Frost Spirit: wait what?

Frost Spirit: wait what?

in Ranger

Posted by: Tulki.1458


If you do the math on this utility, you’ll find that it’s absolutely terrible.
From the wiki (and in-game), it reads:

Summon a frost spirit that has a 20% chance to grant bonus damage to nearby allies.
Percent damage increase: 10%
Duration: 60 s

The expected long-run damage increase on someone who is buffed by this spirit is (20%)*(10%) = 2% bonus damage.

This assumes three things, all of which are a stretch:
1) It’s only a 2% increase in that member’s damage output if they are completely devoted to raw damage and not condition damage, which the spirit doesn’t affect.
2) The member has to stand right next to the spirit for the whole duration.
3) The spirit isn’t killed (it will be killed).

What about the passive? Super short-range AoE chill. Ticks for a 1 sec chill every second for 5 seconds on command, with a delayed activation not unlike F2 pet skills. This means the chill can effectively be broken by applying a pointy object or bullet directly to the spirit’s face.

How is this okay for a utility skill? You will never notice the effect of this spirit.

Frost Spirit: wait what?

in Ranger

Posted by: Leviatana.8107


Haven’t you read the topic about the viable spirit build? The pets seemed to be a good damage soaker for when you had to run away!

OT: Yes the Spirits are lacking a bit when it comes to their effects I guess if their health was upped a bit more or at least their toughness is same as yours. That would be great cause when I see them get hit by random aoe my teeth were grinding even when I moved them out of it they were dying too quick to be useful. Thus I haven’t tried the Spirit build for awhile now. Going for traps or survivability seems more usefull in the long run.

Frost Spirit: wait what?

in Ranger

Posted by: DoomBunny.2903


I mentioned this a loooooooooong time ago back before the SB nerf when spirits were the favorite QQ topic of the forums.

The spirits all suffer from this to a similar degree. The buffs uptime is absolutely minuscule due to a combination of low duration + proc. Frost Spirit looks like someone forgot to do the math and just rolled it out. Hunter’s Shot provides a larger DPS increase assuming everyone is attacking the Hunter’s Shot target.

It should either have a proc for 100% damage or be a constant 10% damage. 10% on a proc is just absolutely awful.