Good job ANet!

Good job ANet!

in Ranger

Posted by: CRrabbit.1284


This morning I recheck the bot train (nude ranger+brown bears) at queensdale.
Guess what? among 10 bots there are 2 (yes 20%!!!!) rangers using axe instead of shortbow ! What a success this patch have made! Now the SB is not the only choice for bot! Hopefully in the future, after 100x more animation fixes, ranger will become not the only bot class !
By all means, good job on pushing bot so hard! Proud of it! Please make the nerf storm (sry typo, the animation fix storm) harder !

Good job ANet!

in Ranger

Posted by: Prev.4879


I had this idea myself when the magnitude of the SB change became clear… that it was about bots.

The notion that the security team is dictating profession changes is so so depressing. Can we please return to the ridiculous fantasy that Jon Peters’ warrior was “facerolled” by a ranger? (Why is it always “facerolled” anyway?)

Will that ranger please post here? I want details. I figure that JonP had to be afk for about 10 minutes for this cold blooded murder to occur. That’s a given. Then what happened?

Good job ANet!

in Ranger

Posted by: aPutridCorpse.8792


incomming animation fix to the axe

Level 80 Asura Ranger
Level 30 Human Guardian

Good job ANet!

in Ranger

Posted by: saurus.8290


incoming nerf on trait that give 10% crit dmg when using axe :P

Good job ANet!

in Ranger

Posted by: CRrabbit.1284


I am not that ranger, but I can imagine what happened (maybe not 100% correct , but I guess 90% accurate):
JP’s warrior met a ranger;
Ranger started to SPAM 1 once seeing JP’s warrior;
Warrior charged and 100 blade;
Ranger dodged and kept SPAMING 1 from side, Warrior began to bleed;
Warrior 4 crippled ranger, but was crippled as well;
Ranger set a spike trap, Warrior was immobalized and kept bleeding, ranger 3 ev shot and make the distance further, meanwhile still kept SPAMING 1;

Warrior kept bleeding and Ranger kept SPAMING 1;
Finally, JPWarrior downed!
Then…. ranger didn’t come close to finish, but kept SPAMING 1 till warrior die.

Conclusion: ranger’s SB is OPed, and the key is SPAMING 1 too much, it’s “not fun” at all.
Then here came the patch and explanations……

Will that ranger please post here? I want details. I figure that JonP had to be afk for about 10 minutes for this cold blooded murder to occur. That’s a given. Then what happened?

Good job ANet!

in Ranger

Posted by: Calypso.9701


Rangers are not the only bots now, if you visit cursed shore, you will see bots of all professions… Warriors, Guardians, Necros

Good job ANet!

in Ranger

Posted by: Prev.4879


Okay so, the warrior doesn’t use any of his signets.. probably had a cramp in that hand. Maybe he had a migraine to start with and the glare from the screen was bothering him a lot. I can work with this. Can’t we use my idea and he has to go afk in the middle of the fight?

Good job ANet!

in Ranger

Posted by: CRrabbit.1284


It’s not about what warrior used or not used, or even afk, it’s all about the ranger who facerolled the warrior SPAM 1 too much.

Okay so, the warrior doesn’t use any of his signets.. probably had a cramp in that hand. Maybe he had a migraine to start with and the glare from the screen was bothering him a lot. I can work with this. Can’t we use my idea and he has to go afk in the middle of the fight?

Good job ANet!

in Ranger

Posted by: Calypso.9701


I am not that ranger, but I can imagine what happened (maybe not 100% correct , but I guess 90% accurate):
JP’s warrior met a ranger;
Ranger started to SPAM 1 once seeing JP’s warrior;
Warrior charged and 100 blade;
Ranger dodged and kept SPAMING 1 from side, Warrior began to bleed;
Warrior 4 crippled ranger, but was crippled as well;
Ranger set a spike trap, Warrior was immobalized and kept bleeding, ranger 3 ev shot and make the distance further, meanwhile still kept SPAMING 1;

Warrior kept bleeding and Ranger kept SPAMING 1;
Finally, JPWarrior downed!
Then…. ranger didn’t come close to finish, but kept SPAMING 1 till warrior die.

Conclusion: ranger’s SB is OPed, and the key is SPAMING 1 too much, it’s “not fun” at all.
Then here came the patch and explanations……

Will that ranger please post here? I want details. I figure that JonP had to be afk for about 10 minutes for this cold blooded murder to occur. That’s a given. Then what happened?

Sounds like a battle between low level PVP’ers, probably shouldn’t be taken seriously.

Good job ANet!

in Ranger

Posted by: Prev.4879


Got it. Ranger. SB1 SPAM. Facerolled. Warrior. Nerf.

Okay so, being nerfed because of bots begins to sound plausible.

Good job ANet!

in Ranger

Posted by: krojack.4920


Out in Frostgorge it’s a train of warrior bots farming the snow trolls with one ranger.

80 Sylvari Ranger – Jade Quarry
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