Full Carrion Ranger - Is it viable?

Full Carrion Ranger - Is it viable?

in Ranger

Posted by: Mikau.6920


I want to try a carrion build, something like this:


Should I swap some Carrion for Sinister or other set?

I don’t have experience as Condition Ranger, any suggestion would be appreciated.

Sorry for my english.

Full Carrion Ranger - Is it viable?

in Ranger

Posted by: Rizo.9534


If you want to output MAX dps on encounters, then these weapon setup are bad, and you should use Sinester.

If these build for casual PVE Events, then you can take whatever you want… even Tough/Vit/Healing power gear ad you’ll still get loot from mobs and get Gold from events.

Full Carrion Ranger - Is it viable?

in Ranger

Posted by: Eval.2371


Carrion is viable but not outstanding, as you lack armor. SB is truely a lacking weapon, axe/torch is way better. You would be better off using a sword/dagger or a power weapon(GS or LB) in place of SB.

Carrion does provide you with a nice vit boost, however without toughness you are just a damage sponge. Krait really gives you no sustain and you already have tones of damage being hybrid. You would get more mileage out of rune of undead or scavenging(both are cheap too!) and you would get more general condi damage out of the set.

Bleeding is ok, but burning is way more powerful at this point in time, your torch OH combined with entangle should melt people. With that I would suggest picking up more burning by swaping QZ for flame trap. as you could lock burst someone down with just bonfire and it.

Trait wise:

  • you would be better off talking ambidex over refined toxins, as you will get more up time from it.
  • Additionally, I highly recommend trappers expertise, which would allow you to kite more with spike trap as well as get more of them out. If you do pick up flame trap or healing spring you would get longer duration’s out of them as well.
  • LOYF is a good trait, you may however want to test quickdraw with you sets at various points. Being able to keep bonfire up continuously basically forces your opponent off of you. Quick draw also allows you to be more flexible with your skills in other weapon sets (such as double swoop for kite, or LB rapidfires.
[Cya] TC Roamer/Scout
I Play WvW to have fun. I don’t find it fun anymore. Therefore I don’t play.

Full Carrion Ranger - Is it viable?

in Ranger

Posted by: Mikau.6920


Sorry for my english.

Full Carrion Ranger - Is it viable?

in Ranger

Posted by: Eval.2371


That would be decent, however cele is very expensive to make. You would save a lot with something like this:

Which would also allow you to fine tune, if you want more power, you can pick another solider accessory or two; likewise with dire for more condi.

[Cya] TC Roamer/Scout
I Play WvW to have fun. I don’t find it fun anymore. Therefore I don’t play.

(edited by Eval.2371)

Full Carrion Ranger - Is it viable?

in Ranger

Posted by: Mikau.6920


That would be decent, however cele is very expensive to make. You would save a lot with something like this:

Which would also allow you to fine tune, if you want more power, you can pick another solider accessory or two; likewise with dire for more condi.

I already have these celestial on other char, that’s why I put 3 ascended ones. And the exotic ones are account bound. Is too expensive to make ascended equips, I’ll make or buy exotics (carrion).

Is soldier/dire mix better than celestial? With celestial I have more crit chance and crit damage as well.

Sorry for my english.

Full Carrion Ranger - Is it viable?

in Ranger

Posted by: Eval.2371


That would be decent, however cele is very expensive to make. You would save a lot with something like this:

Which would also allow you to fine tune, if you want more power, you can pick another solider accessory or two; likewise with dire for more condi.

I already have these celestial on other char, that’s why I put 3 ascended ones. And the exotic ones are account bound. Is too expensive to make ascended equips, I’ll make or buy exotics (carrion).

Is soldier/dire mix better than celestial? With celestial I have more crit chance and crit damage as well.

The dire/solider mix has lower crit % and crit damage. The difference between the two is about 100 power and toughness, and 1k hp vs 11% crit chance and 20% crit damage. At 19% with celestial I wouldn’t be relying on crits.

[Cya] TC Roamer/Scout
I Play WvW to have fun. I don’t find it fun anymore. Therefore I don’t play.

Full Carrion Ranger - Is it viable?

in Ranger

Posted by: Rizo.9534


IMHO on WvW Trapper runes is what you always want to use.

Full Carrion Ranger - Is it viable?

in Ranger

Posted by: Nachyochez.9758


Having played the Condi Ranger in WvW for a few weeks now, and swapping a few sets of gear around, I’ve personally found that Rabid is the go-to set for trapping. Carrion is nice against other conditions, and if you haven’t got ascended trinkets yet then Chrysocolla is an excellent upgrade gem for a little extra HP.

The problems I’ve had with Carrion would likely translate to Celestial: Our non-survival and non-condition stats have terrible coefficients. Unless you’re stacking Power to the max, then it’s not going to do much to influence damage, and thus Fury also goes to waste since 180% of 0 is still only 0. Precision still helps out since it procs conditions from some of our traits, and Toughness is actually a great stat as long as you can pack some extra condition clears, since Krait Tuning will turn that into more Condition Damage at a higher rate than Vitality.

As for runes… Trapper’s are invaluable in ways you can’t appreciate until you’re using them. Against AI they’ll reset target from you to the pet. Against Bad players they do the same. Against good players they can be a crutch to buy you a second of thinking time. I honestly can’t see myself running a different run on a condition-based ranger ever again.

Skif F Galco (War) | Bas Flaith (Thf) | Rawr Doomshot (Rng) | Cheshire Glamourclaw (Mes)

Full Carrion Ranger - Is it viable?

in Ranger

Posted by: Solandri.9640


That would be decent, however cele is very expensive to make.

You don’t make celestial trinkets. You get them for laurels, badges of honors, and guild commendations. So they cost the same as other trinkets.