General Patch Discussion [merged]

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Mere Image.8376

Mere Image.8376

I play a mesmer and we got picked on too, I’m also rerolling a warrior or quitting the game because I hate dumb classes that get huge bursts to make up for their stupidity.

Server: Ehmry Bay
Guild: Commanders of the Reborn Empire Nation [CORE]
Level 80 Professions: Mesmer, Warrior, Thief

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Toma.6874


Thanks Anet for doing nothing to Rangers and split at us with these changes seariously that was it ?

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: bri.2359


Hi Anders, I’m totally not here …


Pretty much says it all …

Lvl 80’s: Ranger; Guardian; Mesmer; Necromancer; Thief
Gandara Megaserver

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Red Jay.2516

Red Jay.2516

After all the promises and false hopes, this feels like a slap in the face.

Rerolling now. I’m leaving ranger to bots.

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Iil.7349


Hi Anders, I’m totally not here so skip this post and read on…

We made the improvements we had time to test. There are still more ranger improvements but when our time is limited we have to focus on things we know we can fix. Signets and shouts are still on the docket, and I suspect some of each of these will get some love in the next time around. As you can see a lot changed in this build for every profession and we have to test these changes as well.

I do still believe ranger is the profession in most need of improvement after this patch and we will continue to make those improvements. If we could fix everything at one time we would, but the reality is there are a limited # of hours to make changes.

I see a lot of talk about ranger weapons, but I don’t think that is the real problem. I think sword and longbow are both good weapons, which is why the changes take longer. The problems are deeper, in pets ability to hit moving targets, trait lines with not enough viable choices and skills that are often too specialized to really compliment the weapon builds. These aren’t things we can change overnight. The change to Greatsword block was in fact a very difficult change, but we made it because we knew it was the right thing to do.

There are >500 skills in this game, 480 traits, and 2 designers working on this. Even then often we are bottle necked by other issues. I’m not going to say we are not working on these things, nor can I say there are things we could have changed but just ran out of time on, but this was a patch that contained ranger improvements and it will not be the last one that does so. Maybe you want more than honesty but that is what I currently have to offer.


What is this guy, an amateur? And he is one of the two guys doing the whole class balance thing? This will end in tears.

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Awesomeluke.9581


I think its time for me to put my bow down, start wearing heavy armour and carry a long sword around, seems that Anet value those type of charecters more then anything…

Ill deffinatly play my ranger again as soon as SIGNIFICANT changes have happened tho…

Goodbye Baloo my bear.

Also, goodbye my wasted arachnophobia skin…

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Rhongomyniad.5081


Appreciate the honesty Jon but I must say I am extremely disappointed with this patch. Judging by your first post I was anticipating way more fixes. Also it seems quite troubling that you only have 2 designers working on all these issues .. it seems like a manpower issue more than sluggishness or unwillingness on you and your teams part.

Looks like the whole free to play concept is truly bittersweet …

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: bluesnacks.2301


TL;DR: Generic Ranger post. Mr. Peters straight up lied in both his posts yo, ranger community is overreacting.

I do in fact have suspicions that Mr. Peters is a novice in public relations and balancing in that he buffs the class he plays (warrior) for obvious favor reasons.

He has not shown any evidence to the contrary, and he has lied at this point. Even if he meant it with well intentions when he first mentioned the post for rangers it has escalated to this point without so much as a whisper from him. This disaster could have been mostly avoided if he only put up a one sentence post with explanations.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure he’s a nice guy. Seems cool enough. I would prefer not to judge but based on what he’s shown so far it’s not looking that great. AN also probably forces him to post things anyways just to say “we keep contact with our players.” In this instance he’s the target of all the anger Rangers have and he probably doesn’t want to even post. I doubt he would even want to log onto the game at this point and listen to this storm.

It’s just that if he was experienced he should know never to promise things he can’t deliver (at least not give a concrete time). The team should also not be spending time on incredibly stupid changes to classes, which is what these were. Incredibly stupid changes, which to me screams incompetence and focus on your precious favorite class that you play. You could not deliver a single major update that you yourself have said we needed, even though you also said we are a class that needs serious help. Warriors do not need serious help. This logically tells us you’ve not been working on them because we have not heard of anything from you about progress. It has been months and there is nothing to show for it except what appears to be hastily scrambled fixes near deadline to appear like you’ve done something. Mr. Peters, you’re not fooling anyone right now. These changes were not justified as what you claimed.

Also, Rangers, stop saying the word nerf. You sound dumb. We’re the same as we were before the patch plus a little stronger, only in terrible areas. It’s likely we received the underwater update because a lot of this upcoming event is underwater where we need a spear gun and an eye-patch. Also, I’d hate to be this guy, but it’s just a game and Mr. Peters is just doing his job. It’s not worth turning someone into a forum pariah. It’ll be fixed eventually, or the company will crash and burn.

