Fun Is What Rangers Miss

Fun Is What Rangers Miss

in Ranger

Posted by: Bombsaway.7198


1. Balance changes are fine but not if I constantly am having to redo all my equipment. At some point, I get bored and quit playing or dread playing. Not fun.

Solution #1: Allow for the trading of “like” quality gear for different stats (including getting an enhancement token for a “like”. That way if a build like Zerker becomes less desirable for balancing purposes, the player is not penalized for changing.

2. Make pets more predictable. Nothing is more fun than things not working the way they are intended. Bugs suck.

Solution #2 Do something to make pets attack while moving more consistently. Even an over the top solution (not that we don’t need over the top help really) of increasing 360 range etc would at least not make us grind our teeth.

3. Fix Shortbow. It doesn’t like molehills.

Solution #3. No idea but at 1200 range it worked even when there was a slight elevation. Move it to 1200 at least temporarily if you can’t find a fix to the ever so frustrating obstructed bug.

4. Help us understand your vision for a ranger. We may disagree but at least we will understand. Confusion in customers is deadly.

Solution #4 Why not post a couple of builds developers anticipated as models. They don’t have to be ultra powerful, but how did you expect us to play the class. I suspect in doing so, it will help refine if traits, skills are out of place in lines/levels required.

5. Finishing is Fun.

Solution #5 We could use a bit more finishing variety. Good idea to allow for a blast finisher etc. on boards.

6. Ranger is missing a “defining moment” or set of “only me” skills

Solution #6 Next patch give the ranger something that really is “ours”. I keep thinking a ranger should be able to control the tempo of a fight. So things like adding cripple to a base attack of one weapon (longbow?) or blind to another (torch would seem logical) would be interesting. In short, what if the base attack of each weapon of the ranger created some “disability” (blind, weakness, vulnerability, cripple, etc) much like shortbow has bleed? You could add some restrictions (longbow only cripples at longer ranges etc). Then there is something a bit more unique about the ranger.

Sure we have pets but what do pets do that characters can’t? Too bad there were not pet specific conditions and boons that couldn’t be achieved by characters but that horse is out of the barn.

Therefore, I suggest our auto attacks do more than other characters. Relatively easy fix.

This also would address the issue of our sacrificing too much offense to get decent defense.

7. Matrix out the reason for taking a ranger in key situations WvW (zerg) WvW (small group), dungeons, spvp, tpvp. Did you come up with a compelling reason (not a superior but just a compelling or logical) reason. If you are frustrated creating the matrix, imagine players’ frustration.

Solution #7 Review a player generated matrix of potential roles for each scenario and gaps in our State of the Game discussion. Be prepared to discuss what can be done to provide proper roles if we provide such a document in advance of said State of the Game. Keep it to a small group/channel so it is productive and manageable.

We don’t need the TOP role, but a coherent one in each instance is critical to the fun factor. The cuteness of my birds and felines just not going to cut it with groups

Enough to chew on for now. My pet is hungry. Need to go feed her a thief.

Fun Is What Rangers Miss

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


I agree on the utilities, the #1 thing that keeps me from playing my ranger more is the total lack of unique things, I mean sure, traps and preps COULD HAVE been ours but they wanted to give thieves traps too (not against that) and then give them the prep skills we had (wtf Anet), spirits are, for all intents and purposes, banners, I’d love for my spirit to essentially be a “field” IE: Storm Spirit creates a lightning storm around it causing damage to enemies and giving swiftness to allies, Sun Spirit fills an area with intense light and heat causing burn and blind every second to enemies and might to allies etc.

I’m gonna keep playing my ele until my ranger gets some more interesting skills, or at the very least our auto attacks become awesome, I would do horrible and unspeakable things for LB1 to become Crip Shot….

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Fun Is What Rangers Miss

in Ranger

Posted by: Bombsaway.7198


I don’t pretend that some of the ideas could be overkill (or they could be quite balanced) that is what ANET needs to work out with their data and analytics, but in the meantime, simple to implement ideas that MIGHT work are the best chance of getting something accomplished.

Fun Is What Rangers Miss

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


I don’t pretend that some of the ideas could be overkill (or they could be quite balanced) that is what ANET needs to work out with their data and analytics, but in the meantime, simple to implement ideas that MIGHT work are the best chance of getting something accomplished.

Very true, I think we need something to make our utilities Unique because ATM we don’t have any unique utilities, or pretty much anything apart from our pet and the whole “rangers are sustain only, no burst” thing in how we deal damage ( that doesn’t phase me because I build for sustain anyway)

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Fun Is What Rangers Miss

in Ranger

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

Well, look at this way. Anet wanted to create a game devoid of class roles and do away with the holy trinity (I know, I’m laughing in disappointment also but hear me out) and Rangers are clearly the paragon of the Anet GW2 philosophy. We are tailor made for casuals and are capable of nothing that would make another class feel alienated.

I guess if nothing else, we excel at that.

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Fun Is What Rangers Miss

in Ranger

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


Rangers would be a lot more fun if anet had given us a decent pet system to work with. Right now, pets are just a portable DoT that can be easily killed, or mitigated simply by moving.

I’ve played several pay to win Korean/Chinese MMOs that had much more involved pet systems, which made me gravitate towards the pet classes.

