Got kicked out of a group again :D

Got kicked out of a group again :D

in Ranger

Posted by: Aeri.5738


“Sry, we can’t take you along, we will need at least SOME damage”
And then I got kicked

“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2.” – Well, I guess you really failed, ANet!
Update 5.9.2013: getting better ANet, still way to go!
A Lannister always pays his debts – For everyone else, there’s Mastercard.

Got kicked out of a group again :D

in Ranger

Posted by: Sleepy.2647


Probably a butt hurt ranger who rolled another class.
I still haven’t found a single team that kicked me or didn’t pick me for being Ranger.

Got kicked out of a group again :D

in Ranger

Posted by: BlueCJay.1205


I haven’t actually been kicked, but I have been asked if I have a different character at level 80 that I could switch to.

Got kicked out of a group again :D

in Ranger

Posted by: King Jon.3128

King Jon.3128

I haven’t been kicked out, but then again, I don’t really want to bring my ranger in a dungeon.

Got kicked out of a group again :D

in Ranger

Posted by: racta.4250


I don’t want to start a flame war or anything, but maybe it’s not the ranger they don’t want. Maybe it’s you the player.

[Bush] – Dragonbrand

Got kicked out of a group again :D

in Ranger

Posted by: Casey.9687


I don’t want to start a flame war or anything, but maybe it’s not the ranger they don’t want. Maybe it’s you the player.

go away, shoo

Got kicked out of a group again :D

in Ranger

Posted by: Blude.6812


I don’t want to start a flame war or anything, but maybe it’s not the ranger they don’t want. Maybe it’s you the player.

Racta—that really was uncalled for!!!!!!

There have been a few threads with others having the same issue—some groups do not want Rangers because some consider the ranger a hinderence rather than a help and all the other classes are more valuable to the group as whole.

Got kicked out of a group again :D

in Ranger

Posted by: Navi.7142


they do not want rangers, they do not want mesmers, sometimes not elementalist, etc..

THEY are stupid, self-involved and not able to care for others feeling!

What else to say?
Myself would not want to stay in such a group that wants me to change my character or cannot accept the profession which I’ve chosen.

I’ve never experienced that (yet?), either with my mesmer nor with my ranger, but I would overlook them and try to find another group which can socialize better and does not discriminate other players because of their chosen profession.

Sorry, that you have experienced that. :-(

(edited by Navi.7142)

Got kicked out of a group again :D

in Ranger

Posted by: Engels.8537


I don’t want to start a flame war or anything, but maybe it’s not the ranger they don’t want. Maybe it’s you the player.

It makes sense to me. I’ve done a lot of AC, CM, TA and HoTW Exp runs and never ever got kicked out of the party, nor in the occasional runs I did in all the other dungeons (except Arah, I’ve never done it :p).

But I’m also noticing that people is getting more and more picky when looking for groups. When I started farming nobody used to ask what level/profession you were. Lately I’ve even been asked to link my gear. But seriously, don’t blame it on rangers, we are not that bad running dungeons. It’s just that some players suck so bad at dungeons with their squishy builds that they only like warriors and guardians to save their kitten

Don’t talk to me about toughness and vitality, damage avoidance is all in this game

Got kicked out of a group again :D

in Ranger

Posted by: atheria.2837


I don’t want to start a flame war or anything, but maybe it’s not the ranger they don’t want. Maybe it’s you the player.

That’s ridiculous and mean.

When they ask if you have another 80 char (and that’s usually the query 80-90% of the time) then it really makes your comment seem very cruel.

How about getting the question and steering clear of being just plain mean?

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Got kicked out of a group again :D

in Ranger

Posted by: Lelouch.8452


well, it’s not like it hasn’t happened to me before. I go like “Rank ## Ranger lf group” nothing happens. Then I go “Rank ## Necro lfg” and pretty much got a group within seconds.

Best Looking Ranger in NA :D

Got kicked out of a group again :D

in Ranger

Posted by: Maxzero.4032


Its because PUGs are morons. This is why you don’t PUG if you can help it because it’s where all the bads are.

