Healing/Support/Control Staff weapon

Healing/Support/Control Staff weapon

in Ranger

Posted by: Knighthonor.4061


In the future,

Rangers get a Support/Control hybrid Staff weapon.

I would like the 5th ability to be some kind of magic nature seed that can transform allies who consume it, into different spirit creatures that change their skill bar.

Something like that could be so cool to use when playing support.

Also would like a healing skill that does a nice channeled AoE heal to nearby allies as long as I stay still.

Also like some Ranged damage that is a chain skill with the 3rd skill being some kind of added control effect. would be cool if the auto attack also healed allies in the area based on a percentage of the damage.

Another cool idea would be to have a weapon with multiple 3 chain skills instead of just auto attack being a 3way chain skill.

Skill 1 and 2 can be "3 way chain skills " similar to Auto attack on most other classes’ weapon auto attack.
Skill 1 being a Damage/Control Chain line
and Skill 2 being a Damage/ Heal chain line

Skill 3 can be a powerful Defensive skill.

Skill 4 a AoE Channeled heal

Skill 5 a Spirit Seed :“Shape-shifter environmental weapon spawn-er.”

Healing/Support/Control Staff weapon

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

I would like to see a staff weapon with ground targeted traps on it, so we can play Staff Ranger Trapper like GW1 again Would have our utilities free for support stuff then too, like all 5 spirits.

Healing/Support/Control Staff weapon

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

REALLY OLD POST, he called it, I’m hoping we get some traps on the staff too!

Healing/Support/Control Staff weapon

in Ranger

Posted by: Wondrouswall.7169


Just waiting on people data-mining skills of the staff

Will update once Path of Fire releases.