If anything, you should probably thank the team that designed this event because they kicked the balancing team into a mad scramble to, god forbid, actually do their job and make things better for us in a certain area.

Quand on parle du loup, on en voit la queue.

(edited by bluesnacks.2301)

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Akimbo.4835


Warrior longbow auto-attack recieved a buff.

Ranger…..well we recieved an underwater buff. Just what we needed right!?

I was looking forward to doing the new content with my new super-buffed-ranger-of-pwnage. Instead we got screwed. Again.

Anet clearly has no idea wtaf it’s doing.

“I see a lot of talk about ranger weapons, but I don’t think that is the real problem.” – Rangers = Doomed.

(edited by Akimbo.4835)

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: MeGaZlo.9516


TL;DR: Generic Ranger post. Mr. Peters straight up lied in both his posts yo, ranger community is overreacting.

I do in fact have suspicions that Mr. Peters is a novice in public relations and balancing in that he buffs the class he plays (warrior) for obvious favor reasons.

He has not shown any evidence to the contrary, and he has lied at this point. Even if he meant it with well intentions when he first mentioned the post for rangers it has escalated to this point without so much as a whisper from him. This disaster could have been mostly avoided if he only put up a one sentence post with explanations.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure he’s a nice guy. Seems cool enough. I would prefer not to judge but based on what he’s shown so far it’s not looking that great. AN also probably forces him to post things anyways just to say “we keep contact with our players.” In this instance he’s the target of all the anger Rangers have and he probably doesn’t want to even post. I doubt he would even want to log onto the game at this point and listen to this storm.

It’s just that if he was experienced he should know never to promise things he can’t deliver (at least not give a concrete time). The team should also not be spending time on incredibly stupid changes to classes, which is what these were. Incredibly stupid changes, which to me screams incompetence and focus on your precious favorite class that you play. You could not deliver a single major update that you yourself have said we needed, even though you also said we are a class that needs serious help. Warriors do not need serious help. This logically tells us you’ve not been working on them because we have not heard of anything from you about progress. It has been months and there is nothing to show for it except what appears to be hastily scrambled fixes near deadline to appear like you’ve done something. Mr. Peters, you’re not fooling anyone right now. These changes were not justified as what you claimed.

Also, Rangers, stop saying the word nerf. You sound dumb. We’re the same as we were before the patch plus a little stronger, only in terrible areas. It’s likely we received the underwater update because a lot of this upcoming event is underwater where we need a spear gun and an eye-patch. Also, I’d hate to be this guy, but it’s just a game and Mr. Peters is just doing his job. It’s not worth turning someone into a forum pariah. It’ll be fixed eventually, or the company will crash and burn.

If anything, you should probably thank the team that designed this event because they kicked the balancing team into a mad scramble to, god forbid, actually do their job and make things better for us in a certain area.

I agree. The patch does fix, in fact, none of the outlined problems. A feeling that is working on balancing all but ranger. I think if been said that the fix for the rangers are not ready and will put in the next patch – would be less resentment from the community.

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: wmtyrance.3571


Nothing about Bows. This game is losing my interest anyways. First the new gear thing and now this joke of a class fix that i waited for.

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: plug.4276


Thx Anet, my ranger will now sit on a shelf, after 500+ hours played, this patch was ridiculous, what a joke.

Ëncre – Human guardian – [LEAD]

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Eliteseraph.4970


I was mostly enjoying finishing off my ranger to 80 over the last couple weeks. I stopped once I dinged 80 because I knew there wasn’t a whole lot of point in playing and gearing out the character with big changed on the horizon to improve the class. I was ok with this because I anticipated being able to drop some serious level cap time into the character after the patch.

And then I saw the patch notes and all desire to continue playing GW2 left me. I’m not even interested in the holiday events. I’ve seen this kind of thing in so many other MMOs. The devs promise or hint that things will be fixed, and claim that they listen to their players about problems, but then turn around and do something that makes absolutely no sense at all.

Players HATE this kind of thing. It literally drives them to play other games. I don’t know what the game developers are thinking. I don’t know what the person in charge of the ranger class is thinking. But I DO know that this kind of behavior by game designers and developers isn’t acceptable.

There are so many other game releases going on this month and next month before Christmas. Now is NOT the time you want to be letting your players down, because they WILL drop your game and move on to something better.

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Loki.4871


I’ll agree he seems to be a nocive in PR; most people making mods usually stay very quiet about balance patches for exactly the sort of excrement-hurricane that’s happened here. THey say there’s a balance patch coming, people work themselves up and convince themselves that the patch is doing to do exactly what they want, then apparently they’ve invested shares into this patch and won’t accept a refund when it’s not what they wanted.
Let’s remind ourselves exactly what we were told:

Poof! Someone called and I am here. We made some ranger changes this patch, but had to go back on them because of risk factor. There are some bugs being fixed and quality of life improvements coming in the next patch, as well as some other significant ranger improvements.

