General Patch Discussion [merged]
GS, even wit hmaul and counter, does less dmg than 1h sword. well actually they do same dmg per hit but GS is half as fast.
All I read from this was
“My job is hard”.
You came on to calm us down after you stealth nerfed our class, pointing to a near by patch. That patch had nothing of substance in it. The class is still terrible, GS is still not a viable weapon even with the dps increase to one skill. Spirits still get one shot. Longbow is despite what you seem to think, a terrible skill (Warrior Rifle anyone?!).
I’m really appalled you dont seem to get your own game.
i play a necromancer as main, and our class is riddled with broken bugs and trait lines too so i know how you feel i also played the hunter class just to see or it was really that bad like everyone said..
and came to the conclusion it pretty much was and you people have a just reason to complain..
having a dev making promisses like that and then don’t deliver is just sad, i feel for the class and for the people who had high expectations..
Wow, what a kick in the stomach!
The 16 items of ‘quality of life’ changes and ‘significant ranger improvements’ we were promised turned out to be a bunch of tooltip and icon updates and minor buffs to some skills and traits that hardly anyone uses (3 buffs wasted on underwater skills??). Very disappointed.
We all understand that you are working very hard Jon, but we do not appreciate being lied to.
Back to levelling my elementalist I guess.
I’m still maining my level 80 ranger for pvp… I’ll just stick with my bleed build and continue as I always have… Ya a buff would have been nice… Yes we are heavily underpowered and glitched… I can stick it out though. Plus its funny when people don’t see you as a threat and then you proceed to steamroll over them. Brings a smile to my face at least…
Its fine, rifle warrior is the best sniper in game atm. I still wish for 1500 range on rifle but I cant help that.
Ranger buff to me would be: Perm Stow pet, get pet that is stowed related buff (bear: toughness power, Wolf: precision power etc.) and F2 will call your pet out to ambush your foe with that move.
Also add “Read the Wind (PvP) Preparation. (24 seconds). Your arrows move twice as fast”.
Sophea Sladorian – Charr Ranger – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Of Elements – Human Elementalist – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Now i can farm Shelks even faster underwater
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies
Hi Anders, I’m totally not here so skip this post and read on…
We made the improvements we had time to test. There are still more ranger improvements but when our time is limited we have to focus on things we know we can fix. Signets and shouts are still on the docket, and I suspect some of each of these will get some love in the next time around. As you can see a lot changed in this build for every profession and we have to test these changes as well.
I do still believe ranger is the profession in most need of improvement after this patch and we will continue to make those improvements. If we could fix everything at one time we would, but the reality is there are a limited # of hours to make changes.
I see a lot of talk about ranger weapons, but I don’t think that is the real problem. I think sword and longbow are both good weapons, which is why the changes take longer. The problems are deeper, in pets ability to hit moving targets, trait lines with not enough viable choices and skills that are often too specialized to really compliment the weapon builds. These aren’t things we can change overnight. The change to Greatsword block was in fact a very difficult change, but we made it because we knew it was the right thing to do.
There are >500 skills in this game, 480 traits, and 2 designers working on this. Even then often we are bottle necked by other issues. I’m not going to say we are not working on these things, nor can I say there are things we could have changed but just ran out of time on, but this was a patch that contained ranger improvements and it will not be the last one that does so. Maybe you want more than honesty but that is what I currently have to offer.
You can always use the weekly patches that always show up that fix bugs as a preway to fill in class fixes also instead of waiting for big patches that only happen monthly
meh, its a step in the preferred direction, cant complain
I think all of this is a little blown out of proportion, having 400+ hours on my ranger I can honestly say even if I’m disadvantaged numberwise, I can still hold my own.
You say that Ranger is the class that needs the most improvement. Yet the Elementalist change list was huge. Ranger change was tiny. You hardly spent ANY time on Rangers compared to Elementalists.
I think all of this is a little blown out of proportion, having 400+ hours on my ranger I can honestly say even if I’m disadvantaged numberwise, I can still hold my own.
This. I seriously dont have all these problems that others have. I use a GS too, so it’s good news for me.
im still a bad ranger, but i agree with this thread so far
I’m more worried about the fact that Jon told us that Sword and Longbow are fine.
