Glyph of Unity

Glyph of Unity

in Ranger

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Has anyone aproach this glyph? Have you put it in action?

I found that with a tanky amulet has many potential.. Ive run a build with sentinel amulet, full glyphs and runes of the druid for the extra healing power that im missing.. And im doing great amount of dmg through glyph of unity

What do you think?

Glyph of Unity

in Ranger

Posted by: jewishjoyride.4693


I’ve played with it a bit in a bunker build. I really like Druid runes, though I felt they didn’t provide enough healing power to skip a healing power ammy as well.

Glyph of unity seems like it soft counters necro minions. Pretty niche sure, but it absolutely wrecks them.

The glyph seems super effective vs anything with a fast attack speed.

Glyph of Unity

in Ranger

Posted by: OGDeadHead.8326


Pretty much what jewish wrote. I’ve yet to see the benefits of that glyph vs most enemies, with the exception of fast hitting ones. Maybe I’m not using it right…

Win10 pro | Xeon 5650 @ 4 GHz | R9 280x toxic | 24 Gig Ram | Process Lasso user

Glyph of Unity

in Ranger

Posted by: Sol.4310


Says max leash range 600, but has anyone tested lately I’m getting under 300 range on the leash which really makes it useless, I’ve been thinking of using it in new build as more condition remove, heal and blind. Damage is a joke with almost any build and heal is meh as well.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

Glyph of Unity

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Says max leash range 600, but has anyone tested lately I’m getting under 300 range on the leash which really makes it useless, I’ve been thinking of using it in new build as more condition remove, heal and blind. Damage is a joke with almost any build and heal is meh as well.

That sucks. I really hope they fix that soon because it has such great potential… If it gave Retaliation too… That would be amazing.

All I can suggest is to take a screen shot or short video, mate, and post it to the bug forum.

Glyph of Unity

in Ranger

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Says max leash range 600, but has anyone tested lately I’m getting under 300 range on the leash which really makes it useless, I’ve been thinking of using it in new build as more condition remove, heal and blind. Damage is a joke with almost any build and heal is meh as well.

Ive use it lately and i can see the line extend to 600 range. My problem is that sometimes when i use it i see no line attached to foe. It seems undodgeable and unblockable. Need more testing

Glyph of Unity

in Ranger

Posted by: Purecura.1795


I use this Glyph as well. In PvE and PvP and I can really see it use in PvP. But PvE I don’t really see any effect.

I think it could use a buff in it’s range and even damage. Glyph of Tides and Glyph of Equality DMG is good. Maybe make Glyph of Unity DMG a bit higher than those glyphs and increase the radius of the tether. Or add retaliation and regeneration on it. (Regeneration Boon needs a Buff though.)

Lv.80 Chronomancer (Mesmerist Palamecia)
Lv.80 Scrapper (Alchemist Persenia)
Lv.80 Druid (Mender Zalintyre)

Glyph of Unity

in Ranger

Posted by: Sol.4310


The Leash range does work, not sure why but when i was testing the Visual must have been bugging out on me. Problem I can see is offensive power is a joke, might be useful to help heal a teammate up but the leash range will become a problem I think so easy to get out of range with just a dodge.

Wish it hit harder, honestly it feels so weak. The healing side isn’t bad but.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

(edited by Sol.4310)

Glyph of Unity

in Ranger

Posted by: Dojo.1867


Imo other elites are much better. SotP offers just too much dmg via might, fury and also much needed stability.

Entangle is traited condi removal and very good group cc.

The glyph just is too situational/hard to use in comparison and really only deals “some” mediocre dmg. In my tests it hardly exceeds 2-3k dmg which is comparable to a maul. If it didn’t have a casting animation it would work.

Glyph of Unity

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

It is an elite that is not suited to Ranger/Druid. Ranger goes out of its way to not take damage at all. This would be an amazing skill on a Scrapper. I think I will use it for farming, but that is probably it. A shame, really, that it is not a better skill, the CD is beautiful, its just not near as good as our other elites.

Glyph of Unity

in Ranger

Posted by: Scrimschaw.5784


It is an elite that is not suited to Ranger/Druid. Ranger goes out of its way to not take damage at all. This would be an amazing skill on a Scrapper. I think I will use it for farming, but that is probably it. A shame, really, that it is not a better skill, the CD is beautiful, its just not near as good as our other elites.

This is absolutely true, Heimskarl. This would have been a great skill for a tanky (melee-range) class that can take hits (especially in PvE, where enemy attacks tend to be slow and strong) and stay standing, but it’s a very poor elite for Rangers/Druids. If you decide to invest in tank gear so you can take the hits, then the damage is incredibly low and you would have been better off using SotP or Entangle. It also has anti-synergy with Lingering Light and Verdant Etchings due to the blinds. The low CD is its strongest suit. This Glyph desperately needs a rework.

Glyph of Unity

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

It is an elite that is not suited to Ranger/Druid. Ranger goes out of its way to not take damage at all. This would be an amazing skill on a Scrapper. I think I will use it for farming, but that is probably it. A shame, really, that it is not a better skill, the CD is beautiful, its just not near as good as our other elites.

This is absolutely true, Heimskarl. This would have been a great skill for a tanky (melee-range) class that can take hits (especially in PvE, where enemy attacks tend to be slow and strong) and stay standing, but it’s a very poor elite for Rangers/Druids. If you decide to invest in tank gear so you can take the hits, then the damage is incredibly low and you would have been better off using SotP or Entangle. It also has anti-synergy with Lingering Light and Verdant Etchings due to the blinds. The low CD is its strongest suit. This Glyph desperately needs a rework.

If it were me designing it, I would look at something more along the lines of;

“Whenever you evade an attack, the damage is applied to the attacker instead.”

Then I’d rework Striders Defense to be evades and not destroys, LoYF to be a longer effect and require evade instead of dodge too. Some great synergy there then with Primal Reflexes and gives us another build to run, evasion Druid.

Glyph of Unity

in Ranger

Posted by: Tragic Positive.9356

Tragic Positive.9356

I was really thinking of putting that Glyph into action but I got sucked up by all the beautiful events and Farming Halloween.

I was thinking of having a Real Tanky/CC ranger that would be hard-to focus. I went briefly over it during BWE and forgot to tweak it further.

Heim is right, it doesn’t fit to almost any of the Ranger’s Game-styles. In PvE there’s no use simply because of slow hard hitting attacks.
But if I make that glyph heapen, I’ll definitely appear here again to share the build and ask for your opinions. You can probably already guess that it might not have what it takes to compete with other options.

It is a good way to heal moving targets, though. You keep throwing CAF#1 in front of yourself (since you know where you’re going to be in 1 sec) and it heals people around you.
Which only implies how bad CAF#1 is in the 1st place.

“Observe, learn and counter.”

(edited by Tragic Positive.9356)