Guidance needed
Im not much of a pve’r. But you’re build is a little all over the place.
Do you have access to druid? (expansion)
Why are you using a trap heal instead of a shout heal (that would actually give you swiftness and regen)? (resounding timbre in Beast)
I thought quickness didn’t work on pets (zephyrs speed in Beast)
Hi SatanJunior. Your build already looks well put together of course for core ranger. But I’ll still try to answer your questions as best as I can though.
- Change Build? If yes, to what?
Depends what content you’re aiming to do.
For open-world PvE, I might suggest you switch Predator’s Onslaught for Lead the Wind for better AoE dps potential on Longbow. If you fear conditions, (the reason you have Healing Spring on I assume), you can switch out Skirmishing for Wilderness Survival (1, 2, 2) most specifically for the trait Wilderness Knowledge. This will give you room to experiment with either Troll Urguent or We Heal as One! as alternative heal skills.
For raiding/fractals/dungeons Druid is still considered the meta for Ranger builds, as GotL (Grace of the Land) is great for a group dps increase. So I would switch to Marksmanship/Skirmishing/Druid (with traits 2, 2, 1 in Druid) if you prefer a more meta approach to building for dps.
- Gear? Do I need to go for Ascended or is the exotic enough?
As many GW2 youtube personalities have stated many times, exotic gear is still capable of doing all the content in GW2. Upgrading to ascended gear is never a bad thing, but you don’t NEED it. I would suggest starting by first upgrading your weapons, then your trinkets, then thirdly your armour. In this order, you will be prioritizing the most important dps gear pieces.
- If I want to start raiding, fractals what should I do/change?
If you wish to start raiding, I would suggest changing your build entirely. A full Magi’s Druid is alot more manageable in PuG raids/fractals and even guild raids.
Something along these lines will be beneficial to start with. After you learn some of the raid bosses or fractals enough, you can ease off on the amount of healing power/defensive stats you use and eventually use full berserker’s, however, I still prefer to use full Magi’s due to the ease of use.
On a broader note, use Superior Sharpening Stones now for extra power instead of Maintenance Oil if you remain using your current build.
My all-purpose Core Ranger build looks like this if you’re interested:
I hope you can find your preferred playstyle. Just remember to experiment with different combinations. Good luck.
I typically run GS and Sword/axe in PvE, switching GS for LB when I know I won’t be able to melee effectively. As for traits and things, I’m experimenting. Remorseless is fun but difficult to play optimally. Predator’s onslaught is set it and forget it.
Honestly though, I’m a bit disillusioned by my ranger at the moment. It lags behind even my reaper in terms of damage and survivability. I’m hoping soulbeast changes that, but I’m not holding my breath.
Thanks for the awesome feedback!
I will test some stuff out. I am reluctant to go in to melee so I need a build that doesn’t jump between ranged combat and melee. My current build does that except for the Whirling defense.
With that said, how would a full rotation look on a longbow/greatsword build? (As the one Mr Greggles has above)
Have tried Druid but didn’t get the hang of it since I’m mostly play solo … should probably try it again.
Is it possible to go Longbow/Shortbow to be able to always work with ranged combat?
Ended up with this one
Rapid fire
Rapid fire
Poison volley
Crippling shot
Cussion shot
Poison volley
Stuffing in The other skills as they are ready when waiting for cooldown on Rapid fire/Poison volley starting with Quickening Zephyr.
I don’t usually stick with a static rotation when I’m fighting, it’s almost always improvised depending on the scenario.
However, there is a general rotation for dps which goes a little like this:
Rapid Fire
[Move into melee range while rapid firing]
Hilt Bash
Auto attacks
Counter Attack is useful in melee range if u want to do more damage while maintaining defense. Swoop for gap closers/escapes or an evade while attacking. Constant auto attacks with GS can upkeep evades and reduce incoming damage on the third auto. Switch to LB if you need to disengage to range dps.
Options for stealth are LB 3 or GS 3 into smoke fields.
I find GS to be the superior melee option compared to Sword/Axe for general play due to the increased survivability, burst dps and CC. Of course, against HP sponges, Sword/Axe will do more dps overall, but it’s normally against stationary targets and u require the Skirmishing trait line for Quick Draw to make full use of Path of Scars.
A few extra things to note: With GS, you should time interrupts correctly to optimise the trait Moment of Clarity. I’ve almost always found that trait to be superior to Steady Focus for general play, as you won’t be dependent on keeping your endurance bar full, as well as having a huge increase to burst dps when done correctly.
Hope that helps.
(edited by Mr Greggles.5908)
To answer your question about Longbow/Shortbow. I’ve only personally seen the combination used in PvP with Hybrid builds. It lacks movement and defensive options, so it is a rare thing to see, but nevertheless it is seen. For PvE, I don’t think it’s a great option since you’ll be killing off alot of AoE cleave capability that you would have with most melee weapons, unless you run both Piercing traits for both bows. If you find it fun though, more power to you.
Thank you again for answers. Much appreciated.
It looks like I will have to experiment a little to find the best combo.
I’ve been using the Special forces training area to test out DPS and rotations.
After some testing these were my DPS results:
Longbow + Shortbow:
Longbow + Greatsword:
Longbow + Sword/Axe:
Is this a good way to determine what build to use?
I have used the same skillbuild for all 3 weapon combos.
If I go by these results the Longbow – Sword/Axe combo seems like the best.
(edited by SatanJunior.8469)
After some testing these were my DPS results:
Longbow + Shortbow:
[img][/img]Longbow + Greatsword:
[img][/img]Longbow + Sword/Axe:
[img],AXE.png[/img]Is this a good way to determine what build to use?
I have used the same skillbuild for all 3 weapon combos. I go by these results the Longbow – Sword/Axe combo seems like the best.
longbow/Swaxe has been the power build meta for a long time. I used to run sword/axe+GS with remorseless, but after anet nerfed the pulsing fury on “strength of the pack” it kind of put the final nail in that build’s coffin. I may revisit it, as I enjoyed the big spikes of damage, but the consistent +15% increase from predator’s onslaught is simply better.