Are we….playing the same game? o___0
ya I have to agree… I have roughly 350 hours on mine and still going… All I have to say is bring on the challanges…. Think of it this way… If you can play fairly well while we’re considered “underpowered” eventually they’ll rebalance the classes and fix all the bugs… You’ll go from “good” to “killing machine” in the blink of the eye… Because then you have all the skill and a none bugged class to let your skill shine through.
At least it is now clear what we can expect, and that is nothing.
He shouldnt have a job. I cant feel sorry for him. I’m done with GW2 if he is at the wheel of class design and gives excuses like this. He could have come to us days before hand and discussed his vision and time table for the class, not pray we didnt notice and come only when he was called out.
Thats basically his MO, stealth things in (like our short bow nerf) and then not own up to them until the community calls him out on it.
I would have appreciated an official:
“You really should try classes: x, y, z because A, B, C classes are not more “challenging” and will not easily be able to play while experiencing content"
When I started the game. At least then I could blame myself for picking a Ranger.
80 Ranger
Other professions were nerfed, rangers were not. That qualifies as a buff. Change your perspective, people; stop being irrational fools (the ragers).
I kind of feel sorry for Jon Peters. He is the only one that has to take the backlash that is starting to form all over the forums. Then again…it is his fault to start with….
True, but the backlash reasoning NEEDS to come across ANET, and I am particularly concerned about the last sentence of Jon Peters in which he says “honesty”. That is what has been severely lacking for rangers.
Think about it, animation glitch fix, then “substantial” changes only brings a stealth substantial nerf to traps CD (doubling the CD for a trap is substantial).
I think that people shouting curse words, asking for his head etc are blowing things out of proportion. But asking for honesty is something we should do and that we deserve after the way rangers have been treated in the last patches. ANET has seriously disappointed me in this aspect, guess it’s my fault for not knowing the company before…
Other professions were nerfed, rangers were not. That qualifies as a buff. Change your perspective, people; stop being irrational fools (the ragers).
Your right… It is a buff… but it isn’t quite fixing some of the larger class mechanic problems… With that being said… We found a way then. we’ll find a way now… At least now you know if you see a ranger doing good in pvp he has some serious skill =P
Hey, we at least got better damage with the first skill with harpoon gun. /sarcasm
He shouldnt have a job. I cant feel sorry for him. I’m done with GW2 if he is at the wheel of class design and gives excuses like this. He could have come to us days before hand and discussed his vision and time table for the class, not pray we didnt notice and come only when he was called out.
Thats basically his MO, stealth things in (like our short bow nerf) and then not own up to them until the community calls him out on it.
that seems to be the general mo of gw2 not just his.. good example was necromancers and there deathshroud and the trait line that suggested it increased deathshroud lifepool but really didnt so people got a trait line that only give critical hit damage and nothing else.. instead of 2 things..
only when someone did some tests on the necromancer forum and showed it didnt work they confessed it was broken and not working as intended.. and 2 weeks later it got fixed in this major patch
maybe you should take such an aproach too.. it seemed to work. do the work for them i mean..
no idea what you fixed, but my 2 biggest concerned arent fixed.
1. pets are still broken (attacking while moving + skill description total broken)
2. quickness does not work for stomping
I think all of this is a little blown out of proportion, having 400+ hours on my ranger I can honestly say even if I’m disadvantaged numberwise, I can still hold my own.
It’s possible that the outrage is a little over the top. Unfortunately, in my experience a little over the top complaining from customers is what gets the producers attention. They are much more likely to pay attention to the guy screaming bloody murder at them where other customers could see, than the guy who is politely asking if this is indeed the intended outcome.
Too many times have I seen the nice guy be reassured that everything is fine (when it’s not.) And too many times have I seen the prick who is making a scene get what he wants.
Kal Snow – Norn Guardian
this patch felt like i got punched in the stomach. i wasted my evening (my own mistake i guess) waiting for the patch, eager to play with new ranger builds. instead, i ended up deleting him.
You broke both the bows, promised changes to our weapons after we complained, then only updated the spear gun. Well played and thought out. I mean, to personally post and say you knew Rangers needed help the most, then put out a patch without a single valuable buff to Rangers? You trolled us all really good bro.
