Help Reevaluating my Build

Help Reevaluating my Build

in Ranger

Posted by: SweDreams.6984


Here is my dilemma: I enjoy the idea of a ranger immensely, however, due to the recent nerfs to this class I’ve been struggling to compensate and re-learn my class. So, I need help reevaluating this class and understanding how my current build is flawed (Because I know it must be now) and developing a new build that incorporates as many aspects of the class I enjoy while taking the new nerfs into account.

Mainly, this is the bow, my mental image is a ranger should be using a bow mainly, and its how I like to play the class. My current build uses both the short bow and longbow in conjunction with one another and is a condition build.

My build:

I’ve read around and seen a few builds that peaked my interest, mainly Hijaxx’s regen/support build but I dislike the utilization of Axes, warhorns and swords etc. Are there any current viable builds out there that use bows?

My goals would be to create a build strong in WvW or sPvP that would translate somewhat into PvE. I realize this might not be possible but then I’d settle for a WvW strong build.

So, this is one failing ranger reaching out to his community and asking for help. Any feedback, be it adaptations of my current build, completely new builds that (perhaps?) utilize bows or pointers as to how I might improve/create a better build.

Help Reevaluating my Build

in Ranger

Posted by: Lunchbox.9543


Well, first your weapon set is flawed. Short bow and Longbow only agree with eachother in a power-based, critical damage build. You’re not maximizing the conditions from your Short bow and the Longbow is just suffering because of investment into condition damage.

Admittedly, I am not an expert on Ranger in WvW. In Pve, however, you’re best to honestly pick one or the other, and focus on going the power route or going into conditions. Axe/Torch is a great secondary set to augment the condition build and Sword/Warhorn or Greatsword benefits the critical damage build. Your party will like you to focus on the power more than conditions, but run what you want to run. Consider taking 4x Superior Rune of the Mad King and 2x Rune of Lyssa in addition to a Rare Veggie Pizza to increase Short Bow bleed to 6s. Keep in mind during a condition build that having 13 stacks of bleeding with poison and burning makes 1 point of condition damage = 1 dps. Those are all easily obtainable in a condition-based build.

In all fairness, that while we shine as a condition-based build, it would be more prudent to run Power / Precision as it scales better and invest points into your pet to give it a stronger punch. This is, of course, my preferred method of playing. In the end, play what you feel is fun, but do your best to make it effective.

“I’m doing good in the game, so I’m doing good in life!”

Help Reevaluating my Build

in Ranger

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

-Drop expertise training and use Wilderness Knowledge, you will shave several seconds off both lighting reflexes and zephyr recharges.

-In a wvw setting you are really limiting yourself if you don’t use either piercing arrows or eagle eye on a longbow. Piercing arrows affect everything they hit so you will be able to cause multiple stacks of vulnerability with the longbow. You can also knock back several people at once with pointblank but it’s pretty tricky to pull off.

-Typicly you don’t want to focus on condition damage if you are going to be using the LB primarily but, if you can put in some points without taking too much from raw damage you can effectively switch between bows and a trap build if needed.

-When ever i run wvw it’s usually in a very Rampager’s heavy setup that has decent raw damage, crit chance, and condition damage to let me switch up as needed. Traps aren’t nearly as good as necro marks but they can help slow down a zerg that is about to bust through your gate better than anything else we have at our disposal and they have respectable cool downs even when not traited for it.

-Also, if you play on any of the borderlands I would consider taking the fall damage trait when not directly in combat and switching out as needed. I know I’m no the only one who has miscalculated or had the game glitchout on fall distance and forced me to walk all the way back from spawn before.

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(edited by Substance E.4852)