Greatsword Auto Attack Lacking vs Others

Greatsword Auto Attack Lacking vs Others

in Ranger

Posted by: BlackhawkSOM.6401


Ok so I made this topic before but was rushing when I wrote it so deleted it.

My argument is the great swords #1 ability (in terms of damage) as apposed to other weapons.

So I did some tests with great sword vs spear because they are essentially are the same weapons (both have evades in attack, gap closer, block, ect) and also against the sword as well.

The result was greatsword does signifcantly lower damage then the spear.

Greatsword does 995-1100 damage and spear does 905-1000 damage for both being exotic lvl 80s

Now then, on my toon the first greatsword auto attack = 429 whilst then spear = 624

So on the highest damage greatsword does 1529 and spear does 1624. and if you include crit damge 100 more damage is a considerable amount.

Now greatsword vs sword is really signifcant too. Ofcourse the sword does lower damage but if you count in speed and mobility it can out do a greatsword pretty quickly.

What do you guys think? Am I the only who thinks great-sword is pretty weak atm?

Retuxan-80 Ranger-Rank 40
Jade quarry, MoG

(edited by BlackhawkSOM.6401)

Greatsword Auto Attack Lacking vs Others

in Ranger

Posted by: Trevyy.8567


I’m with you on this. did some tests a while back and the sword outworks the greatsword on DPS pretty bad. its like that though on all other classes. sword is stronger than greatsword unless you get a trait for it. The only thing i use it for is for the mobility of the number 3 skill. I’d say ranger weapons as a whole need to be buffed a little bit though in terms of DPS, even our bows are lacking

Greatsword Auto Attack Lacking vs Others

in Ranger

Posted by: Florgknight.1589


The greatsword is incredible defensively with a mobile block, three strike evade and daze.


Greatsword Auto Attack Lacking vs Others

in Ranger

Posted by: Bobe.3759


They have pretty much the same DPS if you consider GS’ skill 2.
I’m pretty sure the sword’s skill 2 and 3 have less dps than the skill 1. (not tested)
While GS with skill 1 and 2 has about the same DPS as sword’s 1.

Greatsword Auto Attack Lacking vs Others

in Ranger

Posted by: Drasleona.5049


The thing with Greatsword is, the auto attacks 1&2 are weak, while the 3rd evade strike is alright. the Skill 2 and 3 are both statistically more powerful.

[VexX]Feared Sniper -JQ Since BWE1
Lvl 80 Beast Master Ranger
VexX Gaming United

Greatsword Auto Attack Lacking vs Others

in Ranger

Posted by: Bobe.3759


The auto attack on both weapons have about the same numbers, only difference being the attack speed. And the GS’ skill 2 makes up for that difference.
Only other difference i see is how you want the evades/leap to work (considering skill 1-3 of both weapons).

Greatsword Auto Attack Lacking vs Others

in Ranger

Posted by: BlackhawkSOM.6401


They have pretty much the same DPS if you consider GS’ skill 2.
I’m pretty sure the sword’s skill 2 and 3 have less dps than the skill 1. (not tested)
While GS with skill 1 and 2 has about the same DPS as sword’s 1.

The swords skill 2 has twice the damage as skill #1 so you are false.

Skill #1 for sword = 478 for me #2= 578 and 873

Retuxan-80 Ranger-Rank 40
Jade quarry, MoG

Greatsword Auto Attack Lacking vs Others

in Ranger

Posted by: Bobe.3759


But there are 2 leaps… Which means even though the damage is higher the DPS is not

Greatsword Auto Attack Lacking vs Others

in Ranger

Posted by: BlackhawkSOM.6401


But there are 2 leaps… Which means even though the damage is higher the DPS is not

If ever used sword then you’d know when you use skill #2 it does the immediate 578 dmg dodging BACK and then the combo does an ADDITIONAL 870 leaping FORWARD with 97% crit dmg like me I get around 3.3k with sword with #2 second combo by itself so i get around 4.5k total if both crit.

