Help with Zerker Ranger leveling
weapon choice is up to you
shortbow does more dps with bleeds than long bow hands down
but if your zerker build, having point blank shot to knock enemies back is very useful
find a wep that you like for what play style you have
for pets you can either go tank or dps
bears tank
cats dps
I use LB/GS on my zerker build with wolf/jaguar pets at lv 80 mainly for WvW. At lv 20, a shortbow is nicer due to having more control and conditions for extra damage while providing moderate damage.
Note: Never pick a bear for a zerker build (in PvP/WvW). Bears are terrible.
(edited by Indoles.1467)
Just use whatever you’re more comfortable with, or the weapon in your inventory that happens to have the highest stats since you’re still leveling
Pet selection is situational and depends on your personal preference I think, more than your build. Until you hit dungeons you shouldn’t have problems keeping any pet alive in basic PvE anyway, so just pick whatever style you like best.
PS: I am full berserker and use LB/GS, and usually birds in basic PvE because I like the spike (canines in PvP for CC)
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