A trap Ranger is actually quite good at clearing Explorables quickly. All while being very survivable.

(edited by Maxzero.4032)

Got kicked out of a group again :D

in Ranger

Posted by: mouse.1689


Rangers have some pretty legitimate complaints in sPvP, but in PvE they’re not bad, aside from their pets being almost entirely useless.

Got kicked out of a group again :D

in Ranger

Posted by: Arlo.2149


I’ve never been kicked out of a group because I can’t get in one

Got kicked out of a group again :D

in Ranger

Posted by: Danepher.5263


Never been kicked from a group, but was asked if I have another character (this happened only when playing the ranger – never on other professions).

Liquid Intelligence [LI] || Blacktide
aka John Silverarrow and more.

Got kicked out of a group again :D

in Ranger

Posted by: Rancor Chiron.6178

Rancor Chiron.6178

Never been asked to change even when there are already two Rangers in the group. I usually just respond with “I’ll go”, they invite and we are off.

Some people are just jerks and you will run into them from time to time. There are plenty of groups out there.

Got kicked out of a group again :D

in Ranger

Posted by: NeuroMuse.1763


I’m not a ranger but whenever I’ve been in groups wanting to do speed runs through anything they always flat out deny rangers most of the time and I’ve seen them kicked as well which is pathetic.. I understand there are some issues but that damage isn’t “THAT” bad to really warrant it but you still have a lot of people out there that will still min/max.

Got kicked out of a group again :D

in Ranger

Posted by: Aeri.5738


Just to make it clear: I did not get kicked because of lack of skill, I didn’t even have time to proof what I’m capable of. I got invited, they saw I’m a ranger and then kicked me with the above explanation.

I do not say that happens 24/7, but it actually happened before already.
Most of the groups don’t complain about rangers, thats true. But I never saw a group kicking anybody for there class – except me for being a ranger twice.

“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2.” – Well, I guess you really failed, ANet!
Update 5.9.2013: getting better ANet, still way to go!
A Lannister always pays his debts – For everyone else, there’s Mastercard.

Got kicked out of a group again :D

in Ranger

Posted by: Zaith.9132


Be thankful the player base is more considerate than Anet, and find another group. Plus this happens with every class. Rangers aren’t a damage dealer, plain and simple. The fact that rangers bring no focused role to the party is not relevant.

Similar example from GW1: Ritualist healers. In many cases, just as effective as a monk, but sometimes not…. I’m bored with this, I hope I helped

/me tips transmuted tier-3 crafted hat

Got kicked out of a group again :D

in Ranger

Posted by: Azel.4786


I have played in dungeons with my ranger, never got kicked out, but I had several occasions in which people complained that having a ranger in the party was screwing things over (even though I rarely die and usually am fighting, luring aggro, doing the most dps I can as a ranger and healing people with search and rescue or removing conditions with bear and elite spirit).

It is terrible to be under constant pressure of having to play flawlessly otherwise people complain you are dragging the group down cause your profession is bad.

Got kicked out of a group again :D

in Ranger

Posted by: Engels.8537


I know a lot of people will disagree, specially after this patch. But have you Rangers considered the posibility that other classes are now seing us as a usless, unhelpfull, with absolutely NOTHING good to offer mainly because we rangers keep spreading this on every single forum?
A month or two ago, we were as broken as we are now and I never saw anyone ask a ranger to switch to another char, or kick him out of a group.
Of course, some of you will say “it took some time until they found out how crappy we really are”, and well, maybe there’s some truth there, but I still believe that if we didn’t hate our own profession this hard, others wouln’t hate us this hard neither.

Like what Azel said, sometimes I feel other players ridiculously underestimate us, not because we actually suck that bad, but because they have heard too many times that we are good for nothing.

Don’t talk to me about toughness and vitality, damage avoidance is all in this game

Got kicked out of a group again :D

in Ranger

Posted by: Sleepy.2647


have you Rangers considered the posibility that other classes are now seing us as a usless, unhelpfull, with absolutely NOTHING good to offer mainly because we rangers keep spreading this on every single forum?

