Guild Wars 2 Ranger sPvP vol 006

Guild Wars 2 Ranger sPvP vol 006

in Ranger

Posted by: hadeskin.4021


Guild Wars 2 Ranger sPvP vol 006

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

The build is WvW mode with stuff you cannot use in PvP.

Guild Wars 2 Ranger sPvP vol 006

in Ranger

Posted by: borya.2964


I don’t want to be rude but you’re just spamming every single skill on cd as quickly as possible without to pay attention to anything. As a result you always miss half or you skills (you don’t even landed a single Throw Torch correctly). It’s terrible to watch.

Coffin Rehearsal X – Bunker Roaming Ranger
Tchuu Tchuu Im A Train [TCHU] – Gandara

Guild Wars 2 Ranger sPvP vol 006

in Ranger

Posted by: hadeskin.4021


hardly a comment is offensive
this is the idea to “smash the keys and pray to die”
is only one mode of play when you do not have a good day or is already stressed with the game, and so want to laugh when you kill someone with a dumb move

I posting to the wrong link for the build, excuse me

Guild Wars 2 Ranger sPvP vol 006

in Ranger

Posted by: AgitatedFox.5287


You’re very good at randomly dodging.

Ranger Danger!

Guild Wars 2 Ranger sPvP vol 006

in Ranger

Posted by: hadeskin.4021


thank you
i guess XD

Guild Wars 2 Ranger sPvP vol 006

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Why use marksmanship in that build? I don’t get the point of it for a hybrid build like that. Also, I’m sure you didn’t mean to use EB with survival skills.

You’re very good at randomly dodge jumping.


Guild Wars 2 Ranger sPvP vol 006

in Ranger

Posted by: AgitatedFox.5287


In all fairness though nice video. good music choice

Ranger Danger!

Guild Wars 2 Ranger sPvP vol 006

in Ranger

Posted by: hadeskin.4021


a friend told me to use Beast Mastery 1: 1: 1 and Troll Unguent
but I do not really like
then I just change for marksmanship
and get a little better result
in my opinion
but I accept ideas, perhaps even better than the one I’m using

Guild Wars 2 Ranger sPvP vol 006

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Well, I just think you would be even more effective if you used slightly different traits. You are rarely at 100% endurance to get the effect from Steady Focus and Remorseless will not add much more damage to these weapons, the vulnerability would be good though. Clarion Bond is good, but there is powerful synergy between Enlargement and MDG, if you are using that. Maybe something to look into. Up to you.

Guild Wars 2 Ranger sPvP vol 006

in Ranger

Posted by: Puck.9612


Lol I see you double posted this, I left a response in the pvp forum but since you seem to be looking at this one I’ll just leave it here as well.

I don’t see the advantage of taking remorseless in this build. You trigger opening strike but you don’t have any heavy hitting skills like maul or PoS. You could be running BM instead of marksmanship and take a traited WHaO for a better burst heal that also provides more healing over time and grants swiftness to help you rotate faster. Plus you would have access to weakness and either taunt, quickness or the honed axes trait (which is mediocre but better for your build than remorseless).

Actually to be honest your traits are just all over the place. You might want to try something like this
Taking Wilderness knowledge over Empathic Bond will keep your fury up making you crit more often to generate more bleeds.

or this

And if you are really married to healing runes you could run altruism with zephyr’s speed to keep might up rather than relying on Most Dangerous Game (which is just a terrible trait) or Grove for better protection uptime.

Jim Hunter when my other account isn’t suspended

Guild Wars 2 Ranger sPvP vol 006

in Ranger

Posted by: borya.2964


hardly a comment is offensive
this is the idea to “smash the keys and pray to die”
is only one mode of play when you do not have a good day or is already stressed with the game, and so want to laugh when you kill someone with a dumb move

That’s why i used a preterition but it didn’t work. It looks like you’re playing under caffeine, cocaine and alcohool, moslty. When i see your weapon skills slightly flash it makes me think of a game crash.

You can land a condi burst without to spam your skills, pay attention, half of your skills requiere a good postionning, dont waste 3 weapons skills on a warrior’s block, don’t use TO like a heal burst etc. You’ll do the exact same thing without to be a burden for your team and you will be able to hold a 1 v x fight.

Coffin Rehearsal X – Bunker Roaming Ranger
Tchuu Tchuu Im A Train [TCHU] – Gandara