Wait…did you honestly post that you think longbow is in a good place, or is a good weapon? Let me check again to be sure, yup, yup you did. I now have zero faith in any of the changes you plan for this class, regardless of how long it takes you to finish them. Your opinion is simply not in the same ballpark as the players, and no amount of second chances are going to fix that.
No one asked for changes overnight, you have had weeks since you promised changes to this over-nerfed class. Stop playing innocent and trying to paint us as unreasonable children for being disappointed with this steaming pile you call patch notes. We expected a small move in the right direction, but you haven’t budged one inch. No, you spent those weeks addressing the super important underwater dps issues we have all been making suggestions about.
So now the time has come to announce the details of the help you promised us, and you do not have a single valuable buff to mention. When we ask why, you spit out this tripe and throw up your hands saying “I can’t fix everything at once people”. No, you cannot and no one asked for that. What you can do is to give priority to important or even relevant changes. You said that you were doing so for Rangers. You lied, plain and simple. Your continued and unapologetic failure at setting reasonable priorities for balance changes speaks volumes about what we can expect in the future.
What did we get in the patch you promised would help out our suffering class? A trap nerf, a buff to warrior bow damage, and a big fat trollface.jpg instead of a single valuable buff.
You win, I won’t play my Ranger anymore. My time is better spent elsewhere.
I kind of feel sorry for Jon Peters. He is the only one that has to take the backlash that is starting to form all over the forums. Then again…it is his fault to start with….
The problem isn’t with that original statement he gave saying Rangers would get big improvements. Considering that the post was made to pacify the outrage created over the recent patch having NOT A SINGLE RANGER CHANGE was necessary, and I’m sure if he hadn’t done it someone else would have.
The problem is that he and whoever he’s working with completely failed to come anywhere close to what was promised. These patch notes look like what Rangers should have been given last month, which means that Rangers are still significantly behind despite needing changes the most.
I’m legitimately curious as to what was even done with Rangers in that amount of time, considering he claimed many of the Ranger changes were already done last month but simply not tested enough to implement, and now he’s giving the same excuse.
Hi Anders, I’m totally not here so skip this post and read on…
We made the improvements we had time to test. There are still more ranger improvements but when our time is limited we have to focus on things we know we can fix. Signets and shouts are still on the docket, and I suspect some of each of these will get some love in the next time around. As you can see a lot changed in this build for every profession and we have to test these changes as well.
I do still believe ranger is the profession in most need of improvement after this patch and we will continue to make those improvements. If we could fix everything at one time we would, but the reality is there are a limited # of hours to make changes.
I see a lot of talk about ranger weapons, but I don’t think that is the real problem. I think sword and longbow are both good weapons, which is why the changes take longer. The problems are deeper, in pets ability to hit moving targets, trait lines with not enough viable choices and skills that are often too specialized to really compliment the weapon builds. These aren’t things we can change overnight. The change to Greatsword block was in fact a very difficult change, but we made it because we knew it was the right thing to do.
There are >500 skills in this game, 480 traits, and 2 designers working on this. Even then often we are bottle necked by other issues. I’m not going to say we are not working on these things, nor can I say there are things we could have changed but just ran out of time on, but this was a patch that contained ranger improvements and it will not be the last one that does so. Maybe you want more than honesty but that is what I currently have to offer.
Longbow is fine eh? I must respectfully disagree. But please ask those two guys working on traits to start talk to each other. You clearly have a case of the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing.
Warrior rifle trait – crack shot = piecing AND 20% cool down.
Ranger trait – piercing arrow.
Ranger trait – quick draw.
I guess Anet just doesn’t understand. I understand you guys though. So please buff my new main some more. I’m quite diggin’ my new warrior being able to plow through the story mode 5 lvls below the suggested lvl.
Dear Anet,
It will be very awesome if you can replace my level 80 ranger with a level 80 warrior so at least i know i did not waste my time. I’m very disappointed in this patch and the ranger class.
Thank you,
Jungle Wolf
Jon…come on…please think before you speak. Read what you just said.
I see a lot of talk about ranger weapons, but I don’t think that is the real problem.
There are >500 skills in this game, 480 traits, and 2 designers working on this. Even then often we are bottle necked by other issues.
