Help me with my Condition Build WvW intended

Help me with my Condition Build WvW intended

in Ranger

Posted by: Acheron.2197


As said in the title, i want a condition build that i can use in WvW situations. This naturally requires a fair bit of toughness and condition damage. This is my build so far

I enjoy the support provided by the pet so i have gone into beast mastery quite extensively to improve the capabilities of the pets. Considering keep offensive situations i am considering when ever it is required switching “sharpening stone” for guard which will allow my pet to attack people on the walls?

I am clearly in experienced so any input would be fantastic ^.^

Help me with my Condition Build WvW intended

in Ranger

Posted by: Cufufalating.8479


I think you will struggle with surviving with the build as it is, honestly.

You have no condition removal, your toughness is good but not great, your health isnt that high and your healing isnt that great either.

On a ranged build it wouldnt be such an issue, but using S/D + A/T you are essentially melee based. I know a lot of your attacks are ranged, and you have a good amount of combat mobility, but to really make the most of your conditions and pet you will be getting up close and personal with your opponent most of the time.

I’d either go more towards the apothecary build thats posted around here (more healing power and less condition damage) to boost your survivability, or take a SB and move into a trap build (usually sacrificing the BM element) where you wont need as much defence as you can use the SB and traps to distance yourself from your opponent. The first option is bunkerish, the second would likely make you a powerhouse of damage with all that condition damage and pretty good DD as well, but also a little more breakable :P

Cufufalating – Ranger / Part-Time Mesmer
Gunnar’s Hold

Help me with my Condition Build WvW intended

in Ranger

Posted by: ProxyDamage.9826


Bit all over the place really, but easy to fix with a few touch ups.

First things first: Sharpening Stone. No. Just no. 5 stacks of bleed for 6 seconds for a utility slot and 36 seconds of cooldown. No. There’s just not enough no for this one… Get rid of it.

That said, you’re running a condition build without shortbow… that’s… Peculiar. But let’s run with it.

Ok, now we’re getting to something that’s a bit confusing, you’re using Signets… But not traited for them, and only one (bad) survival skill, which you are traited for… And you have no condition removal or stun breakers.

Then there’s the gear, which is, again, quite confusing… Rabids I can understand, it’s a good fit for a ranger, but then you throw in carrion jewels, and rampager’s armour… You didn’t really specify which weapons you’d use (rabid? carrion? rampager’s?) but the sigils are a garbled mess.

Also, why that choice of pets? Pets aren’t affected by your stats. There’s no reason why you need condition damage pets. Their stats are independent.

Traits are also a bit confusing… For example: You are a condition build, but then you put 10 points (and only 10 points) in skirmishing, but give up the mandatory Sharpened Edges for Pet’s Prowess? Why? You’re a condition build. You need the bleed stacking.

It’s not as bad as it might sound do. I think all you need is to decide what you want your build to be. Do you want it to be a bunker? Or maybe more offensive? Are you going to be using survival skills, or sigils, or maybe traps? Traps are quite good for condition builds. But maybe you want a condition bunker, fair enough, then it’s a good idea to focus on signets.

Based on what you said and the idea I got from your build, I put together a couple quick “BM bunker-ish condition ranger”:

Example 1 – This is a very defensive, basically bunker, build. It’s designed mostly for roaming or small number battles. You won’t be doing a lot of damage, but that’s ok, because your pet will. It loses a lot of effectiveness in larger battles, and it’s not very useful in sieges, but it’s extremely difficult to kill in 1-on-1s and small numbers. It’s not my favorite build, but it’s an example of a condition bunker.

Example 2 – You sacrifice a little defense for a lot of offense. I prefer this one off the two myself. IMO you sacrifice very little defense for the massive offensive boost you gain. Still, you do sacrifice some defense. Very similar to the above in the sense that it does better in smaller numbers, and less useful in siege, but still better in both situations than the aforementioned.

Example 3 – Close to what I run in PvP (with a bit more BM). Completely different idea here. Trap build. Less passive defense, more active. Different play style entirely, but also quite strong.

These are just some quickly put together examples just to give you some ideas. Don’t feel like you have to follow them exactly.


Help me with my Condition Build WvW intended

in Ranger

Posted by: Faux Sheaux.6179

Faux Sheaux.6179

You should check out the RRR build. It’s extremely effective in roaming WvW, high survivability, and solid damage. Not the greatest in siege fights, but amazing if you’re alone or with a small group.

Ehmry Bay – Grindhouse Gaming [GH]
Menorah | Charr Cat | Some Cat Thing
Still running my old RRR build because why not

Help me with my Condition Build WvW intended

in Ranger

Posted by: Rubykuby.3427


Proxy, Sharpened Edges kind of sucks. It applies one stack of bleeding for one second, and should be upped to something like five seconds. One second is just ghastly.

Help me with my Condition Build WvW intended

in Ranger

Posted by: ProxyDamage.9826


Proxy, Sharpened Edges kind of sucks. It applies one stack of bleeding for one second, and should be upped to something like five seconds. One second is just ghastly.

Not as bad as it looks since it’s 66% chance on critical and no internal cooldown. But true, it’s not fantastic.

Help me with my Condition Build WvW intended

in Ranger

Posted by: Cempa.5619


Help me with my Condition Build WvW intended

in Ranger

Posted by: awge.3852


  • If I where you I would consider using torch as well as dagger.
  • Trait wise, put the skirmishing 10 points into marksmanship, put sharpening stone activation at 75% health, so you can free up that utility slot for something much more useful. On the wilderness survival use the trait for:
    adept – survival skill regarge 20% faster
    master – martial arts mastery/hide in plain sight (switch between these two depending on the state of the fight)
    grandmaster – bark skin
    Also, consider using different pets, cats are nice but they will fall to zerg fights too easily. I like to swap to spiders and canines when that happens.
    Your gear needs a modification to boost that very low health, try carrion. Your runes are a good choice too.
Mon Fils — Favorable Winds [Wind] — Blackgate
Ranger’s guide to PvP/WvW: