General Patch Discussion [merged]
i like GS a lot as a secondary utility weapon. im enjoying GS/SB right now.
About that 100% map completion. They added 2 more new P.O.I’s in Lion Arch. No idea what was the point of this.
Sea of Sorrows
Pets definately need help every pet besides bears are not worth using because they die instantly in combat at higher levels. So all the glass pets need to start at bear levels and bears go up from there survivability wise. Also arrow travel times need addressed for both bows. Or better yet, both bows skills need to be adjusted like add damage to there utility or something. Shouts and spirits need a total rework as does some of the survival skills. Heck they can just say "hey we messed up! Lets rework this once proud class from GW1 and make it at least on par with other classes in GW2.
They should remove spirits 10 seconds cooldown for procs, makes no sense to buff the proc to 50% when traited and still having 10 seconds cooldown, at least lower it to 5 seconds.
Also pets should have that 30% move speed from trait by default without the trait, which would help hitting moving targets while Sigil of the Hunt should be buffed to at least 20%.
To help pets survive in PvE and PvP, maybe when we dodge apply some sort of invincibility for the pets that lasts 1 second or two just like if dodge also applied for the pets.
I really wasn’t expecting many changes, but they didn’t do any of the changes they claimed to be “on the work” for this patch. These changes look like they were made yesterday and not during a month. I’m still happy with my ranger tho.
(edited by Sleepy.2647)
I would like to see buff and fixes on the weapons which are totally underpowered. And pets being more responsive. And spirits don’t get one shot.
But what’s the point of giving constructive feedback? Couldn’t you see on this forum that there are already tons of thoughtful and constructive ideas on how the rangers can be fixed, yet we received 16 bullet points of almost nothing?
Fundamental bugs [e.g. 1H Sword root] didn’t get fixed. All we got is the harpoon gun buff?!
What’s the point of giving constructive feedback?
(edited by ocfallwind.4821)
I got it all figure out . For now on I’ll tank for my pet ! I just came to me as I was waiting for my new trap cool downs that’s the only thing we are good for now.
A slow far-sited wimpy meat shield. Yaaaaaaaaaa time to have fun !!!!!
I should mention, as a beastmaster, that pets are way more OP once you’re traited into them. I can send my Lynx into 5 mobs and go afk only to come back to everything being dead and my Lynx sitting there like “That was it? What’s next?” Group events are trivial with the heal on critical trait, I do supporting damage with my bow and he’ll chunk away at the bosses health. I do wish my character could do more damage though. Because my pet—traited for BM/damage—does more damage than I do—traited for condition or precision/power. That’s the only downside.
so all traps now have 30 secs cooldown ?
Shadow Legion of the Dovahkiin [ SLD ]
so all traps now have 30 secs cooldown ?
yep, enjoy double cooldown on the best (flame) trap.
Disappointed in my ability to pick professions.
Better luck next time, Rangers! Let’s not forget these changes were from the LAST patch cycle, where it was just nerfs.
Even though ranger was my first, my one 100% map character, I’ll be on my thief. Or any other class really. What a joke.
Patience, please. They’re doing it in steps.
My first character and the one I spent the most time on is a Ranger. I have 3 other level 80 alts, and I’m as disappointed as the rest of you. But there’s no reason for this outrage – I still have faith that there’s more in store for us. It doesn’t make sense for them to intentionally aggravate one demographic of players this badly unless they want the game to die.
birds can hit moving targets while dealing good dmg all the while..
we have been posting TONS of constructive feedback guys, the patch note released tonight proved that whatever we write they will (ofc) do whatever they want.
so all traps now have 30 secs cooldown ?
yep, enjoy double cooldown on the best (flame) trap.
so with the -20%cd its 24s… that sucks, rangers really took a big step back more than improving it, traps where already fine the way they where, instead of buffing us they nerfed us more.. guys i think we should stop complaining how bad our class is they might nerf us again… till there’s nothing left of rangers
Shadow Legion of the Dovahkiin [ SLD ]
Patience, please. They’re doing it in steps.
My first character and the one I spent the most time on is a Ranger. I have 3 other level 80 alts, and I’m as disappointed as the rest of you. But there’s no reason for this outrage – I still have faith that there’s more in store for us. It doesn’t make sense for them to intentionally aggravate one demographic of players this badly unless they want the game to die.
I only find the Ranger fun, I can’t bring myself to level another profession to 80. My highest either than the ranger is 46 and I touch her not often. I’ve actually never have stopped playing a game because of being an underperforming class. But today I have shelved gw2 until we get ACTUAL improvements. So probably next year, see you in 2013!
Nameless Accord [NA]
Your Cute [Babe] – Maguuma
I may have to give this whole beast master build a try then. Since condition trapping is bugged up right now Reichbane care to share you build good sir?
Disappointed in my ability to pick professions.
It’s always the ones that sound the coolest. “Want to be a force to be reckoned with? So attuned to nature that you can command animals? Fight foes from afar while your four legged friend rushes in the fight?!?!? Too bad, we hate rangers.”
Kal Snow – Norn Guardian
Yea, I’m disappointed. I don’t even like being in the water in this game.
Not only disappointed in just the patch but how this whole situation has been handled. I think I’m too used to great developer feedback/responses from playing LoL. It’s not just the response on the forums, it’s the patch previews they do where they explain changes they make and why they are making them. To me that shows that the developers are actively looking at the game and what needs to be changed. I appreciate the developer response but it was just very broad and it just created huge expectations for this patch. I think he bit off more than he could chew.
I don’t even play a ranger and yet it seems self-evident that the balance team has completely failed to appropriately prioritize their efforts. Perhaps anet needs to hire a product owner who understands the concerns of players to keep the designers focused on the best opportunities?
Or is that supposed to be JP’s job? Pretty embarrassing showing if so…
We have a class that does less damage than ANY other class, ranged or melee. Mr John Peters said that longbow doesn’t need any fixing when if fact it’s attacks get obstructed 10% of the time at least and it’s overall damage is less than what the warrior can do, especially now with the buff(not to mention other classes). Or that sword movement attacks are so gimmicky to a moving target. Not to mention that our attacks can easily be dodged just by strafing.
To make this class viable we need more damage OR more support to be useful and fulfill a role in a party. Spirits need to not die so fast and give more important buffs than those they have now if you wanna make a viable support build. But please hurry, people have already lost their patience. As for me, I am done waiting, I already started leveling a warrior until a new mmo comes out.
P.S. You sold millions and are still making money from the cash shop, yet you can only afford 2 game developers? Hire more.
Oh crap! Now I think they’ve gone too far. Splinter Shot got buffed. Prepare for the other professions to whine about the new terrors of the deep. (Note: emphasis on sarcasm)
Thats just hilarious! But be quiet they might nerf it!
Actually thinking of starting my Ranger over and calling him Scuba Steve. Just hang out in the lake in WvW.
lmfao. It’s the many comments like these since the patch notes hit that I’m almost glad ranger keeps getting shafted.
I am quite embarrassed with the personal attacks to that guy. I was looking forward to this patch and disappointed too, but these are not even criticism, just plain hatred.
Hey, at least he replied. It shows that they are looking at us. Better luck next time fellow rangers.
I couldn’t have even made up more ridiculous patch notes. It’s like they listened to the community, then did everything they could to avoid what was being talked about.
I, like the rest of you, am disappointed in this patch. We were first told that a ranger fix was in the works, but with no set date so we expected them for the Halloween update. We were then told that we should expect them for the 11/15 update. We waited, we gave suggestions, we were (for the most part) constructive. So I understand why many of you are so incensed.
But let’s keep in mind that JP is human, that he has noted that our class is the most in need of updates and that he’s working on them, and that it’s not his fault there are only two designers working on balancing professions. The guy’s doing his best, cut him some slack.
We should, however, suggest that ANet dedicates a few more designers to this task because of much uproar there is throughout the class forums. I would also like to suggest that Jon Peters communicate with us more to let us know that our thoughts are being taken into account and to let us know the progress on changes.
I should mention, as a beastmaster, that pets are way more OP once you’re traited into them. I can send my Lynx into 5 mobs and go afk only to come back to everything being dead and my Lynx sitting there like “That was it? What’s next?” Group events are trivial with the heal on critical trait, I do supporting damage with my bow and he’ll chunk away at the bosses health. I do wish my character could do more damage though. Because my pet—traited for BM/damage—does more damage than I do—traited for condition or precision/power. That’s the only downside.
This build sounds pretty awesome, you should totally share it!
@ Phandaria… Jon replying in broad answers to try and quite us all down is not a good response. Im used to playing MMO’s where the Devs interact with the players and even discuss the changes they had planned, and are not afraid to put up patch notes to let us the people who they affect the most discuss them and give feedback..
anyway no more ranting, im taking a break from this game.
I am quite embarrassed with the personal attacks to that guy. I was looking forward to this patch and disappointed too, but these are not even criticism, just plain hatred.
Hey, at least he replied. It shows that they are looking at us. Better luck next time fellow rangers.
Don’t worry man, you’re just seeing the loud and immature lot. I hope JP doesn’t think we’re all unappreciative, whiny kittenholes. It’s unfortunate, but that’s just how things have panned out. Reroll or play another game in the meanwhile. Remember, the game is still young.
How hard is it to fix #3 (Quick Shot) on the shortbow?
Hey guys, I just wanted to throw out some opinions into the mix here, as I am also disappointed in this patch. I know we were all expecting so much more, etc.
It definately sucks that this was what most of us had to look forward to, the buffs to spirits that get AoE 1-shotted, some greatsword buffs which didn’t really shake the tree on our diversity (a lot of rangers use a greatsword anyway) and no definitive answer on pet fixes.
However, with that being said, if there is one thing I take away from this with some joy, it’s that Anet acknowledges this problem has yet to be rectified. We’ve all played enough MMO’s in the past to know we can all talk about times where class balance has been severely compromised in a game and the dev’s simply say “That ability where that class can insta-win is working as intended, as are the powers that are really just place holders for nifty button decals that your class has.” In this case, Anet has told us that we are still the most underpowered class in the game. I think this is the biggest victory we can find thus far, however shallow it is, that they know we need big changes STILL.
While I’d urge people play other classes that they will enjoy more, especially if they’re at lvl 80 on their rangers already, I don’t think threatening Anet will help. Anet is going to rope a ton of people into this game with these free weekend trials and stuff, people who dont read the forums, will try the ranger, level slowly because this game caters severely towards casuals, and by the time they ding 80 and realize how bad rangers were, they’ll have already fixed them.
If the Dev’s are reading this, it would probably be in your best interest to give some hard information regarding what changes are in store for the Ranger class, seeing as you did openly mislead the player base with the last Dev-post prepatch. You’ve alienated an entire portion of your playerbase, your best source for info on your shortcomings, by giving boons to Warriors and underwater combat buffs to Rangers. With only 2 people testing class balance (LOL, and to think, 90% of the ANet fanboi’s in this game who call Blizzard “The big bad wolf” or this game a “WoW-killer” are crying over the omission that you only have 2 dudes testing class balance,that alone is worth 1,000 laughs for me, anyone who ever called this game a WoW-killer deserves to be tarred and feathered for stupidity) the playerbase is probably your best resource for info at this point. You guys ought to step up and give the community an idea of how/when this class will progress to be equal to it’s competitors.
Pretty difficult it seems. I’m surprised when John Peter’s said there’s only TWO developers working throughout all the professions.
Sea of Sorrows
this patch definitely made me quit my ranger… dumb pet AI, lowest dps class in game and to add to that traps have longer cool downs.. yeah, definitely a force to be reckon with… why did i ever had to pick ranger as a main
Shadow Legion of the Dovahkiin [ SLD ]
But what’s the point of giving constructive feedback? Couldn’t you see on this forum that there are already tons of thoughtful and constructive ideas on how the rangers can be fixed, yet we received 16 bullet points of almost nothing?
Fundamental bugs [e.g. 1H Sword root] didn’t get fixed. All we got is the harpoon gun buff?!What’s the point of giving constructive feedback?
What’s the point in being so negative? What’s the alternative: whine and threaten designers? No thank you. As I stated, I have a vested interest in seeing the Ranger class improve. While changes didn’t happen this patch, this does not mean changes won’t happen in the future. I believe if we discuss point in a constructive, positive way, we as players can help give developers a new perspective and ideas that they can hopefully play with.
Anyways. I think that buffing pet survivability is a tricky thing. The problem with pets is that they get one-shotted really easily on high-level content. But the thing is, so do most players. If you buff pet hp to a point where they can survive, then that means you’re making them INCREDIBLY hard to kill, even during normal circumstances.
However, the reason why players are able to get through high-level content is due to smarter positioning and ability to dodge. So there’s two potential solutions to tackle this problem
1. Better pet AI. Pets will avoid AOEs when they detect red circles, or try to escape red circles if they are already on it. Implementing this can be problematic, since it takes away control from players. So if a player wants to activate a skill while a pet is moving out of a way, what happens? Does the pet ignore the player? Or remain in the aoe and attempt to use the skill?
2. Pets gain invulnerability when you roll. Players dodge many many many life-threatening damage sources by rolling. So why not give pets invulnerability frames when the player rolls? That way, especially in dungeons, when players are dodging a boss attack, the pet will survive also on virtue on the player’s skills.
Because you fell for the cheap ads the game sold towards the ranger class, hiding the fact that its the least prioritised concern to fix all the 9000 and 1 issues.
Sea of Sorrows
Another bug they still haven’t fixed, pets still don’t remember their names.
Wow I was raging earlier, thinking this is just going to damage the community a bit. I was also thinking I will wait a bit longer since I can just play Black Ops 2 and try that out. Then I remembered…..that Thanksgiving and Christmas are around the corner. No doubt ANet employees are going to be on holidays like crazy and working on events rather than our Rangers. Sigh.
Constructive?….are you kidding me? you get on and tell us to be constructive with our thoughts? Wasn’t that what we all were doing when they first told us of a update coming? Wasn’t that the reason for the update in the first place? Because we all got on and gave our “constructive” thoughts on the ranger…and they completely ignored us…not one highly talked about change was made to the ranger and you tell us now to get constructive again? It pointless my good sir.