Retuxan-80 Ranger-Rank 40
Jade quarry, MoG

Greatsword Auto Attack Lacking vs Others

in Ranger

Posted by: Sarcasmic.6741


Now greatsword vs sword is really signifcant too. Ofcourse the sword does lower damage but if you count in speed and mobility it can out do a greatsword pretty quickly.

What do you guys think? Am I the only who thinks great-sword is pretty weak atm

Ranger greatsword is terribly weak. Even with the “buffs” to Maul and Swoop, the damage output is poor at best. Hit for hit, single hand sword hits harder with a significantly higher attack rate. If it weren’t for the rooting on sword mainhand, I’d never have even thought about using anything else.

Stace (Lv 80 human quickness portal bot) | Sarcasmic (Lv 80 elixir-drunk norn pyro)
Saladtha (Lv 80 salad sidekick to bears) | Dunelle (Lv 80 eviscerating muppet)
Karmell (Lv 80 human might dispenser) | Vast says hi~.

Greatsword Auto Attack Lacking vs Others

in Ranger

Posted by: BlackhawkSOM.6401


Now greatsword vs sword is really signifcant too. Ofcourse the sword does lower damage but if you count in speed and mobility it can out do a greatsword pretty quickly.

What do you guys think? Am I the only who thinks great-sword is pretty weak atm

Ranger greatsword is terribly weak. Even with the “buffs” to Maul and Swoop, the damage output is poor at best. Hit for hit, single hand sword hits harder with a significantly higher attack rate. If it weren’t for the rooting on sword mainhand, I’d never have even thought about using anything else.

The “rooting” is not that bad honestly once you get the hang of it. I absolutely hated the sword when I first used it and forced myself to try it a second time. Now it is my absolute favorite weapon hands down.

On topic, I feel as if devs buffed the greatsword on par to the damage of the spear. That would make me very happy.

Retuxan-80 Ranger-Rank 40
Jade quarry, MoG

Greatsword Auto Attack Lacking vs Others

in Ranger

Posted by: Sarcasmic.6741


On topic, I feel as if devs buffed the greatsword on par to the damage of the spear. That would make me very happy.

I could get behind that. It’d put Ranger greatsword damage only slightly behind Guardian greatsword damage to account for the built in evade on auto attack (which is a godsend for an otherwise lackluster weapon).

Stace (Lv 80 human quickness portal bot) | Sarcasmic (Lv 80 elixir-drunk norn pyro)
Saladtha (Lv 80 salad sidekick to bears) | Dunelle (Lv 80 eviscerating muppet)
Karmell (Lv 80 human might dispenser) | Vast says hi~.

Greatsword Auto Attack Lacking vs Others

in Ranger

Posted by: BlackhawkSOM.6401


On topic, I feel as if devs buffed the greatsword on par to the damage of the spear. That would make me very happy.

I could get behind that. It’d put Ranger greatsword damage only slightly behind Guardian greatsword damage to account for the built in evade on auto attack (which is a godsend for an otherwise lackluster weapon).

Although the evade is great i really cannot find an optimal use for this weapon. I mean sword and shortbow seem like a must to me with offhand being anything other then axe. Doing an underwater fractal today and seeing the spear dmg I just wish the greatsword could mimic it.

Retuxan-80 Ranger-Rank 40
Jade quarry, MoG

Greatsword Auto Attack Lacking vs Others

in Ranger

Posted by: DaisyRogers.6837


My ranger is lacking on the DPS end, pure p/t/v p/t/h. Front loaded all my damage to my pets.

So the difference between sword and GS DPS wise is negligable.

Overall the GS is much more forgiving with its auto dodge and gets even better the great the size groups you pull.

I also have sword/dagger set which I swap with GS from time to time. Great for single target fighting but gets overwhelmed quickly when fighting larger numbers.