While we work hard to keep updates going on all professions, not very build us going to contain fixes for everyone due to the nature of software development. One problem with rangers is the lack of build diversity created by a number of sub par utility skills. Many signets, a shout or two, and spirits are all a bit lackluster. That is the first place to expect improvements. Second is trying to improve the feel/ pacing on some weapons.

Notice how at no point a longbow damage buff was ever mentioned. Heck, weapon damage was never mentioned, the post implied erganomics were being
Some bugs were fixed: an offhand skill now works with the off-hand trait, Whirlinh Defence works a bit better with combo’ing in fiends, the traits is beastmaster display the right icons.
The rest? All buffs.
-Greatsword’s better; I wasn’t expecting a damage buff (which was a nice surprise) and the ability to block on the move has certainly changed the pacing of the weapon as a whole. Before it could be quite a static weapon, but now you can be a bit more mobile because of that change to the block.
-Spirits have more health, Spirits being one of the things he specifically mentioned as needing a buff
-The Harpoon gun has been buffed (along with other classes underwater weapons) so underwater combat has some more interesting mechanics. Also, damage buff.

I’m not saying this is the BESTEST PATCH EVAR for rangers. I’m disappointed the shouts and signets didn’t get any love this time. I was hoping the longsword might lose the ‘roots you while autoattacking’ thing and I have a quite hope that the Beastmaster traits get flat-out overhauled (The tier 2 ones seem fairly pointless as they are, honestly)

However, the patch did largely what I was expecting, for Rangers.

Those of you who were expecting something along the lines of ‘longbow damage made so a ranger can beat the class specifically designed to win 1v1 with weapons and undermine that class’ role as a heavy hitter using only weapons’ were setting yourselves up for dissapointment. I pointed this out several days ago:
Everyone was too busy working themselves up and convincing themselves that what they wanted to happen was going to be true. He didn’t have to come and post a “Update soon rangers!” message. He didn’t even need to come and talk afterwards to try and explain himself to a bunch of children crying that they didn’t get what they wanted; something never specifically mentioned or even really hinted at. Now you’re howling and raging, accusing him of lying despite doing largely exactly what he said he would when he came in and gave us the good news. Something I suspect he’s not going to bother with next time to avoid foolish people convincing themselves things that are at best unlikely to happen will; then complain loudly and shrilly when it doesn’t.

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: moirweyn.9872


That was a pretty kitten weak patch there. I wasn’t expecting an “I Win” button or anything but, something to make my traps a little more… you know what, nevemind, it’s ok, all is right in the world because…

Thieves got buffed…

W T F ?

“There are two types of people in the world…and I don’t like them.”

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Dokuroizo.5348


I’ll agree he seems to be a nocive in PR; most people making mods usually stay very quiet about balance patches for exactly the sort of excrement-hurricane that’s happened here. THey say there’s a balance patch coming, people work themselves up and convince themselves that the patch is doing to do exactly what they want, then apparently they’ve invested shares into this patch and won’t accept a refund when it’s not what they wanted.
Let’s remind ourselves exactly what we were told:

Poof! Someone called and I am here. We made some ranger changes this patch, but had to go back on them because of risk factor. There are some bugs being fixed and quality of life improvements coming in the next patch, as well as some other significant ranger improvements.

While we work hard to keep updates going on all professions, not very build us going to contain fixes for everyone due to the nature of software development. One problem with rangers is the lack of build diversity created by a number of sub par utility skills. Many signets, a shout or two, and spirits are all a bit lackluster. That is the first place to expect improvements. Second is trying to improve the feel/ pacing on some weapons.

Notice how at no point a longbow damage buff was ever mentioned. Heck, weapon damage was never mentioned, the post implied erganomics were being
Some bugs were fixed: an offhand skill now works with the off-hand trait, Whirlinh Defence works a bit better with combo’ing in fiends, the traits is beastmaster display the right icons.
The rest? All buffs.
-Greatsword’s better; I wasn’t expecting a damage buff (which was a nice surprise) and the ability to block on the move has certainly changed the pacing of the weapon as a whole. Before it could be quite a static weapon, but now you can be a bit more mobile because of that change to the block.
-Spirits have more health, Spirits being one of the things he specifically mentioned as needing a buff
-The Harpoon gun has been buffed (along with other classes underwater weapons) so underwater combat has some more interesting mechanics. Also, damage buff.

I’m not saying this is the BESTEST PATCH EVAR for rangers. I’m disappointed the shouts and signets didn’t get any love this time. I was hoping the longsword might lose the ‘roots you while autoattacking’ thing and I have a quite hope that the Beastmaster traits get flat-out overhauled (The tier 2 ones seem fairly pointless as they are, honestly)

However, the patch did largely what I was expecting, for Rangers.