(edited by Casey.9687)
Thief has the same exact skill on their shortbow and it works perfectly…
The fact that we didnt get anything last patch and now you try and satisfy us with… lets call it what it is, rubbish fixes seriously no excuse the fact that you have time to put out 2 patches for other classes to our 1, is bad enough.
Dont make false promises you cant keep, it just makes the backlash 10x worse when you dont deliver.
“I think sword and longbow are both good weapons”
Yeah, being glued to your target and not being able to dodge properly is fine.
Eine familiäre, erwachsene, PvX-orientierte Feierabend-Gilde auf Flussufer/Riverside
There are >500 skills in this game, 480 traits, and 2 designers working on this. Even then often we are bottle necked by other issues. I’m not going to say we are not working on these things, nor can I say there are things we could have changed but just ran out of time on, but this was a patch that contained ranger improvements and it will not be the last one that does so. Maybe you want more than honesty but that is what I currently have to offer.
What happened to the two months that rangers went untouched? Nothing. I don’t care how many people you have working on staff, the class system is only as good as its’ weakest link, and as of now (and since launch), has been rangers. Do you honestly for a second believe that underwater buffs, hell, underwater combat in general is an important aspect in this game? It’s not, despite what you WANT to be believe.
I believe that EVERY-SINGLE-RANGER player is severely mad at you now due to this one simple fact: you lied to us. Please don’t try and justify the actions of staff not doing something because their time was filled with other classes. If you had simply apologized to us and said “I am sorry for lying to you all, due to time constraints we were not able to fulfill our promise to you and work on the class more.” You honestly overlooked rangers in every aspect of this patch, completely forgetting about us, it’s just simply unfair to us.
We are mad, promises were broken, you yourself stated the classes utilities were useless, and to this day we remain a still broken class. People (ranger players) are just going to simply quit because:
A.) No one in their right mind will take a ranger into these new dungeons, they have nothing to offer groups save Healing Springs and an elite with a ridiculously long CD.
B.) No one wants to level up a new class, not when they have fully exo’d their ranger, putting hundreds of hours into it.
C.) They will not want to stick around for the next two-three months before you actually get a decent patch in.**
**pertaining to C.):
If you only have two people working on this, not to mention the other details you claimed to be working on (that prevented you from fixing this class) in which you stated two months ago would happen (today), this class will not be fixed in the near future. We will be better off making a new class that still remains intact or quitting the game altogether. As of now our 80 exo’d rangers are only good for gathering Orichalcum.
Longbow is the least describable thing to ‘a good weapon’. Far from it. All those obstruction text bugs and the easy strafe misses makes it a horrindous weapon.
To be fair. Longbow is only good in PvE. At most. Why you ask?
Because the A.I targets don’t move as rapidly compared to a competitive player.
Sea of Sorrows
(edited by YumCHA.8706)
Actually Casey, if you read JP’s original post, they already made most of the ranger changes weeks ago but they were too much of a “risk factor” (Most took this to mean “game-breaking”, but I conclude they were talking about the kittentorm they’d cause – for laughs I have to assume). So really, they’d already “fixed” the ranger before JP updated us. They never implied they were actually looking for suggestions from the player base. Which became obvious hours ago.
but we gave them further suggestions plenty
You guys might as well get rid of the ranger class altogether. Maybe we can fit in with the pirates for some underwater exploration because apparently thats all we’re “good” for. Oh yeah might as well throw away my first month playing this game getting my ranger to 80. Wasted time by now.
Officer of Warriors and Rebels [WaR]
Gate of Madness
i think taking the pet away is a stupid idea.
They fixed the Ranger trap cooldowns, however they broke the 20% cooldown reduction trait.
Really completely unacceptable. Sorry Jon, I understand you guys are working hard and have limited resources, but so many other classes got so much more attention. We’ve made it blatantly obvious about our priorities, 90% of rangers are in agreement on them, and ZERO of them got addressed.
You can’t put a band aid on it this time. If you care about this portion of your player base… Please. We need a specific list of what you’re going to fix and by when, and you need to make Ranger the priority over other classes. Now.
Wraath – [DDH] Darkhand
Ranger of Blackgate
35% or 50% chance to trigger is still bullkitten when they can get one shot by a rabbit.
I’m disappointed ArenaNet. You buff our underwater skills and barely make a change to anything else other than random bug fixes. A good 80% of this game is land combat, 5% is water combat in HotW, and the other 15% is because I was swimming through water and a monster pulled me down.
We kinda wanted change to, you know, our terrible signets, ridiculous pet AI, and other utility skills. Not to mention Quickening Zephyr only reducing the cast time of Crossfire by 1/4th instead of 1/2 like it should.
I’m really disappointed.
The Dragonfly Effect [Phi]