I swap between the two pending on what I know I will be facing.

Greatsword Auto Attack Lacking vs Others

in Ranger

Posted by: Sarision.6347


Honestly I wouldn’t mind trading that auto-evade for a considerable damage boost.

Greatsword Auto Attack Lacking vs Others

in Ranger

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

Honestly I wouldn’t mind trading that auto-evade for a considerable damage boost.

I would. The Ranger GS may hit like a pool noodle, but in major WvW zerg fights, the auto evade is about the only thing keeping me alive when the lag is so bad you can’t even activate healing skills.

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Greatsword Auto Attack Lacking vs Others

in Ranger

Posted by: Brutakus.2784


It’s kittening ridiculous that my sword brings down mobs faster than than either bow. Seriously? If I want to do decent dps as a “RANGEr” i have to use melee weapons. GG anet.

Greatsword Auto Attack Lacking vs Others

in Ranger

Posted by: RoyalPredator.9163


I would like to know, why my 101% crit dmg ranger has 1500 to 2800 damge jumping without any reason… No buffs, no conditions.
A constant 2800 crit dmg would be nice, but that only happens 1 of 10 times somewhy.

As I’ve wrote earlyer:

  • My fullBerserker ranger on Ember: 13 sec
  • FullTank Warrior: 4 sec

GG. I may release my Ranger Redesign today.

Game Designer || iREVOLUTION.Design \\
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”

Greatsword Auto Attack Lacking vs Others

in Ranger

Posted by: SafiMoyo.5130


It’s kittening ridiculous that my sword brings down mobs faster than than either bow. Seriously? If I want to do decent dps as a “RANGEr” i have to use melee weapons. GG anet.

Not to be “that person” but…

Ranger (n):
late 14c., “gamekeeper,” agent noun from range (v.)). Attested from 1660s in sense of “man (often mounted) who polices an area.”

Range (v):
c.1200, rengen, “move over a large area, roam with the purpose of searching or hunting,” from Old French rengier (see range (n.)).

The “range” part in “ranger” refers to range (v.) not range (n.), so the argument that a ranger is a ranged fighter just isn’t valid.

Champion Hunter

Greatsword Auto Attack Lacking vs Others

in Ranger

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


I have always considered the GS to be more of an utility then a DPS weapon . The Sword would be the dpser ye?

What if the tweaking of the GS goes more into expanding its already solid utility . For example :

- the 2nd attack in the autoattack chain applies 3 vulnerability stacks for 1.5 second

- Swooping hawk applies 2 seconds of cripple or perhaps even chill

- block-throw attack knockdowns the oponent instead of crippling it .

Why i think it would be ok ?? The graitsword would remain a lowish DPS weapon more focused on utility and defense thus differentiating from the other weapons . Its abilities would serve really well for teamwork with either your party or your Pet . And lastly , the ability 4 is on a fairly long cooldown .


Greatsword Auto Attack Lacking vs Others

in Ranger

Posted by: Bran.7425


Not to be “that person” but…

Ranger (n):
late 14c., “gamekeeper,” agent noun from range (v.)). Attested from 1660s in sense of “man (often mounted) who polices an area.”

Range (v):
c.1200, rengen, “move over a large area, roam with the purpose of searching or hunting,” from Old French rengier (see range (n.)).

The “range” part in “ranger” refers to range (v.) not range (n.), so the argument that a ranger is a ranged fighter just isn’t valid.

Some how I think this will get turned into a ‘we need mounts’ after that.

Pets have been hidden due to rising Player complaints.

Greatsword Auto Attack Lacking vs Others

in Ranger

Posted by: BlackhawkSOM.6401


I have always considered the GS to be more of an utility then a DPS weapon . The Sword would be the dpser ye?

What if the tweaking of the GS goes more into expanding its already solid utility . For example :

- the 2nd attack in the autoattack chain applies 3 vulnerability stacks for 1.5 second

- Swooping hawk applies 2 seconds of cripple or perhaps even chill

- block-throw attack knockdowns the oponent instead of crippling it .

