GS pvp
It is more than viable in spvp. I use a catmaster 0 10 30 0 30 bunker build variation with GS and SB. Being something like a dummy which distracts and opponent, while my cats do the job. I’ve tried lots of different builds and this is my favourite so far )
Best wishes!
Gs actually works very well in all venues. try giving this a shot?|1.1c.h2||1c.7r.1c.7r.1c.7r.1c.7r.1c.7r.1c.7r|2u.0.2u.0.3u.0.2u.0.3u.0.2u.0|a1.0.u4ac.u569.0|15.1||e
•Power is 2181 without Oil, 2388 with.
•Toughness equates to 42.14% damage mitigation.
•Max HP is 26,062 •You take 25% less damage w/ Barkskin when you have 6,515 hp or less.
•+10% damage when endurance is full
•+5% greatsword damage
•+5% damage when you have a boon
•-65% condition duration on you thanks to runes and food
•-25% stun duration on you
Conditions are going to slide off you. You’re very tanky. You’re very mobile. And you hit reliably hard without depending on the RNG garbage that is crit chance. Couple this with the innate evasion the greatsword auto-attack chain has and you have one serious beast of a Ranger … and he has a pet.
I ran this for awhile and had really great success, I used Gs and Sw/Dagger or Sw/wh
Could literally stand in necro wells, eat thief burst, parlay with trap rangers, and take 1v2’s and up to 3 no problem, you dont have much in the way of regen, you aren’t exactly bunker and you have next to no crit/crit damage but kitten you hit hard and you can take a serious beating.
I also put the 10 points in marksmanship and put it into BM
Yak’s Bend(TWIN) Racist against Sylvari
RRR Ranger and Warrior videos:
thanks guys!, appreciate all the info. GS/sword-wh sounds great. I would also be interested in GS/sb though, would anyone have any feedback as to how it performs?
SB works very well with it as well, I only used Sw/wh or sw/d because of the evades and the Combo field with sword and Healing Spring.
Yak’s Bend(TWIN) Racist against Sylvari
RRR Ranger and Warrior videos:
that is viable in Spvp/Tpvp even without the food buffs etc?
Yeah i had no issues with it
Yak’s Bend(TWIN) Racist against Sylvari
RRR Ranger and Warrior videos:
GS is rad. It pairs well with most of our traps and all of our weapons.
for tpvp you even can play gs/sb power build i run with knight or bersi in tpvp, compare to what the enemy or my team got. can be rly powerfull
you got nice pressure with the sb and a nice burst with gs 3+5+2 with pet you deal about 10k dmg, not so much like thiefs or other classes but you get better survivability and presure