal the deal for me.

I only wish they’d fix the bugged duration.

If they are going to buff the GS autoattack, why not mainhand sword? Our sword auto is clunky as, and requires we basically stand still to cast ‘kick’, yet on a full zerk spec I still do less damage than the much more user friendly thief sword auto.

Veypa Windclaw
Fanciest Charr OCX
Mreow – [HD]

Fix for Taunt coming soon

in Ranger

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


They did not include the fix to Natural healing

Fix for Taunt coming soon

in Ranger

Posted by: mistsim.2748


very good list, addresses most of our concerns.

there is way too much block spamming in this game and taunt should work through it (across all professions). it shouldn’t work through invuln and evades though. I hope they don’t gut BW into uselessness.

Fix for Taunt coming soon

in Ranger

Posted by: blitzkrieg.2451


I use LOYF, but on a zerk sbow build. The +10% damage is nice, and the pair of nice sbow traits it comes paired with seal the deal for me.

I only wish they’d fix the bugged duration.

If they are going to buff the GS autoattack, why not mainhand sword? Our sword auto is clunky as, and requires we basically stand still to cast ‘kick’, yet on a full zerk spec I still do less damage than the much more user friendly thief sword auto.

Honestly, the dmg 10% should be baseline on this trait and the condition duration should be fixed to be 50% instead of the bugged 100% it currently is, honestly though im sure most take this trait for piercing and reduction on sb skills , the dodge portion of it is next to useless even with 100% condi duration.

Tanbin – Ranger / Thief / Ele

Fix for Taunt coming soon

in Ranger

Posted by: samanosuke asakura.6240

samanosuke asakura.6240

if this true its very good news

Honour and Pride and Devotion

Samanosuke Asakura Far shiver peaks

Fix for Taunt coming soon

in Ranger

Posted by: kiwituatara.6053


What does the “F” stand for at the end of each point? F for fixed?

Fix for Taunt coming soon

in Ranger

Posted by: Mohagi.2738


He forgot a couple of bugs/balance issues

1. GS 5 only Works within 150 range. This should be a priority fix

2. Two Handed Training 50% chance to trigger fury 10 sec icd, trigger chance seems much lower, might just be me and bad range need to test more.

3. Clarion Bond should be 15/20 sec icd to be in line with pet swap cd. Would also be a nice QoL if it worked outside of combat.
Would rather have it at 15 sec icd so it doesnt conflict with BM line swap reduction. Could decrease the duration of the boons to be in line with the new icd?

4. Is Taunt interrupting for you, should it? Sometimes a interrupt will come up but doesnt seem to trigger MoC? Also need to test more.

5. This is just my personal opinion but the Nature Magic line seems very lackluster.

6. Sword AA is still super annoying to me. But this has been a thing for a while so doubt it will get changed.

(edited by Mohagi.2738)

Fix for Taunt coming soon

in Ranger

Posted by: Lazze.9870


The trait that was increasing the radius of all off-hand skills on ranger is no longer in the game. This has made torch radius very small as well as dagger evade a very small range. Simple fix would be to combine off-hand skills gain increased range/radius trait into Ambidexterity. F.

A simple fix would be to make them baseline and treat us like they treated all the other classes. Why are they so reluctant to make these kinds of buffs to the ranger?

While dagger and torch will do “fine” with having the radius and range rolled into the new trait, an underused weapon like OH axe will just suffer more from it.

(edited by Lazze.9870)

Fix for Taunt coming soon

in Ranger

Posted by: Shadelang.3012


Id like to add something for rangers that prefer a pet focused build. A reliable and more importantly controllable method of removing conditions from the pet.

Trooper runes do this to an extent. But that involves burning otherwise critical utility skills if you run a shout build to remove the 11 second immobilize the other ranger put on your pet when your pet swap is on cooldown.

The pet swap mechanic simply isn’t enough. Becuase it involves taking your pet OFF your target for 5-6 seconds (as your new pet attempts to move into position) in a build thats supposed to be heavily invested in your pets capabilities.

