Yeah… by the time you throw the sword, they are already too far away.
The warrior greatsword has 2 gapclosers and a slow…
GS#3 is fine, it is a pretty long range gap closer and is way better than warrior’s GS 5, but#5 definitely need to improve i never hit someone with that thing if he is running away, #4 doesn’t root you anymore unless u blocked someone.
GS#3 is fine, it is a pretty long range gap closer and is way better than warrior’s GS 5, but#5 definitely need to improve i never hit someone with that thing if he is running away, #4 doesn’t root you anymore unless u blocked someone.
It’s the throwing part that roots you. It’s not a reliable slow if your opponent decides to run.
GS#3 is fine, it is a pretty long range gap closer and is way better than warrior’s GS 5, but#5 definitely need to improve i never hit someone with that thing if he is running away, #4 doesn’t root you anymore unless u blocked someone.
It’s the throwing part that roots you. It’s not a reliable slow if your opponent decides to run.
Yeah well GS for ranger is more like defensive weapon (auto evade and block, and daze/stun) compare to GS for warrior as offensives. I dont use GS to chase much instead i use my shortbow, stun/cripple/bleed to death.
Easy fixes that will make the weapon more fluid:
-Increase the speed of counter attack (this could be applied to pretty much any profession that has a counter mechanism in their weapon sets)
-Remove root on sword throw
-Drastically reduce the aftercast on counter attack; it is not a very fluid motion to go into any action from the counter; it seems to exist only for that purpose and combos off of it are awkward at best, though sometimes workable. This is partly because it knocks your foe back a great deal; but the small distance is often a hindrance and there would be little change to the efficacy of the skill if the knockback were decreased or the aftercast was removed/reduced.
Needs more gap closers or a faster casting slow/more slows.
The damage is fine, but whats the point if you get kited the whole time? #4’s casting is too long
The easy solution is to use Spike Trap, Frost Trap, Muddy Terrain, Canine pets or have shortbow or axe on swap instead of chasing them around.
I admit I only do WvW but I’ve never had a problem being kited in any situation because I have tools to prevent it and/or deal with it. Sometimes it’s easier to use what you have instead of wishing you had something you don’t.
Are some of you getting confused with warrior GS skills or am I forgetting a ranger skill? It sounds like people are thinking about bladetrail (which is stupidly OP but that’s another story) when they mention the “throw”.
The only issue is the root on 4 and the damage nerf. It’s my favorite weapon in the game for many reasons and I do hope they make a few quality of life improvements like giving Maul a small aoe around the ranger.
If they look like kiteing after a great sword 3&5 just weapon swap, it doesn’t matter what you have equipped it will solve your problem.
Are some of you getting confused with warrior GS skills or am I forgetting a ranger skill? It sounds like people are thinking about bladetrail (which is stupidly OP but that’s another story) when they mention the “throw”.
Yes, you’re forgetting a ranger skill, what we’re talking about is “Crippling Throw.”
While I generally feel that the Ranger Greatsword is in a good spot, I would not turn down a change to Crippling Throw to allow you to cast it on the move. – Your future home