Those of you who were expecting something along the lines of ‘longbow damage made so a ranger can beat the class specifically designed to win 1v1 with weapons and undermine that class’ role as a heavy hitter using only weapons’ were setting yourselves up for dissapointment. I pointed this out several days ago:
Everyone was too busy working themselves up and convincing themselves that what they wanted to happen was going to be true. He didn’t have to come and post a “Update soon rangers!” message. He didn’t even need to come and talk afterwards to try and explain himself to a bunch of children crying that they didn’t get what they wanted; something never specifically mentioned or even really hinted at. Now you’re howling and raging, accusing him of lying despite doing largely exactly what he said he would when he came in and gave us the good news. Something I suspect he’s not going to bother with next time to avoid foolish people convincing themselves things that are at best unlikely to happen will; then complain loudly and shrilly when it doesn’t.

How is that warrior working out for you? Solo’d a legendary yet?

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: bluesnacks.2301


Everyone was too busy working themselves up and convincing themselves that what they wanted to happen was going to be true. He didn’t have to come and post a “Update soon rangers!” message. He didn’t even need to come and talk afterwards to try and explain himself to a bunch of children crying that they didn’t get what they wanted; something never specifically mentioned or even really hinted at. Now you’re howling and raging, accusing him of lying despite doing largely exactly what he said he would when he came in and gave us the good news. Something I suspect he’s not going to bother with next time to avoid foolish people convincing themselves things that are at best unlikely to happen will; then complain loudly and shrilly when it doesn’t.

Poof! Someone called and I am here. We made some ranger changes this patch, but had to go back on them because of risk factor. There are some bugs being fixed and quality of life improvements coming in the next patch, as well as some other significant ranger improvements.

While we work hard to keep updates going on all professions, not very build us going to contain fixes for everyone due to the nature of software development. One problem with rangers is the lack of build diversity created by a number of sub par utility skills. Many signets, a shout or two, and spirits are all a bit lackluster. That is the first place to expect improvements. Second is trying to improve the feel/ pacing on some weapons.

The bolded parts are the blatent lie. I’m not saying nobody had immature expectations of this patch. I expected literally nothing. In honesty I love my Ranger and will play regardless of patches. I just hate being lied to.

Really every class lost on this patch save for warriors, who came out slightly on the positive end with an oddly placed buff. I just find it weird that Mr. Peters mains the class that has never received a nerf.
Oh, and, uh:

I’m not saying this is the BESTEST PATCH EVAR for rangers.

It actually is so far, which is the problem because it sucks.

Quand on parle du loup, on en voit la queue.

(edited by bluesnacks.2301)

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Loki.4871


How is that warrior working out for you? Solo’d a legendary yet?

I find warrior toe-curlingly boring actually; mine’s been at level 56 for weeks, while my ranger was level 80 3 days into release. It’s simply that unlike some people, I expect a class who’s sole defining characteristic of being the ‘best’ with weapons to be exactly that, while the class that uses an animal companion to augment damage and compensate for the difference between weapon damage to do exactly that.
Something far too many people don’t, clearly.

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Clovis.7386


I understand that there are only 2 developers working on this…. but come on Jon, you must have seen this reaction coming right?

Thanks for your hard work.

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Dokuroizo.5348


How is that warrior working out for you? Solo’d a legendary yet?

I find warrior toe-curlingly boring actually; mine’s been at level 56 for weeks, while my ranger was level 80 3 days into release. It’s simply that unlike some people, I expect a class who’s sole defining characteristic of being the ‘best’ with weapons to be exactly that, while the class that uses an animal companion to augment damage and compensate for the difference between weapon damage to do exactly that.
Something far too many people don’t, clearly.

SO you really think, that the ranger, which class description says: “Unparalleled Archer” , is SUPPOSED to be weaker then the warrior, the average sword and board/hammer pound away dude.

And of course, the ranger’s special thing is the use of nature’s own animals. Which kind of ups the question, are animals in Tyria mentally kitten They almost kitten themselves when a target is moving.

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Dokuroizo.5348


Love your post buttercup, I really do.

I think it’s just a waste of time though. He/They won’t come in here and face the hornets nest. They are playing their warriors!
I would like to drop some F-bombs but I am just … worn out now. There is NO communication. No responsibility being taken or choices defended.
It’s the equivalent of a child breaking his friends toy and then storms off home trying to either ignore it to death or simply deny it.

We aren’t getting a response. I have been looking over the Def-tracker subforum, and representatives are responding all over the place, except on the profession sub-forums. They are afraid, they KNOW they kittened up. But you know what, we have new content to push! And don’t forget the winters holiday coming.


You don’t deserve my money, bah!

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Velimirius.7018


Well said.
All those “significant” improvements are amazing, totally gonna roll 4 more rangers cuz they are so awesome now.