(honestly. I wish guard gave resistance instead of protection)

Ghost Yak

Fix for Taunt coming soon

in Ranger

Posted by: rollnb.8346


I’m sorry in advance but “The Trait “Light on your Feet” currently increases condition duration by 100% rather than the intended 10%. However nerfing this to 10% would make the trait extremely bad. I suggest nerfing it down to around 50% duration to keep it worth using as a Grandmaster Trait. F.” – is tottally bull_$_h_1_t information same as 50% of your bug report.

Fix for Taunt coming soon

in Ranger

Posted by: Mohagi.2738


Id like to add something for rangers that prefer a pet focused build. A reliable and more importantly controllable method of removing conditions from the pet.

Trooper runes do this to an extent. But that involves burning otherwise critical utility skills if you run a shout build to remove the 11 second immobilize the other ranger put on your pet when your pet swap is on cooldown.

The pet swap mechanic simply isn’t enough. Becuase it involves taking your pet OFF your target for 5-6 seconds (as your new pet attempts to move into position) in a build thats supposed to be heavily invested in your pets capabilities.

(honestly. I wish guard gave resistance instead of protection)

They could attach some sort of condition clear on Naturl Regeneration, that trait is kinda lackluster atm.

Could also make Wilderness Knowledge affect the pet

Strenght of the Pack (elite) immune or reduced duration on cripple, chill and immob?

Fix for Taunt coming soon

in Ranger

Posted by: Shadelang.3012


Id like to add something for rangers that prefer a pet focused build. A reliable and more importantly controllable method of removing conditions from the pet.

Trooper runes do this to an extent. But that involves burning otherwise critical utility skills if you run a shout build to remove the 11 second immobilize the other ranger put on your pet when your pet swap is on cooldown.

The pet swap mechanic simply isn’t enough. Becuase it involves taking your pet OFF your target for 5-6 seconds (as your new pet attempts to move into position) in a build thats supposed to be heavily invested in your pets capabilities.

(honestly. I wish guard gave resistance instead of protection)

They could attach some sort of condition clear on Naturl Regeneration, that trait is kinda lackluster atm.

Could also make Wilderness Knowledge affect the pet

Strenght of the Pack (elite) immune or reduced duration on cripple, chill and immob?

Honestly If there was somehow something on nautral regen and the shout elite I would be amazingly happy.

Just SOMETHING. Because getting caught by random soft ccs and conditions is responsible for more of my pet deaths than any well bomb meteor shower or grenade spam you can think of.

Ghost Yak

Fix for Taunt coming soon

in Ranger

Posted by: EvilZombie.6801


what about natural healing?? it’s bugged i dont see my pet getting regen like it used to be and what about ranger ?? the 3 sec regen from natural healing ?

Fix for Taunt coming soon

in Ranger

Posted by: Rym.1469


Why do we have some random guy giving balance proposals to Grouch instead of long-promised Profession Specialists for each forum, I have no idea.

i.e. Weakning Shroud triggering in non-combat. Uh, like it always been?


- Last Rites can cause situations where 2 Necromancers are in downstate indefinitely
– investigating

Like wtf is a problem with it? Isn’t it supposed to work like that, lol…

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.

(edited by Rym.1469)

Fix for Taunt coming soon

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


Why do we have some random guy giving balance proposals to Grouch instead of long-promised Profession Specialists for each forum, I have no idea.

He’s an engi player, which certainly explains some things if this is anets idea of balancing professions. “Give engis back perma swiftness and while we’re at it, remove the leaps from swoop. kittening hacking rangers.”

Fix for Taunt coming soon

in Ranger

Posted by: Ryan.9387


Ranger is reliant on these bugs to be effective vs very good players. This is going to be really bad for us.

