Guard skill

Guard skill

in Ranger

Posted by: Kildari.2480


I thought this ability was going to be useless! I just found out that it’s totally and completely not. I always skipped it for what I thought were better abilities but I finally as a bored moment just used it.

I want everyone to know that this ability does not SAY it does this but it does. When you activate it your pet goes inviso and it gives the pet 10 full seconds of protection. (-33% dmg) If you trait for shouts (which is only 10 points in the beastmaster tree) this particular shout recharges in 24 seconds.

I have since used it in a dungeon and my pet lives a LOT more then they ever used to. Seriously this skill is pretty much a pet buff spell that is probably one of the best boons in the game.

Guard skill

in Ranger

Posted by: skstylez.1526


wait, so the idea of guard is the PET goes invisible and gives himself protection? well at least it does more than I thought

Guard skill

in Ranger

Posted by: Seras.5702


wait, so the idea of guard is the PET goes invisible and gives himself protection? well at least it does more than I thought

Yes, but he guards an area so he should draw aggro off you & tank it.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

Guard skill

in Ranger

Posted by: Pikafan.3792


In the meantime, I can put a better skill on my bar like Muddy Terrain or Frost Trap to help my party survive better. Keeping your pet alive is definitely not as important as keeping your group alive.