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Mzur.7502


How about they let us use underwater weapons on land, might not be very strong but at least it looks like our main combat field that is the ground got buffed

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Fizz.4170



I’m a player of GW1 and have now arrived in Guild Wars 2 with the hope of a balanced game … kitten ….. we are taking for fools? you make cocaine? It ’the only explanation that I have found to respond to these changes unnecessary, totally unnecessary changes. Do you have a whole class since its release the game has not changed but a NERF completely useless for YOUR BUG graph. I feel outraged and disgusted by what you are doing ….

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Loki.4871


SO you really think, that the ranger, which class description says: “Unparalleled Archer” , is SUPPOSED to be weaker then the warrior, the average sword and board/hammer pound away dude.

The Warrior’s description states “Warriors are masters of weaponry”. Not “melee” weaponry but “weaponry”. As in “all weapons, including ranged ones”. You’re shoving previous mmorpg conventions onto the Warrior just as you are with the Ranger

In the first beta weekend, the Warrior could (often did) lose to the ranger; the Ranger would spec for damage, ignore the pet entirely, and win fights.

The class that is designed to win through being superior with weapons equipped, lost on their own home turf.
You may say rangers are supposed to be the best at ranged combat; I say, there’s better ways for that to be so than raw damage.

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: TeHjAcKaL.2975


As i am angry that there were no… useful updates, 50% chance is still not that good considering spirits share their buffs every 10 seconds at a 50% chance, and only last for 4 seconds.
i also feel pretty bad for Mr peters. he obviously likes the class, where as other devs wouldnt do the dirty work of telling us “there are plans instore”.

His co-workers probably said “jon i dont think you should tell them anything their just gonna get mad if they dislike 1 thing”.
of course his coworkers are right and are probably telling him “i told you so”

So now look at it, he was nice enough to tell us there were gonna be buffs, and reassuring that rangers are being fixed, but balances/bugs arent always easy fixes, not like they can say “ok you pet that cant attack moving targets… start hitting moving targets”.
How can you not feel bad? hes not directly in charge of fixing the classes, he said so himself, what he is trying to do is calm our nerves, we know there are more changes, we know there should be good changes, and we shouldnt be blaming jon for being a step above the rest of his coworkers and being a great guy.

So how do we vent our anger? go back to saying Anet, cuz theres more than 1 person that fixes/balances classes.
We should thank jon instead of blaming him>_>
Now as far as that goes i wish weapon fixes were in place too, sword root/bow projectile speed/weapons overall damage on every weapon. pets etc.

Anyways for now thanks Jon for communicating

Edit: class balances/fixes should be top priority but lookie here, new content is going to be coming out ALOT, its the holidays, halloween, thanks giving, christmas, new years, they are going to work to the bone to keep up to date with these holidays, and ontop of that fix the numerous game bugs. and more bugs just keep popping up, along with suggestions that they wanna implement. Now i dunno about you, but im giving a little more leg room, maybe 2 patches? 3 ill be fine, 4 might be cuttin it if i dont see some great improvements

(edited by TeHjAcKaL.2975)

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Lapserdak.9056


Im disappointed. Tell us when next patch will be.

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Krys.6015


Hi the community ! I post here because devellopers don’t read EU Forum…. we pay but we’re not enough maybe….

Just one question ton Anet? You want to lose money?? When a real patch for the rangers?


General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Kasama.8941


Hi Anders, I’m totally not here so skip this post and read on…

We made the improvements we had time to test. There are still more ranger improvements but when our time is limited we have to focus on things we know we can fix. Signets and shouts are still on the docket, and I suspect some of each of these will get some love in the next time around. As you can see a lot changed in this build for every profession and we have to test these changes as well.

I do still believe ranger is the profession in most need of improvement after this patch and we will continue to make those improvements. If we could fix everything at one time we would, but the reality is there are a limited # of hours to make changes.

I see a lot of talk about ranger weapons, but I don’t think that is the real problem. I think sword and longbow are both good weapons, which is why the changes take longer. The problems are deeper, in pets ability to hit moving targets, trait lines with not enough viable choices and skills that are often too specialized to really compliment the weapon builds. These aren’t things we can change overnight. The change to Greatsword block was in fact a very difficult change, but we made it because we knew it was the right thing to do.

There are >500 skills in this game, 480 traits, and 2 designers working on this. Even then often we are bottle necked by other issues. I’m not going to say we are not working on these things, nor can I say there are things we could have changed but just ran out of time on, but this was a patch that contained ranger improvements and it will not be the last one that does so. Maybe you want more than honesty but that is what I currently have to offer.


Only two designers working on balancing?! That explains a lot. I expected you to be at least a group of five people. How many designers were working on it before release then?

80 Ranger | 80 Mesmer | 80 Thief | 80 Guardian | 40 Engineer
“The learned is happy, nature to explore. The fool is happy, that he knows no more.”
-Alexander Pope

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Velimirius.7018


In the first place he should never said that is LIE that changes are coming with this patch. There would be no anger at all if he didnt lied. But instead he promised improvements which did not happen and now made excuse that there is only 2 of them working on it.

