Great sword Ranger Build/Video/Fun

Great sword Ranger Build/Video/Fun

in Ranger

Posted by: Johnson.4867


Hello everyone, since our short bow got kicked in the balls i’d like to share this interesting video i found online because i was looking for a new playstyle (greatsword/axe/war horn)

its really fun, yes its a pvp build technically…but if you’re “good” you wont die in dungeons that much and it just makes playing more fun (imo)

Great sword Ranger Build/Video/Fun

in Ranger

Posted by: Johnson.4867


edit: but shhhhhhhh, it may get nerfed so have fun while it lasts…cause it does do a lot of damage (way more damage than i WAS doing)

Great sword Ranger Build/Video/Fun

in Ranger

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


Er, this was a Beta video before the GS got the massive nerf. Doesn’t apply at all to current play. If you look around there are beta vids where Rangers with GS are just wasting other players in sPvP so Anet in their wisdom decided to nerf the GS to helland back.

Great sword Ranger Build/Video/Fun

in Ranger

Posted by: Freky.1903


I was skeptical and then I tried it. Not as much damage as in the vid but it is pretty good. I’m face rolling people