I think the main “issue” (i’ve never experienced being kicked tho) comes from old rangers who rolled another class and lack of knowledge about rangers.
A lot of players just think that 8k > 1k, there is no way to deal with that. You also have to take into consideration that a vast majority of rangers in PvE don’t even know how to use their pet or which pet to use, i’ve played with plenty of rangers in Dungeons and most of them use the pet quite badly (or don’t use it at all).

The only downside of rangers compared to other classes in dungeons could be the AoE damage, other classes are better at bursting down “weak” mobs.

Got kicked out of a group again :D

in Ranger

Posted by: Miss Hilton.4623

Miss Hilton.4623

This hasn’t happened to me and I don’t have any experience in dungeons on other characters/professions. So I guess I’m really ignorant on this subject… is our damage really that bad compared to others??? Ouch…

Vairrek (Spooty Necro Pug Extraordinaire)

Got kicked out of a group again :D

in Ranger

Posted by: Sleepy.2647


is our damage really that bad compared to others??? Ouch…


Got kicked out of a group again :D

in Ranger

Posted by: Anthile.8493


It’s just that a fairly large amount of players think that anything but warriors and guardians are worthless in PvE. I have seen elementalists, necromancers and mesmers kicked from groups.
These are not very good players.
Luckily enough GW2 has its own version of gear check for these kind of people: look at their portrait and see if they have five signets on.

Got kicked out of a group again :D

in Ranger

Posted by: Engels.8537


I can now imagine a lot of ex-rangers with their warriors/thieves kicking our kitten out of a group. I guess you guys are right.

Don’t talk to me about toughness and vitality, damage avoidance is all in this game

Got kicked out of a group again :D

in Ranger

Posted by: Jay.3284


is our damage really that bad compared to others??? Ouch…



Dungeon Master 8/8 | Fractal 50
80Rng – 80Wa – 80Thief – 80Grd – 80Ele – 80Engi – 80Necro

Got kicked out of a group again :D

in Ranger

Posted by: Iggy.9482


I’ve actually found that a group with a few rangers can do some things rather well. For instance, you can’t get hit by an enemy if it is constantly being knocked back.

That said, I don’t think that ranger is in a good position. Don’t start arguing with me as though I think we are the best class, whatever. Requiring several members of a class to be effective is stupid.

Got kicked out of a group again :D

in Ranger

Posted by: AlecFair.1270


I have never been kicked out of my dungeon groups with my Ranger. Then again I run a critical condition build on her and usually have better survivability than most members in the groups I have been in. I even had moments when I would outlast guardians in major dungeon scraps. What most pugs in this game dont realize is GW2 relies more on movement and skill than how great your stats are. If you want to play a game where a dungeon group based on what classes and gear your group has in order to progress and complete dungeons effectively and quickly is a mandatory factor to your success, then go play some of the non skilled required mmos.

Tarnished Coast – Got mah Toast on. :V
Tizzle Mindwrack – Crazy Asura Lore Keeper of [AARM]

Got kicked out of a group again :D

in Ranger

Posted by: AlexRD.7914


I always get called in sPVP groups to guard the ruins.

Got kicked out of a group again :D

in Ranger

Posted by: Kurow.6973


I have never been kicked, nor have I ever kicked another Ranger from group.

It all just sounds like specific servers/players do this because of their elitist personalities…or do people just like making up stories…?!?

Got kicked out of a group again :D

in Ranger

Posted by: Bunzy.8674


The OP is clearly lying, he doesn’t even put any evidence -.-

Bunzy – I’m a mother father gentleman
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Got kicked out of a group again :D

in Ranger

Posted by: Aliatis.7836


some groups do not want Rangers because some consider the ranger a hinderence rather than a help and all the other classes are more valuable to the group as whole.

They’re just stupid, since when I do dungeons, I have almost always the aggro on me (I lost it only if I die, and it bounces between me and my bf’s thief). So… the ranger is a GOOD dps ^-^ (and I have condi build)

Desolation – still [GoD] in the spirit

Got kicked out of a group again :D

in Ranger

Posted by: Dante Dragonhand.2538

Dante Dragonhand.2538

I don’t want to start a flame war or anything, but maybe it’s not the ranger they don’t want. Maybe it’s you the player.

