Healing Spring is amazing
It’s not just PvE it’s better for, I find it better in PvP and WvW too. I love healing spring. Never used any other heal
Just gonna correct some things in here, the blast finisher will heal for 100% of the healing power of the owner of the field added ontop of the original heal, so when someone blasts in my pool they heal everyone for ~4k health, and they said healing power was worthless…
the leap will ALSO heal everyone around the area they land for a measily 200 health, i’ve learned this a great many a times from my fernhound leaping into the fray causing his big splash and then me getting a tiny amount of healing.
Whirling finishers are weird, BUT they aren’t random, the longer the whirling finisher the better the skill, so whirling defense (the longest whirl in the game other than tornado) can throw up to a whopping 40 bolts total (either 20 at your target and 20 in a random direction, or all 40 in a random direction if you have no target). Also with whirling finishers as long as you have a target (enemy or ally) you will hurl ONE of the bolts at them, if you use auto target though it will NOT find an automatic target to hurl bolts at, and you must have the target/not have the target at the time of whirl finisher CAST, if you gain or lose a target after it will keep performing the way it should at the time of cast.
Also whirling finisher (and projectile finisher) heal for the measily 200 or so (i think it may be less) at the time it splashes (applying the regen), which also scales off of the healing power of the pools OWNER.
The regen AND tiny amount of healing from projectile finishers will also apply to any ally the arrow comes within like a 150yd radius of as it flies through the air, ANY, i haven’t noticed a cap on this because i’ve fired it through a zerg and just saw regen apply to freaking everybody.
Just thought i’d share =D.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
I can already see the next patch notes:
- Reduced effectiveness of Healing Spring
I mean come on, Rangers having an ability that actually works and does something beneficial?
Fojja – Vyxxi – Nymmra – Mymmra – Champion of Dwayna .. and more
Highly Over Powered Explorers [HOPE] – Desolation EU
I can already see the next patch notes:
- Reduced effectiveness of Healing Spring
I mean come on, Rangers having an ability that actually works and does something beneficial?
Nah, i doubt healing spring is going to be nerfed because very very rarely do we get the opportunity to just sit in it and bathe in our awesome heal when we REALLY need it. However dat combo field is just super sexy…
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
Personally never use it – tried it, didn’t work for me as standing in one spot going ‘oh look I can heal’ wasn’t my play style in wvw. I can see certain uses for it and it will get used more as guild zergs learn to turtle, but personally I find moving around and having an instant heal much more beneficial than being forced to stand and be trampled by having healing spring equipped.
each to their own:-)
Lol the first time I ever saw how good it was I never stopped using it.
At the guy above about the combos…. Yup just like with Ele people don’t seem to realize STILL that you can actually heal the group up constantly… It just takes teamwork.
Every tick removes one condition (every 3.5 secondish)
also HUGE
Why does every tick removes a condition?
Every tick removes one condition (every 3.5 secondish)
also HUGEWhy does every tick removes a condition?
Because that’s just what Healing Spring does. Every time it applies regeneration (every 3 or 3.5 seconds or w/e it is) it also removes 1 condition.
Is better than Troll Unguent ??
The spring force you and your pet to be in its tiny range while the troll heals both of you where ever you are without exposing you to danger of camping.
guard ,nades eng ,Trap thief \ranger ,signet\shout warrior, zerk mes\ele & shiro rev.
Where are the troll unguent users ?
guard ,nades eng ,Trap thief \ranger ,signet\shout warrior, zerk mes\ele & shiro rev.
Where are the troll unguent users ?
Don’t worry… I’m here. Troll Unguent you can hit at the first sign of trouble and keeps healing you and your pet to where the heal itself effectively has a 15 second CD. That in mind I’m embarrassed to say it was pointed out to me yesterday that HS removes conditions also. I never knew this lol. However, it’s hard enough to get people to stand in one place be it in WvW or PvE. It works well if you are GS or some sort of melee ranger or have at least two other ranged classes in the group. WITH THAT SAID though if you are in need of healing, the last thing you are gonna wanna do is stand in one place and hope whatever hit you last time isn’t going to want to hit 2-3 of you standing in the same place.
Is better than Troll Unguent ??
The spring force you and your pet to be in its tiny range while the troll heals both of you where ever you are without exposing you to danger of camping.
Troll didn’t heal you instantly, it’s useless in critical situations.
Is better than Troll Unguent ??
Depends on the situation. In pve ye hs is usually much better. Hs is also better in pvp if you have to defend a point but not only that, it removes cond from your teammates as well, it can be used for combo fields etc. They are just different.
Troll didn’t heal you instantly, it’s useless in critical situations.
Define “critical situations”. With troll u most of the times you have to use the heal before the situation becomes critical. Also if the ranger is bunker specced with a decent build a “critical situation” means 3 or more ppl are chasing you. In this case if those ppl are remotely decent and the ranger doesn’t have to defend a point the only way to survive is to kite them…dropping hs on the floor (ye it heals you when u activate the skill but not enough) is not really a smart idea.
(edited by Fjandi.2516)
Troll Unguent is a fantastic selfish heal skill. Questing all by yourself, it’s great. But for DEs and WvW and Dungeons HS is just flat out better, especially if specced into it with traits & healing power. It lasts a while so you can flit in & out of it if you have to stay mobile, plus it removes conditions, and it’s a beast of a combo field. We’re pretty mobile with so you can Swoop into melee range, drop it, and SB jump-back out of range quickly giving your melee allies (who ususally have blast finishers) 15 secs of tankiness. I drop it every CD during DEs.
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)
For W3 it depends on the situation. If you’re with a group larger than party size, HS all the way. But roaming solo or with 1 or 2 others, I vote TU. I use purity runes and have high precision to take care of conditions.
I troll because I care