Give me honest opinion on my build

Give me honest opinion on my build

in Ranger

Posted by: ryandeniszorro.6735


Hello good rangers (and everyone else ),

First of all i wish to say i am not playing ranger for long time. Its quite new one and this is my look at ranger.

I really like LB and also like s/d. This build serve me well in wvw, especially vs thieves and mesmers. I do get quite a lot hate talk from enemy , but that is same for all of classes i guess.

Tell me honestly what you think, i made up this all myself and as much as im happy with it i wish to hear what you guys think.

Give me honest opinion on my build

in Ranger

Posted by: Black Scoutsman.5830

Black Scoutsman.5830

its a decent setup. I play zerker ranger alot too (since before the god patch for the lb i might add) and I have found that empathic bond is simply not enough for dealing with any fight against multiple opponents. Condis get stacked too quickly and without at least one cleanse (signet) it makes it almost impossible to survive the 10 seconds after that first 3 condis drop. personally, I cannot survive in WvW without Lightning reflexes and Signet of renewal on my bar. and because, like you, i like ranger runes, I use the movement speed signet too. Otherwise, traits look decent as you have no stunbreaker on your bar, but again, I need my lightning reflexes. has saved me 1000000000 more times than signet of stone

Human Warrior, Ranger and dedicated Scout of Yaks bend
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]

Give me honest opinion on my build

in Ranger

Posted by: Belarorn.9062


Seems Pretty Good. I agree with Using Lightning Reflexes, As i see it, Sic Em is there for Anti thief, however you are in a line for traiting LR for Reduced CD and as it is an immob break it is VERY helpful

Give me honest opinion on my build

in Ranger

Posted by: SuzukiMethod.4732


If you went 6/0/2/6/0 you could get the Survival of the Fittest Trait which would give you lots of active condition clear and fury from using survival skills. I think that the Survival of the Fittest trait was actually more of a buff to Ranger than what they did to longbow and like Empathic Bond used to be, I have a hard time being happy with a build that doesn’t have it.

If your first trait in Marksmanship is Keen Edge, then you will have another instance of Fury and condi clear for free.