I know not everyone wants to be saddled with a pet, but would you mind so much if you could use that pet to buff your own stats? Or if you had complete control over all their skills and movements? Or if certain pets granted you special boons unique to that pet family?

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

Fun Is What Rangers Miss

in Ranger

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

Rangers would be a lot more fun if anet had given us a decent pet system to work with. Right now, pets are just a portable DoT that can be easily killed, or mitigated simply by moving.

I’ve played several pay to win Korean/Chinese MMOs that had much more involved pet systems, which made me gravitate towards the pet classes.

I know not everyone wants to be saddled with a pet, but would you mind so much if you could use that pet to buff your own stats? Or if you had complete control over all their skills and movements? Or if certain pets granted you special boons unique to that pet family?

This would not only make the pet good but make the ranger a fun class to play.

I rarely ever used a pet in gw1 and even less so after they made them leave un-exploitable corpses (should have been pvp only but w/e). I picked ranegr again because I figured they had discovered how to make pets work this time around since they built it from the ground up as an integrated part and not just a specific build. Too bad they blundered that royally.

I actually kind of miss the GW1 unstoppable meat shield juggernauts that were pets.

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Fun Is What Rangers Miss

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


Rangers would be a lot more fun if anet had given us a decent pet system to work with. Right now, pets are just a portable DoT that can be easily killed, or mitigated simply by moving.

I’ve played several pay to win Korean/Chinese MMOs that had much more involved pet systems, which made me gravitate towards the pet classes.

I know not everyone wants to be saddled with a pet, but would you mind so much if you could use that pet to buff your own stats? Or if you had complete control over all their skills and movements? Or if certain pets granted you special boons unique to that pet family?

This would not only make the pet good but make the ranger a fun class to play.

I rarely ever used a pet in gw1 and even less so after they made them leave un-exploitable corpses (should have been pvp only but w/e). I picked ranegr again because I figured they had discovered how to make pets work this time around since they built it from the ground up as an integrated part and not just a specific build. Too bad they blundered that royally.

I actually kind of miss the GW1 unstoppable meat shield juggernauts that were pets.

Pet corpses ARE exploitable in GW1 bro, and GW1 pets were freaking amazing, especially if you took all pet skills, your pet just became a god amongst mere mortals as you shouted commands and twirled your baton in the back/midline xD

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Fun Is What Rangers Miss

in Ranger

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


Pet corpses ARE exploitable in GW1 bro,

I don’t know how long it’s been since you last played GW1, but pet corpses aren’t exploitable anymore. That trick was patched out some years ago when barrage/pet groups were still popular.

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

Fun Is What Rangers Miss

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


Pet corpses ARE exploitable in GW1 bro,

I don’t know how long it’s been since you last played GW1, but pet corpses aren’t exploitable anymore. That trick was patched out some years ago when barrage/pet groups were still popular.

I have played fairly recently and Olias seems to love turning Wilson into a bone fiend everytime he hits the floor…

EDIT: Ok i just tested it, i was wrong, they are not exploitable xD

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

(edited by Durzlla.6295)

Fun Is What Rangers Miss

in Ranger

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


Pet corpses ARE exploitable in GW1 bro,

I don’t know how long it’s been since you last played GW1, but pet corpses aren’t exploitable anymore. That trick was patched out some years ago when barrage/pet groups were still popular.

I have played fairly recently and Olias seems to love turning Wilson into a bone fiend everytime he hits the floor…

When one of my pets dies, the corpse is already exploited, and no one can do anything with it. But after all the buffs to GW1 pets, I rarely see them die.

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

Fun Is What Rangers Miss

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


Pet corpses ARE exploitable in GW1 bro,

I don’t know how long it’s been since you last played GW1, but pet corpses aren’t exploitable anymore. That trick was patched out some years ago when barrage/pet groups were still popular.

I have played fairly recently and Olias seems to love turning Wilson into a bone fiend everytime he hits the floor…

When one of my pets dies, the corpse is already exploited, and no one can do anything with it. But after all the buffs to GW1 pets, I rarely see them die.

Mine normally would die when like 6 mobs would be like “Lets all pop everything on that one Wolf! That’ll show him!!” And being a Dire pet he’s kinda in for it despite what i buff him with unless my healer decides to heal him, but they don’t… like ever..

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Fun Is What Rangers Miss

in Ranger

Posted by: Renner.2574


I agree on the utilities, the #1 thing that keeps me from playing my ranger more is the total lack of unique things, I mean sure, traps and preps COULD HAVE been ours but they wanted to give thieves traps too (not against that) and then give them the prep skills we had (wtf Anet), spirits are, for all intents and purposes, banners, I’d love for my spirit to essentially be a “field” IE: Storm Spirit creates a lightning storm around it causing damage to enemies and giving swiftness to allies, Sun Spirit fills an area with intense light and heat causing burn and blind every second to enemies and might to allies etc.

I’m gonna keep playing my ele until my ranger gets some more interesting skills, or at the very least our auto attacks become awesome, I would do horrible and unspeakable things for LB1 to become Crip Shot….

I love that idea for spirits, would make them a lot more useful and interesting in group fights.

Fun Is What Rangers Miss

in Ranger

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


I would actually love spirits being little auras around you, giving passive buffs to allies .