Haven't played in 6 months

Haven't played in 6 months

in Ranger

Posted by: restoration.2806


Hey guys i havent played in 6 months and recently started up again. I heard some talk about how pets scale up with your stats now? Can some one explain? Is it your overall stats or just your traits? Any other news about pets would be appreciated also lol.

Haven't played in 6 months

in Ranger

Posted by: firebreathz.7692


for the detailed list of changes look here

and click on the game update notes.. scroll down to the ranger bits

:) srry I would summarize but I’ve just had about 1 month break

didnt think pets scale but I may be wrong as I said I’ve just come bk myself

Haven't played in 6 months

in Ranger

Posted by: Aegis.9724


pets don’t scale
Really not much changed for rangers since release. The pet AI overhaul was probably the biggest one, and its hard to notice ingame

Haven't played in 6 months

in Ranger

Posted by: Lord Trejgon.2809

Lord Trejgon.2809

Pets had a little stat boost so GS was little boosted (with the quickness nerf) and Quickening zephyr lasts 1 sec. longer and don’t eliminate healing but cut its by half.
and they shortened a little cast time of pet F2.
that’s all I know.

“-Shield is meant to be broken!”
“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles

Haven't played in 6 months

in Ranger

Posted by: jubskie.3152


I was going to write a summary of ranger changes since December, but I got lazy :P I still have the list of changes I copypasted though.

Here’s the list: http://writer.bighugelabs.com/share/981779

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