Ranger | Elementalist

Fix for Taunt coming soon

in Ranger

Posted by: Elxdark.9702


Why do we have some random guy giving balance proposals to Grouch instead of long-promised Profession Specialists for each forum, I have no idea.

i.e. Weakning Shroud triggering in non-combat. Uh, like it always been?


- Last Rites can cause situations where 2 Necromancers are in downstate indefinitely
– investigating

Like wtf is a problem with it? Isn’t it supposed to work like that, lol…

He’s not a “random guy”, He’s Backpack a very well known engi in the competitive scene and as you can see through the doc, he has a good knowledge of the game and how’s it atm not only ranger.

Fix for Taunt coming soon

in Ranger

Posted by: Ryan.9387


Why do we have some random guy giving balance proposals to Grouch instead of long-promised Profession Specialists for each forum, I have no idea.

i.e. Weakning Shroud triggering in non-combat. Uh, like it always been?


- Last Rites can cause situations where 2 Necromancers are in downstate indefinitely
– investigating

Like wtf is a problem with it? Isn’t it supposed to work like that, lol…

He’s not a “random guy”, He’s Backpack a very well known engi in the competitive scene and as you can see through the doc, he has a good knowledge of the game and how’s it atm not only ranger.

Backpack is also banned on multiple accounts (forums only) for spamming/trolling. He also rages (quit his AG pugquest team when he was knocked into the losers bracket) and is generally a kitten. I hear worse, but this is only my personal experience with him.

Lets take balance suggestions from him instead of the numerous players who can clearly identify what is lacking from a viewpoint not drowning in angry bias.

Ranger | Elementalist

Fix for Taunt coming soon

in Ranger

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


They didnt even mention the LOYF DURATION BUG.

What a dev.

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

Fix for Taunt coming soon

in Ranger

Posted by: Rym.1469


Why do we have some random guy giving balance proposals to Grouch instead of long-promised Profession Specialists for each forum, I have no idea.

i.e. Weakning Shroud triggering in non-combat. Uh, like it always been?


- Last Rites can cause situations where 2 Necromancers are in downstate indefinitely
– investigating

Like wtf is a problem with it? Isn’t it supposed to work like that, lol…

He’s not a “random guy”, He’s Backpack a very well known engi in the competitive scene and as you can see through the doc, he has a good knowledge of the game and how’s it atm not only ranger.


[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.

Fix for Taunt coming soon

in Ranger

Posted by: Sol.4310


Why do we have some random guy giving balance proposals to Grouch instead of long-promised Profession Specialists for each forum, I have no idea.

i.e. Weakning Shroud triggering in non-combat. Uh, like it always been?


- Last Rites can cause situations where 2 Necromancers are in downstate indefinitely
– investigating

Like wtf is a problem with it? Isn’t it supposed to work like that, lol…

He’s not a “random guy”, He’s Backpack a very well known engi in the competitive scene and as you can see through the doc, he has a good knowledge of the game and how’s it atm not only ranger.

Backpack is also banned on multiple accounts (forums only) for spamming/trolling. He also rages (quit his AG pugquest team when he was knocked into the losers bracket) and is generally a kitten. I hear worse, but this is only my personal experience with him.

Lets take balance suggestions from him instead of the numerous players who can clearly identify what is lacking from a viewpoint not drowning in angry bias.

+1 he is a troll and a child.

Balance,Ranger is really weak spot, to night I played different classes with a team we faced many rangers and they did nothing and I mean nothing sure few LB/GS Taunt ranger’s was a pain at times but we had too many blocks/reflects/invons for them to be a problem.

Condition ranger’s are so weak, I was playing Shout Guard and I couldn’t feel any pressure even know I was getting stacked. Same went for our Ele just felt no pressure from condition ranger’s. Our necro completely murdered condition ranger’s.

Problem I see for both Power and Condition builds is there slow at appling damage, Power has Maul and Rapid Fire as our main damage, Conditions after nerf to offhands feels so weak. So with way meta is we just don’t have a punch anymore, we needed what we have now last meta this meta we need buffs.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

Fix for Taunt coming soon

in Ranger

Posted by: Puck.9612


we needed what we have now last meta this meta we need buffs.