Thats lame and pathetic.

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: NemesiS.6749


I havent play since the halloween even and with this joke of an update it seems like is gonna stay that way, i have black ops 2 and many other games, GW2 is not worth the trouble anymore. I made the mistake on rolling a ranger, i should had choosen a warrior instead. Ill probably do this event and back to retirement, seems like this is the end for GW2

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: RummyTheMad.7290


I wasn’t expecting nearly as much as many of you, but this seems pretty light in terms of things that actually needed to be addressed, and heavy on “fixes” that we didn’t need in the first place.

I honestly expected some pet and signet love, but oh well. At least spirits are marginally better, and my GS hits a tiny bit harder than it did yesterday morning…

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Kirito.3591


-Spirits have more health, Spirits being one of the things he specifically mentioned as needing a buff

I’m sorry… what? I… uh… what?

However, the patch did largely what I was expecting, for Rangers.
Those of you who were expecting something along the lines of ‘longbow damage made so a ranger can beat the class specifically designed to win 1v1 with weapons and undermine that class’ role as a heavy hitter using only weapons’ were setting yourselves up for dissapointment.

Well… seeing as the Rangers are, and I quote, “Unparalleled archers, rangers are capable of bringing down foes from a distance with their bows.” and the unique aspect to Rangers are their pets (a stable of loyal pets at their command, rangers can adapt to any situation.)… I’d figure that " significant ranger improvements." implies a fix or buff to one of the two aspects, which ANET has agreed, that is lacking or lackluster.

I wasn’t even expecting a damage increase on the bow. I would have been happy with a projectile movement increase for the bows which made it harder to dodge by simply strafing left and right (yes you can actually dodge ranger lb arrows by simple strafing left and right… no need to even use dodge).
or fixing pets so they can hit things while moving or at least a reduction in AOE dmg taken… like (pets: aoe damage taken reduced by (35-60%)

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Aethersong.5189


As i am angry that there were no… useful updates, 50% chance is still not that good considering spirits share their buffs every 10 seconds at a 50% chance, and only last for 4 seconds.
i also feel pretty bad for Mr peters. he obviously likes the class, where as other devs wouldnt do the dirty work of telling us “there are plans instore”.

His co-workers probably said “jon i dont think you should tell them anything their just gonna get mad if they dislike 1 thing”.
of course his coworkers are right and are probably telling him “i told you so”

So now look at it, he was nice enough to tell us there were gonna be buffs, and reassuring that rangers are being fixed, but balances/bugs arent always easy fixes, not like they can say “ok you pet that cant attack moving targets… start hitting moving targets”.
How can you not feel bad? hes not directly in charge of fixing the classes, he said so himself, what he is trying to do is calm our nerves, we know there are more changes, we know there should be good changes, and we shouldnt be blaming jon for being a step above the rest of his coworkers and being a great guy.

So how do we vent our anger? go back to saying Anet, cuz theres more than 1 person that fixes/balances classes.
We should thank jon instead of blaming him>_>
Now as far as that goes i wish weapon fixes were in place too, sword root/bow projectile speed/weapons overall damage on every weapon. pets etc.

Anyways for now thanks Jon for communicating

Edit: class balances/fixes should be top priority but lookie here, new content is going to be coming out ALOT, its the holidays, halloween, thanks giving, christmas, new years, they are going to work to the bone to keep up to date with these holidays, and ontop of that fix the numerous game bugs. and more bugs just keep popping up, along with suggestions that they wanna implement. Now i dunno about you, but im giving a little more leg room, maybe 2 patches? 3 ill be fine, 4 might be cuttin it if i dont see some great improvements

I can agree with this. I am grateful that Jon drops by to give us information now and then. It is not something that he is required to do. Although, at times there seems to be mis-communication between what was said and what takes place. This leads to disappointment and the only person in particular people have to take their feelings out on is him.

Honestly, I am sure Jon would have loved to see rangers get fixed this patch. But there are restraints, like he said. Was I frustrated when I first saw the patch notes? Yes, I was. I thought there must of been a page or so of ranger fixes they forgot to note. I made a post shortly after that to express my disappointment. Also, do I believe there are still some points of disagreement between things Jon says needs to be done with rangers and what the community says? Yes, I do. But being able to at least have some communication between Anet is a good thing. And for that, I would like to thank Jon for his occasional posts.

Overall, I think community and perhaps even Jon as well had our expectations set too high for what was to come for rangers this patch.

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Amulrei.4973


Two developers…for all the class balancing…

Sorry, I’m still finding it comical.

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Thor.5610


The patch means for me:

“goodbye GW2, hello SWTOR again”
…i’m very disappointet about this patch


General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Velimirius.7018


Two developers…for all the class balancing…

Sorry, I’m still finding it comical.

yeah thats the latest excuse when u fail to deliver.

