Griffon Pet

Griffon Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Frostfang.5109


Plz give us Griffons as pets in the next exp. Snow griffons with similar skills as the corrupted ones would be awsome!


Kima & Co

Griffon Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Luciferior.4802


Snow griffons? rumor is we aren’t heading anywhere cold SPOILER ALERT I personally would be game for a pet asuran if it preforms well ill use my heal on it ..if it fails then its stuck carrying my weapons armor all my inventory items ..kinda like a pack mule but in this case a pack asuran! naturally it wont be getting paid at the end of the day its service to me alone should be rewarding enough

Do what thou wilt

Griffon Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


Sand drake? Jade scarab? Desert Griffon?

Griffon Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Lonami.2987


Add raptors to the list as well!

Elonian elite specialization ideas: El: Dervish
M: Bladedancer – N: Scourge – En: Occultist – Ra: Swampstalker
T: Sharpshooter – G: Sunspear – Re: Hierophant – W: Corsair

Griffon Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: bravehoptoad.5246


Add raptors to the list as well!

We already have two of them, eagles and hawks.

Griffon Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Luciferior.4802


Meh birds of prey and griffons id still take an pet asuran teach it some tricks and right before it goes into battle if I use a skill that affects my pet asuran it should yelp excelsior! as it charges into the fight and thus earn me bags of loot …Id settle for an asuran backpack though why do we have charr backpack but not asurans? just doesn’t seem fair =/

Do what thou wilt

Griffon Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Zilong.1407


Meh birds of prey and griffons id still take an pet asuran teach it some tricks and right before it goes into battle if I use a skill that affects my pet asuran it should yelp excelsior! as it charges into the fight and thus earn me bags of loot …Id settle for an asuran backpack though why do we have charr backpack but not asurans? just doesn’t seem fair =/

So if you are an asura ranger you could asura while you asura?