Friggin nailed it.

Jim Hunter when my other account isn’t suspended

Fix for Taunt coming soon

in Ranger

Posted by: Oslaf Beinir.5842

Oslaf Beinir.5842

thanks for writing this post

Get In The Van Yo[PR] -Play on Far Shiverpeaks/Gunner’s Hold/Vabbi

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140

Fix for Taunt coming soon

in Ranger

Posted by: RevanCorana.8942


Things I add:
- Healing Spring should heal your pet!! and heal 50% more when traited
- Spike Trap should have 35 sec cooldown MAXIMUM because thief knockdown trap has 30 sec
- Radius of traited shouts must be 600 like all others.
- Sword 1 auto cycling combo should be completely disabled to fix the root (you press 3 times yourself to cycle through)
- Boons granted by traited spirits should proc every sec and reduce their cast time to 1/2 sec, it’s utterly overshadowed by protective warden and it’s already difficult enough to stay in range and keeping it alive
- Heal as one should be instant, come on it’s a shout
- Reduce cooldown of Spirit of Nature to 90sec it’s not as good as Rampage or Lich Form

Things I support:
ALL especially;
- Greatsword autoattack should be buffed a bit and the counter block animation faster
- Offhand range/radius increase baseline
- Give other trees than WS some condi removal

(edited by RevanCorana.8942)

Fix for Taunt coming soon

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


I really really really hope that off hand axes range increase isn’t going to be forgotten, at the VERY LEAST roll it into the GM trait if they can’t just make it baseline…

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Fix for Taunt coming soon

in Ranger

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


I personally think that all the notes on Ranger were on the spot. Sure there are some missing, like all utility shouts being worthless and spirits being abysmal with this patch. But everything that was commented on was quite solid.

HS fix? yes
Pet attribute fix? yes
EB and WS knowledge in the same place problem? yes
Taunt bug? yes
GS auto attack damage and leap? yes
Pets being weak with condition damage due to new formula? yes

Fix for Taunt coming soon

in Ranger

Posted by: Aomine.5012


I personally think that all the notes on Ranger were on the spot. Sure there are some missing, like all utility shouts being worthless and spirits being abysmal with this patch. But everything that was commented on was quite solid.

HS fix? yes
Pet attribute fix? yes
EB and WS knowledge in the same place problem? yes
Taunt bug? yes
GS auto attack damage and leap? yes
Pets being weak with condition damage due to new formula? yes

No off-hand radius fix.
No spirit fix.
No trap fix.
No shout fix (aside from trait, the effect itself is USELESS, NO FIX?)
Weird “fix” for gs3 which has 2 leaps as selling point since launch.

Most of them are useless fixes anyway. And most of them hurt ranger as well.

Fix for Taunt coming soon

in Ranger

Posted by: Puck.9612


What exactly is the problem with Swoop? It is 2 leaps, you can see that in the animation. Why shouldn’t is count as 2 leap finishers?

Jim Hunter when my other account isn’t suspended

Fix for Taunt coming soon

in Ranger

Posted by: Elxdark.9702


Why do we have some random guy giving balance proposals to Grouch instead of long-promised Profession Specialists for each forum, I have no idea.

i.e. Weakning Shroud triggering in non-combat. Uh, like it always been?


- Last Rites can cause situations where 2 Necromancers are in downstate indefinitely
– investigating

Like wtf is a problem with it? Isn’t it supposed to work like that, lol…

He’s not a “random guy”, He’s Backpack a very well known engi in the competitive scene and as you can see through the doc, he has a good knowledge of the game and how’s it atm not only ranger.


I won’t even comment that video, they were not serious duels anyways.