First of all, you just admitted to believing the ranger community doesn’t know its own class or the problems with it. That’s like the Electoral College saying “Well, we understand the American population voted this way, but we know that’s not how they really feel, therefor we’ll just run the election in a way we think is best for them.”
Also, 2 designers working on class fixes?!?! 2!? I know this is not your personal authority but seriously?!? Do your superiors know you just revealed that piece of dreadful information to the entire community?
That being said, I appreciate that the ranger profession is finally receiving the long awaited (since beta) attention it deserves, so thank you. Just listen to the community and not the voices in your head please.
This is great news our devs have taken notice of our pleas to strengthen our underwater prowess! We shall now be able to eliminate the scourge of the ocean those menacing quaggans! Sure they look docile, but no doubt they eye our pets with hungry eyes. Let us commence our underwater takeover and build a ranger civilization in the murky depths. Fear us we are RANGERS!
The most disappointing day ever. ….Life is too short for this much negativity over a game.
It’s still kinda fun, in a masochistic way, to whine and complain. At least I think so anyway. That and I think rangers have a Job Complex.
Im just sad and irritated that I stuck up for them because they were such a great company, seems ranger is the redheaded step child again and I would have rather been ignored this patch compared to them talking about buffing us only to turn us into aquaman. This is saddening. John Peters this isnt hard, some fixes are much easier than making counter attack usable while moving. Fix the classes before coming up with new content.
Wow there’s a lot of anger in here. Let me just say this – 2 people working on traits/skills may seem like little but it’s not that unusual. I do think there should be more, given the massive number of skills/traits, but it’s not unusual for small teams to deal with specific aspects of a massive game. If you put all the small teams together you’ll have lots of people. Indie developers definitely don’t get 2 people to work on skills – they usually have what, 2-10 people, at most, working on the whole game? Big difference.
That said I doubt Jon calls all of the shots regarding what gets pushed and what doesn’t. There is a possibility the 2 designers screwed up and there is a possibility the balance/bug fixes were too complex to test properly.
Which doesn’t mean I’m happy, myself – I do have a ranger. Also I’m not sure how the longbow is good beyond its AoE attack (which is the only reason I keep one, I would like to get credit for dynamic events sometimes) – its regular attack is so slow that I do more damage to things while downed…
As for the trap cooldown, don’t worry; it’s a bug and it’s been stated it’s slated for fixing later tonight.
When the Largos become playable we shall all make Rangers.
Pinnacle Of Responsibility [Mom] – Yak’s Bend
We should organize and start our home in the Central lake’s borderlands.
Signets were not changed. Those that had no activation cast time today (such as Signet of Stone) had no activation cast time yesterday. Those that had cast times (such as Signet of the Wild) still have cast times.
Tarnished Coast
Wow there’s a lot of anger in here. Let me just say this – 2 people working on traits/skills may seem like little but it’s not that unusual. I do think there should be more, given the massive number of skills/traits, but it’s not unusual for small teams to deal with specific aspects of a massive game. If you put all the small teams together you’ll have lots of people. Indie developers definitely don’t get 2 people to work on skills – they usually have what, 2-10 people, at most, working on the whole game? Big difference.
That said I doubt Jon calls all of the shots regarding what gets pushed and what doesn’t. There is a possibility the 2 designers screwed up and there is a possibility the balance/bug fixes were too complex to test properly.
Which doesn’t mean I’m happy, myself – I do have a ranger. Also I’m not sure how the longbow is good beyond its AoE attack (which is the only reason I keep one) – its regular attack is so slow that I do more damage to things while downed…
As for the trap cooldown, don’t worry; it’s a bug and it’s been stated it’s slated for fixing later tonight.
I’ve seen bigger balance teams on indy titles. And considering Jon actually blamed that as the reason the class updates are a joke, well yeah.
Then I suggest the developers to sit their butts down and read the Ranger section if they ever want to make us happy.
Because currently we are not happy. These fixes just tells that the developers weren’t listening and just introduced more useless crap that benefitted little to the Ranger profession.
I don’t care about a new area in the Tyrian world. If this profession is not satisfying to play with, then there’s no devotion to explore the new content. Simple as that.