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Fizz.4170


-Spirits have more health, Spirits being one of the things he specifically mentioned as needing a buff

I’m sorry… what? I… uh… what?

However, the patch did largely what I was expecting, for Rangers.
Those of you who were expecting something along the lines of ‘longbow damage made so a ranger can beat the class specifically designed to win 1v1 with weapons and undermine that class’ role as a heavy hitter using only weapons’ were setting yourselves up for dissapointment.

Well… seeing as the Rangers are, and I quote, “Unparalleled archers, rangers are capable of bringing down foes from a distance with their bows.” and the unique aspect to Rangers are their pets (a stable of loyal pets at their command, rangers can adapt to any situation.)… I’d figure that " significant ranger improvements." implies a fix or buff to one of the two aspects, which ANET has agreed, that is lacking or lackluster.

I wasn’t even expecting a damage increase on the bow. I would have been happy with a projectile movement increase for the bows which made it harder to dodge by simply strafing left and right (yes you can actually dodge ranger lb arrows by simple strafing left and right… no need to even use dodge).
or fixing pets so they can hit things while moving or at least a reduction in AOE dmg taken… like (pets: aoe damage taken reduced by (35-60%)

Love this user….QUOTE ALL!

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: sororsrca.1239


I’m an adult. I’m not going to ragequit or whine about my disappointment in the ranger patch. But as an adult, I am making the decision to shelf my guild wars 2 game and move on to something else to play in the meantime. I simply can find more enjoyment with my freetime. My main in GW1 was ranger, I made my main here a ranger and I absolutely refuse to reroll and start all over as a warrior just to attempt to find that “ranger feel” for unbroken class play. Frankly, I’d be bored leveling another character.

I reached level 80 long ago, completed world map completion, and have been disappointed for a long time trying to stay motivated to play as a ranger in WvW which is pretty much end game for me. The bugs in WvW and the perpetual issues with the ranger class combined have not made this game fun as a level 80 char. I’ve always told others who take games too seriously or seem to get wrapped up in drama “If the game isn’t fun, don’t play it”. Games are made to be fun. So in lieu of that, I’m done with GW2 at this time. I’ll keep reading the forums from time to time hoping for these patch promises to come. I did have fun leveling in pve but that was over long ago…and if I divide the game costs by the months its been out my expense comes out to about $15 per month…same I would pay for P2P. So, I call it even…not great, but even.

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: florence.1674


There is a huge difference between someone saying “I’m not buffing Rangers because I think they are fine” vs “Ranger buffs and improvements are coming!” and then deliver this.

Very very huge difference.

WvW law #1: nobody in WvW can count.

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Thorgrum.4679


This is dissapointing to say the least, anet has made some bad choices the last several weeks. I dont want to roll another class, i want to play a ranger thats why I rolled it in BWE 1 and play it as a main. Highly unlikely I will be purchasing any new content at this point.

As a casual player my expectations are pretty low anyway, I did expect more. To bad, this is really dissapointing.

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Slaig.3425


If nothing else was fixed, I was rather hoping my pet would not randomly decide the run 40 yards ahead of me when I stop moving and kitten pull an entire room of mobs.
That causes so many problems and seems it could be so easily addressed with a non-combat tether applied to the code.

Had we not been led to believe that this was going to be THE Ranger patch, people might not be as upset as you see them here today. Based on what was hinted at, this patch was a significant letdown

You guys are on a roll lately.

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Thorgrum.4679


I’m an adult. I’m not going to ragequit or whine about my disappointment in the ranger patch. But as an adult, I am making the decision to shelf my guild wars 2 game and move on to something else to play in the meantime. I simply can find more enjoyment with my freetime. My main in GW1 was ranger, I made my main here a ranger and I absolutely refuse to reroll and start all over as a warrior just to attempt to find that “ranger feel” for unbroken class play. Frankly, I’d be bored leveling another character.

I reached level 80 long ago, completed world map completion, and have been disappointed for a long time trying to stay motivated to play as a ranger in WvW which is pretty much end game for me. The bugs in WvW and the perpetual issues with the ranger class combined have not made this game fun as a level 80 char. I’ve always told others who take games too seriously or seem to get wrapped up in drama “If the game isn’t fun, don’t play it”. Games are made to be fun. So in lieu of that, I’m done with GW2 at this time. I’ll keep reading the forums from time to time hoping for these patch promises to come. I did have fun leveling in pve but that was over long ago…and if I divide the game costs by the months its been out my expense comes out to about $15 per month…same I would pay for P2P. So, I call it even…not great, but even.

This is a pretty good articulation of the position I am in as well, less the GW1 expirence. Im going back to my old MMO for a while.