Why i think it would be ok ?? The graitsword would remain a lowish DPS weapon more focused on utility and defense thus differentiating from the other weapons . Its abilities would serve really well for teamwork with either your party or your Pet . And lastly , the ability 4 is on a fairly long cooldown .


Thats interesting but being a “utility” goes only so far. I honestly consider the sword as being what you refer as the “utility” weapon. Constant cripple and evades while played right can lead to good strategy.

To the above poster talking about “why does my sword do dmg then my bows”? Well ask the devs that because its stupid right? I mean I understand how a sword can do moere damage then a bow but the damage is just not comparable to the two. The bow should be slightly under the swords dps imo.

As a RANGER why don’t they actually give us the best dps for bows instead of the theives? It really doesn’t make much sense now does it?

Retuxan-80 Ranger-Rank 40
Jade quarry, MoG

Greatsword Auto Attack Lacking vs Others

in Ranger

Posted by: Leaf.3156


That’s because during BWE1, greatsword rangers were really strong.
Jon and Izzy got their 5 signet warrior kitten kicked by one and promptly nerfed the damage on every single greatsword skill by 50%.

Greatsword Auto Attack Lacking vs Others

in Ranger

Posted by: nerva.7940


GS is nothing more than a defensive utility weapon, and sword/dagger is actually much better in that role. i would consider using the GS if autoattack damage was increased by 15% and if maul became a blast finisher. rest is great.

Ikiro – 80 Ranger
Umie – 80 Guardian

Greatsword Auto Attack Lacking vs Others

in Ranger

Posted by: Stus.5327


I love how people cry and moan about the GS verses the Sword when it’s dead obvious and even stated that the GS for a ranger is a defensive/utility/evasive weapon. If you want to be a GS wielding roid monster delete your ranger and make a warrior.

Also regardless if the SB or LB does less damage than a Sword the fact is you aren’t right in the middle of the swirling crap escapade, which severely increases your chance of not dying in a large group. If you face somebody in a 1v1 and aren’t confident you can kill them with your SB switch to your Sword or alternatively fend then off with the GS while you run.

The ranger weapons have some faults and weaknesses, but maybe if you whiners learned to play your class and adapt to situations you wouldn’t be crying about it. That or play another class, and to top off the kitten cake RANGER does not mean RANGED FIGHTER it means DUDE THAT LIVES IN THE WOODS AND HUNTS STUFF if you want a ranged fighter ask Anet to make an ARCHER class.

Greatsword Auto Attack Lacking vs Others

in Ranger

Posted by: Arekai.5698


Greatsword was as strong as how it should be during the closed beta.
Anet, kitten as they are, nerfed it by like 50% or something and never looked at again. So the poop what’s left over today is another one of the many useless weapons of ranger.

Greatsword Auto Attack Lacking vs Others

in Ranger

Posted by: nerva.7940


I love how people cry and moan about the GS verses the Sword when it’s dead obvious and even stated that the GS for a ranger is a defensive/utility/evasive weapon.

thing is, sword/dagger is much better in this role than GS. therefore, GS is one of those extra weapons you can live with or without. it’s nice for bunker play, and i guess it’s slightly better than sword for running away cuz u can go #3 and #4 when your back is turned. if GS autoattack got a nice damage buff, it would be used more. right now, it’s such a situational weapon.

Ikiro – 80 Ranger
Umie – 80 Guardian

Greatsword Auto Attack Lacking vs Others

in Ranger

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

It’s kittening ridiculous that my sword brings down mobs faster than than either bow. Seriously? If I want to do decent dps as a “RANGEr” i have to use melee weapons. GG anet.

Not to be “that person” but…

Ranger (n):
late 14c., “gamekeeper,” agent noun from range (v.)). Attested from 1660s in sense of “man (often mounted) who polices an area.”