It makes sense to me. I’ve done a lot of AC, CM, TA and HoTW Exp runs and never ever got kicked out of the party, nor in the occasional runs I did in all the other dungeons (except Arah, I’ve never done it :p).

But I’m also noticing that people is getting more and more picky when looking for groups. When I started farming nobody used to ask what level/profession you were. Lately I’ve even been asked to link my gear. But seriously, don’t blame it on rangers, we are not that bad running dungeons. It’s just that some players suck so bad at dungeons with their squishy builds that they only like warriors and guardians to save their kitten

Actually we are quite bad at running dungeons. Mostly because pet survivability sucks and the many projectile bugs in this game. We get on snipers vantage point and we get immunity, we get on flat ground and phantom obstructions pop up. We send pet in which is 50% of our dps and he gets insta gibbed, there are many reasons rangers suck in both pve and pvp.

Got kicked out of a group again :D

in Ranger

Posted by: Maxzero.4032


I don’t want to start a flame war or anything, but maybe it’s not the ranger they don’t want. Maybe it’s you the player.

It makes sense to me. I’ve done a lot of AC, CM, TA and HoTW Exp runs and never ever got kicked out of the party, nor in the occasional runs I did in all the other dungeons (except Arah, I’ve never done it :p).

But I’m also noticing that people is getting more and more picky when looking for groups. When I started farming nobody used to ask what level/profession you were. Lately I’ve even been asked to link my gear. But seriously, don’t blame it on rangers, we are not that bad running dungeons. It’s just that some players suck so bad at dungeons with their squishy builds that they only like warriors and guardians to save their kitten

Actually we are quite bad at running dungeons. Mostly because pet survivability sucks and the many projectile bugs in this game. We get on snipers vantage point and we get immunity, we get on flat ground and phantom obstructions pop up. We send pet in which is 50% of our dps and he gets insta gibbed, there are many reasons rangers suck in both pve and pvp.

Maybe it’s just you?

I am happy with my contribution in dungeons as a Ranger. That’s after doing dungeons on my 80 Guardian, Engineer and Elementalist.

Good damage, good survivability and some decent CC (Spike, Frost Trap and Muddy terrain).

Devourer I find survives very well.

Enjoying the Fractal dungeon very much.

(edited by Maxzero.4032)

Got kicked out of a group again :D

in Ranger

Posted by: Kurow.6973


I don’t want to start a flame war or anything, but maybe it’s not the ranger they don’t want. Maybe it’s you the player.

It makes sense to me. I’ve done a lot of AC, CM, TA and HoTW Exp runs and never ever got kicked out of the party, nor in the occasional runs I did in all the other dungeons (except Arah, I’ve never done it :p).

But I’m also noticing that people is getting more and more picky when looking for groups. When I started farming nobody used to ask what level/profession you were. Lately I’ve even been asked to link my gear. But seriously, don’t blame it on rangers, we are not that bad running dungeons. It’s just that some players suck so bad at dungeons with their squishy builds that they only like warriors and guardians to save their kitten

Actually we are quite bad at running dungeons. Mostly because pet survivability sucks and the many projectile bugs in this game. We get on snipers vantage point and we get immunity, we get on flat ground and phantom obstructions pop up. We send pet in which is 50% of our dps and he gets insta gibbed, there are many reasons rangers suck in both pve and pvp.

Pet is 50% DPS? Really now…lol!

The issues regarding immunity and obstructions apply to other classes too. It’s not ranger specific.

The reason behind “immunity” is because if a mob is unable to attack you in the location you’re at, it’s only fair that you cannot damage it either. There’s nothing wrong with this usually. Given that, there’s also some cases where a mob randomly resets in the midst of a fight when nothing was blocking it’s ability to attack you. However, this is an issue all on its own as it happens to melee classes as well.

As for the “obstruction”, yes, it’s an issue, but it’s not as bad as you, and others like you make it sound. It usually only happens in certain locations because of the terrain…and, as I’ve already said, it applies to all classes. It is NOT ranger specific.