Game-breaking issue with pet AI

Game-breaking issue with pet AI

in Ranger

Posted by: Charm.6085


One big issue that Anet has never even addressed and that has to do with pet AI is that when a pet is chasing a player or mob, it has to move and then stop and then attack and then catch up again and then attack etc etc. This makes a pet’s attack speed basically useless because it doesn’t continuously keep attacking and keeping up with the target. The AI works in a way that the damage output is already minimal if the target is constantly moving and this added to the huge pet damage nerfs makes a beastmaster Ranger utterly useless in terms of damage output.

I feel like if this AI problem were to be fixed, maybe the damage nerfs wouldn’t be so bad since my pet could actually do consistent damage. Before the nerfs, it wasn’t as big of a deal because a beastmaster pet did a lot of burst damage, but now.. this issue needs to be a top priority to fix.

Game-breaking issue with pet AI

in Ranger

Posted by: Chopps.5047


I think it’s by design so you have to snare them (I would consider a snare one of the following: chill, immobilize, cripple) then let the cat eat. Of course, things like moment of clarity and stun works well too in keeping a target still. Concussion shot is only a stun from behind though.

…Someone had a thread around here about what pets to use in what build/situation.

I think here:

Tin Foil Hat Hearer »—> Ranger Extraordinaire »—> “Be like water…”

Game-breaking issue with pet AI

in Ranger

Posted by: Sandpit.3467


Pets should be faster
Pets should have a closing move
Pets should attack and move