Range (v):
c.1200, rengen, “move over a large area, roam with the purpose of searching or hunting,” from Old French rengier (see range (n.)).

The “range” part in “ranger” refers to range (v.) not range (n.), so the argument that a ranger is a ranged fighter just isn’t valid.

Well we’re also pretty kittenty roamers/scouts as well.

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Greatsword Auto Attack Lacking vs Others

in Ranger

Posted by: Arekai.5698


Love how people will defend this kitten class for eternity. Anet could poop into their mouth and they’d say it’s vanilla ice cream.

“Hey, rangers make no ranged damage…” – LOL BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO
“Hey, rangers make no melee damage either…” – hahaha, silly you, rangers are supposed to be ranged, not melee!

Greatsword Auto Attack Lacking vs Others

in Ranger

Posted by: Sollith.3502


Love how people will defend this kitten class for eternity. Anet could poop into their mouth and they’d say it’s vanilla ice cream.

“Hey, rangers make no ranged damage…” – LOL BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO
“Hey, rangers make no melee damage either…” – hahaha, silly you, rangers are supposed to be ranged, not melee!

This made me lol; it’s right on the mark though.

I personally like the GS as it is and it goes well with my sword/dagger. It could be tweaked a bit here and there though, and I personally would love to see it’s block on a slightly shorter cool down (I wish they would go with some sort of active blocking system that just drains a bit of stamina and has no cool down instead or something to that effect…)

Then again I won’t argue against any buffs for the ranger to make up for my crappy pet (I die a bit inside everytime my wolves refuse to use their f2’s just because I am moving around and they decide to follow me instead of using the ability… or have them just completely ignore it and just start autoattacking…).

Personally, I would love to switch over to the warrior greatword, just one problem though; the warriror skills just look horrible and don’t have a good feel to them. They feel just spammy and gimmicky.

If only I could place the ranger GS skills on a warrior and have the warrior damage… then I wouldn’t have to hear “My pet needs help!” every two seconds in a champion fight (and I wouldn’t have to rage when they decide to ignore the fact that I want to use f2…)

Greatsword Auto Attack Lacking vs Others

in Ranger

Posted by: BlackhawkSOM.6401


Love how people will defend this kitten class for eternity. Anet could poop into their mouth and they’d say it’s vanilla ice cream.

“Hey, rangers make no ranged damage…” – LOL BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO
“Hey, rangers make no melee damage either…” – hahaha, silly you, rangers are supposed to be ranged, not melee!

This made me lol; it’s right on the mark though.

I personally like the GS as it is and it goes well with my sword/dagger. It could be tweaked a bit here and there though, and I personally would love to see it’s block on a slightly shorter cool down (I wish they would go with some sort of active blocking system that just drains a bit of stamina and has no cool down instead or something to that effect…)

Then again I won’t argue against any buffs for the ranger to make up for my crappy pet (I die a bit inside everytime my wolves refuse to use their f2’s just because I am moving around and they decide to follow me instead of using the ability… or have them just completely ignore it and just start autoattacking…).

Personally, I would love to switch over to the warrior greatword, just one problem though; the warriror skills just look horrible and don’t have a good feel to them. They feel just spammy and gimmicky.

If only I could place the ranger GS skills on a warrior and have the warrior damage… then I wouldn’t have to hear “My pet needs help!” every two seconds in a champion fight (and I wouldn’t have to rage when they decide to ignore the fact that I want to use f2…)

Well one point of my argument that I forgot to mention is because our pets die so frequently and they are literally 50% of our dmg why not buff greatsword and shortbow as they just don’t compare to the damage of other classes.

I can make a complete other discussing about shortbow because the damage is just horrible imo but I still love it though for the evasivness and plus its better then the longbow in dmg.(Longbow just need to get thrown out this game for rangers honestly)

Retuxan-80 Ranger-Rank 40
Jade quarry, MoG