Respect to backpack, yes I agree with you and with most of the community he’s a spoiled kid yeah, but I also agree he has a good knowledge of the game and probably he discussed this with his team (abjured) as well.

Fix for Taunt coming soon

in Ranger

Posted by: Mohagi.2738


Regarding Traps

Any reason why the direct dmg is so low?

Spike trap has almost no dmg, might aswell remove it, the highest dealing direct dmg trap is frost trap and its also kinda low.
Dont understand the reasoning behind this, the utility they bring is ok but i find it hard to justify trying out a power setup with traps for roaming/pvp.

Increasing there scaling with power and maybe add more base dmg wouldnt make condie trap rangers OP (any1 playing condie trapper nowadays anyhoo?) would just open up more build diversity.

Also agree with RevanCorana the cd on spike trap is way too long.

Fix for Taunt coming soon

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


I personally think that all the notes on Ranger were on the spot. Sure there are some missing, like all utility shouts being worthless and spirits being abysmal with this patch. But everything that was commented on was quite solid.

HS fix? yes
Pet attribute fix? yes
EB and WS knowledge in the same place problem? yes
Taunt bug? yes
GS auto attack damage and leap? yes
Pets being weak with condition damage due to new formula? yes

actually, the only utility shout that IS worthless would be Guard, Sic’Em is a nice DPS steroid + reveal, Search And Rescue is no longer complete horse kitten since the CD nerf was removed, and if the person dies while being rezzed your pet will keep rezzing them up anyway until you give them a new command, and protect me is essentially a better version of sig of stone in terms of self defense, and it can have almost no affect on your pet with some pet choices.

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Fix for Taunt coming soon

in Ranger

Posted by: blitzkrieg.2451


To be fair it’s not just backpack but a majority of the top tier players contributing to this. But I agree, this isn’t how bug fixing and reporting should be. It should be handled by the public and then tested internally not having private conversations via top tier players and dev members to get bugs fixed, while the list is pretty good there’s still so much missing and it’s still not the way this should be handled at all. Top tier players shouldn’t get priority or be involved in any private conversations with devs to get things handled. It’s ridiculous.

Also, this wasn’t supposed to be leaked out so it might get taken down within due time.

Tanbin – Ranger / Thief / Ele

Fix for Taunt coming soon

in Ranger

Posted by: Josh Davis.6015

Josh Davis.6015

Let me clarify:

Since the 6/23 release, dozens upon dozens of players have sent me bugs, exploits, suggestions – etc. This particular group of players decided to put their feedback into a document that they could all edit and then shoot over to me to take a look at. It has been particularly helpful in for nailing down a number of balance affecting bugs, similar to the comprehensive lists that have popped up in a number of the profession forums.

So, to be very clear: this list is neither written nor maintained by myself or anyone else at ArenaNet. It is a list of issues (bugs and balance) that players would like to see addressed.

Fix for Taunt coming soon

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Yeah you should probably look into providing a proper platform yourself.

There are tons of bugs and issues going ignored for years. Pets have never had condition damage for example.

Fix for Taunt coming soon

in Ranger

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


The trait that was increasing the radius of all off-hand skills on ranger is no longer in the game. This has made torch radius very small as well as dagger evade a very small range. Simple fix would be to combine off-hand skills gain increased range/radius trait into Ambidexterity. F.

This is from the document. Now I do not know if this is fixed as baseline or via trait, but honestly it will be addressed.

@Josh: Thank you for responding to this topic. Please take the opportunity to tweak Sick Em, Protect me and Guard.

Sick Em- please fix the issue of it being overwritten by other commands. Perhaps lower the CD a bit from 40s to 35 or 30.

Guard- allies in the area the pet is defending take 10-15% reduced damage

Protect me- rename to Protect yourself – Instead of pet killing itself by taking your damage you and the pet gain 4-5 seconds of protection and resistance. It fixes the shout and it gives the whole shout set an anti condition ability like every utility set should have.

WS skills can be trated, traps have the HS and spirits have the elite.