Sea of Sorrows
Wow there’s a lot of anger in here. Let me just say this – 2 people working on traits/skills may seem like little but it’s not that unusual. I do think there should be more, given the massive number of skills/traits, but it’s not unusual for small teams to deal with specific aspects of a massive game. If you put all the small teams together you’ll have lots of people. Indie developers definitely don’t get 2 people to work on skills – they usually have what, 2-10 people, at most, working on the whole game? Big difference.
That said I doubt Jon calls all of the shots regarding what gets pushed and what doesn’t. There is a possibility the 2 designers screwed up and there is a possibility the balance/bug fixes were too complex to test properly.
Which doesn’t mean I’m happy, myself – I do have a ranger. Also I’m not sure how the longbow is good beyond its AoE attack (which is the only reason I keep one) – its regular attack is so slow that I do more damage to things while downed…
As for the trap cooldown, don’t worry; it’s a bug and it’s been stated it’s slated for fixing later tonight.
Nobody would really care if only two people were working on skills and balancing but, it’s the fact that those two people don’t understand the problems of professions such as Ranger and they are spending their clearly valuable time making changed on classes that are clearly of a lesser priority.
I’ve tried to appreciate the gw2 style of pets working in unison with the ranger, though I never quite seem to find the perfect balance. Either the pet dies, or the damage is lacking, utility skills are limited to traps or 6-second signet effects, etc.. So I looked up to the next update that seemed to be have so much in store for us rangers! Unfortunately, it didn’t give more options to explore, and failed to fix bugs.
That said, as much as I am -disappointed- like many of you are, it is incredibly childish to insult people just because you can’t settle with a temporary drawback in a videogame world. I understand the frustration, but hateful insults will not help anyone.
As for me, I’m done with ranger. I wish I could keep all the progress on my next character though :/ I just don’t have the patience to wait for another two months in the hopes that the profession will finally fit into the game again.
Love <3
Never fear the trap nerf was a fair trade for our underwater might the dev gods granted us in return. After all no one needs flame traps where we’re going.
I figure we rangers will own the seas and will harvest much seafood. Which in turn will enable us as a profession to become economically superior by opening a seafood fast food chain in every city! Soon gems will line our harpoon guns and spears! “Quaggan Cuisine” it’ll be included in the next content patch!
Why am I reminded of BioWare’s empty promises of fixes and working content on a few patches yet never delivered anything useful for a few months of said patches dev time?
Hmmm, bringing false hope is not a really good way to keep people playing your game. I mean look what happened to SWTOR in only a few months after release, lack of content aside, many I played with left because of BioWare’s poor attempts at fixing serious issues.
Guess I’m going to shelve GW2 till my Ranger is fixed, came back a few days ago found out they were getting worked on so I got excited. Now, false information was given and I just don’t feel like logging in till I see actual work being done on the profession.
Really glad I don’t have to pay a monthly sub for this game, not even sure I’ll do the special event this weekend. Really disappointed with this patches “fixes” and lack of proper follow through on what was said would be in it.
Never fear the trap nerf was a fair trade for our underwater might the dev gods granted us in return. After all no one needs flame traps where we’re going.
I figure we rangers will own the seas and will harvest much seafood. Which in turn will enable us as a profession to become economically superior by opening a seafood fast food chain in every city! Soon gems will line our harpoon guns and spears! “Quaggan Cuisine” it’ll be included in the next content patch!
I can see it now. A new ranger skill
“kittenload of animals”
Release the hundreds of feral and rabid animals you hired some poor people to collect with your obscene wealth.
Cooldown depends on how many quaggan burgers were sold in the last quarter.
Do you know what’s the problem? You promised us some major adjustments on ranger one month ago. If you knew you have no time just don’t promise nothing! People was full of expectations. If you didn’t said nothing we weren’t all waiting anxiously, hoping in something good. Now it’s obvious all the people is disappointed.
Server: Piken Square
Leader of Dark Shines [Dsh]
guess my imagination got the better of me. im really tryin here guys. i also almost made a “GS is awesome” thread, but then i realized after 1 hour of testing that it really, really isnt awesome in any way lol.
Regardless. Signets are still useless.
Sea of Sorrows