Greatsword trait merge

Greatsword trait merge

in Ranger

Posted by: Yuudai.5268


We need to get our GS traits merged, so we don’t have to put so many into two lines that give us little DPS..Put it into the final defensive trait to give us both the CD reduce and damage % increase

Greatsword trait merge

in Ranger

Posted by: capuchinseven.8395


Would be nice but a lot of our traits could use something like this.

The bravest animal in the land is Captain Beaky and his band.

Greatsword trait merge

in Ranger

Posted by: Yuudai.5268


Yeah, our traits are kinda kitten..I would like to see a rework on all of it to be honest

Greatsword trait merge

in Ranger

Posted by: Leuca.5732


Global compression of many traits would actually increase the number of builds, since you would have more viable traits intead of a huge number of useless ones.