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Tanthalas.1569


Just wanted to chime in on my opinion of the ranger patch notes. I scrolled through most of the posts to read what the dev had to say, and then skipped over most of the rest of them, so this is more in response to him and the general patch info. I have actually been okay with my ranger since day 1. I enjoy playing him, even though I know if I run into a talented thief or warrior, I will probably get obliterated. I enjoy using my longbow, and I like a few of the utility skills. I was, however, excited to see what they would do with this patch, so that I might be able to adjust my build more and make myself more viable in PVP. Usually, I am pretty cool with minor changes, but I will admit that I was a little disappointed with the changes made to rangers. However, a quick response from Jon was greatly appreciated, especially when a lot of people make some many personal attacks on developers. The points he made were right on – pet mechanics are bad and should be better, as well as the need for improvements to signets and shouts. At least he was willing to respond, and is working on it. I’ll continue to enjoy the game, and look forward to future changes!

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Ethics.4519


Engineer grenades get 10-15 % projectile movement speed and our arrows remain the same. I know this game isn’t exactly based off real world, but when was throwing grenades supposed to be faster than shooting an arrow?

They just proved that fixing projectile AI/speed is extremely easy. Why didn’t they increase Lbow arrows 10-15%?

RIP in peace Robert

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Ethics.4519


If you believe that rangers are the most broken class. Why wouldn’t you manage most of your time around fixing them? Instead of giving other classes heaps of time.

“A chain is as strong as its weakest link” kind of thing.

This is what I was thinking after reading his comment (which I didn’t see at first considering it’s buried in page 3).

Rangers didn’t see ANY fixes last month when EVERY OTHER class had updates. That’s when JP’s original promise of ’you’ll get love next patch’ came up. So, why are the other classes still getting buffs and nerfs and we get updates to icons and tooltips, along with an underwater buff (praise the lord!).

I understand rangers aren’t the only class, but you guys don’t seem to understand that rangers ARE A class.

RIP in peace Robert

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: schnibble.4981


Even by leaving aside what is addressed as the the ‘main concerns’ of the ranger class by most of the player base like ‘underpowered/pet problems/weak spirits aso.’, this is a really bad update compared to the statements made by Anet official side.

Underwater damge buff?
Spirit proc increase?
Combo finishers?

I mean…come’on. I’m not the one demanding an uber-ranger, an I still get around with my ranger, but adressing things that have almost nothing todo with the real ranger issues, is not what was expected from most players.

And, for me, a ranger should be the dominating class when it comes to competing with a bow. Because that is the essentials of a ranger as a class.

So I see other reasons here:
Its obvious that most bots are ranger classed. Bots create gold. This gold will be sold bypassing Anets trading mechnisms and therefore cost Anet a more or less significant amount of real money. So they may have more concerns when doing ranger changes than with other classes.

But i think some improvements for us rangers will come sooner or later. But more the later…

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Mjolniir.2541


How is that warrior working out for you? Solo’d a legendary yet?

… the class that uses an animal companion to augment damage and compensate for the difference between weapon damage to do exactly that…

Do your pets do something different to mine? Because mine are pretty kitten If they are meant to augment my damage, shouldn’t they at least hit what I direct them to when I ask them to? Is your F2 command more effective than mine? I click mine and my pet says "duh… wha..?

Ranger pets definitely rode the “short bus”.

I am the punishment of God… If you had not
committed great sins, God would not have sent a
punishment like me upon you." ~ Temüjin ~

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Neandermensch.9437


this patch… is a bad joke…

/freeze Ranger

i dont play him anymore, have fun arenanet

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Shayde.2564


Hi Anders, I’m totally not here so skip this post and read on…

We made the improvements we had time to test. There are still more ranger improvements but when our time is limited we have to focus on things we know we can fix. Signets and shouts are still on the docket, and I suspect some of each of these will get some love in the next time around. As you can see a lot changed in this build for every profession and we have to test these changes as well.

I do still believe ranger is the profession in most need of improvement after this patch and we will continue to make those improvements. If we could fix everything at one time we would, but the reality is there are a limited # of hours to make changes.

I see a lot of talk about ranger weapons, but I don’t think that is the real problem. I think sword and longbow are both good weapons, which is why the changes take longer. The problems are deeper, in pets ability to hit moving targets, trait lines with not enough viable choices and skills that are often too specialized to really compliment the weapon builds. These aren’t things we can change overnight. The change to Greatsword block was in fact a very difficult change, but we made it because we knew it was the right thing to do.

There are >500 skills in this game, 480 traits, and 2 designers working on this. Even then often we are bottle necked by other issues. I’m not going to say we are not working on these things, nor can I say there are things we could have changed but just ran out of time on, but this was a patch that contained ranger improvements and it will not be the last one that does so. Maybe you want more than honesty but that is what I currently have to offer.


I think this is an articulate, honest and productive response. Thank you sir. I wish there was a similarly constructive response to the massive pink elephant introduced with this patch. A little communication goes a long way.