Heres what i think about Rangers pvp

Heres what i think about Rangers pvp

in Ranger

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


I follow this forum for a long time now.I was here a little before the 40ms animation glitch..Sometimes i got angry,sometimes i got happy.Before the 40ms patch Rangers was a good pvp class with the QZ SB combo being a blast…The condition + QZ + SB was the best pvp option everyone follow it and everyone was happy about it.After the 40ms patch every Ranger stopped playing Ranger in pvp,raged at the devs and the GW2 pvp community itself approved that Ranger was the weakest class..Till the trap build came up.I would say here that till day one i think theres not a single change in the trap skills or whatsoever.After 2 good patches with a few fixes in some weapons-skills-traits-pets today you can see some threads in sPvP where ppl actually complaining for Rangers that are so OP in 1v1 and that the trap build must be nerfed.I repeat not a single change happened in traps so my question is why suddenly the traps become op?
The answer that i can give is that we are still learning the classes and the game itself.We need to test builds,weapons and skills before we rage that Rangers are overpower.In a certain time Rangers indeed needed help but now i think we are pretyy fine
And yes we can make more ranged dmg than warriors in actuall combat with our pets alive

Heres what i think about Rangers pvp

in Ranger

Posted by: vespers.1759


And yes we can make more ranged dmg than warriors in actuall combat with our pets alive

but the pets are never alive.

Bristleback can’t hit anything? Let’s fix the HP bug instead.

Heres what i think about Rangers pvp

in Ranger

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


And yes we can make more ranged dmg than warriors in actuall combat with our pets alive

but the pets are never alive.

Yes they have some issues in some fights but thats not true.Actually its unaccurate and blind assumption..Learn to adapt in the situation,if you find hard to keep alive your pet change it with a ranged one,or a tanky one.In pve you can do this out of combat.Choose before combat what pet its better for the fight..In pvp its totally fine and pets are always alive if you keep swapping em and you use your heal sometimes for them instead of only for yourself.I used ranged pet in pvp and i was totally fine

(edited by Dardamaniac.1295)

Heres what i think about Rangers pvp

in Ranger

Posted by: SilverWF.4789


Bear will live in zerg for 2-3 seconds more than jaguar, so... So only ranged pets

#SAVEDONBASS from Ukraine!
Seafarer’s Rest (EU): Liicher (Engi), Lii Cher (Warrior), Swf (Elem),
Licharr (Guard), Lich Eir (Ranger), Alt Fh (Thief). Lii Cherr (Mesm), S Wf (Necr)

Heres what i think about Rangers pvp

in Ranger

Posted by: Gaiyeerishima Cat.1082

Gaiyeerishima Cat.1082

I believe this is more about spvp than wvw… There aren’t really “zergs” in spvp, so your pet is usually durable enough to survive if you take good care of it, especially if you build for BM.

(edited by Gaiyeerishima Cat.1082)

Heres what i think about Rangers pvp

in Ranger

Posted by: Gaiyeerishima Cat.1082

Gaiyeerishima Cat.1082

Also, I find that pvp is the one place where rangers really get to shine, since pets will mostly stay alive, and class features of the ranger are important and useful. (Mobility, multiple types of damage, being able to build for survival while doing damage not only from conditions but also from pet).

Heres what i think about Rangers pvp

in Ranger

Posted by: Fjandi.2516


Trap builds are not the best 1v1 builds rangers have. And no ranger is not fine, like most classes are not fine. Why? Cos ranger is forced into 1/2 builds. Ofc lots of other builds can be played, but they are not competitive. Warriors have pretty much the same problem, the difference is warriors are not that good even 1v1.
I’ve not changed my ranger build in the past 2 months or so, that’s depressing.
And ye ranger is really good in spvp and small scale wvw, it gets boring after a while tho.

Heres what i think about Rangers pvp

in Ranger

Posted by: paleeshi.1924


Forgive my ignorance, but what is the 40ms patch?

Anyway, after the karka patch there was much more ranger to be seen both in PvE and spvp. I think it had to do with the 30% velocity fix to LB/SB. However, lately there’s been even bigger ranger boom in spvp, but now the trend is going towards a more bunker-ish playstyle (like with a lot of other classes in spvp). I’ve tried a version of this build in spvp and found it to be great success, especially 1v1. I’ve also seen many rangers gaining top scores in spvp matches. However, although the build is very much viable, I grew bored of it quickly, and find the trapper build being much more fun. But I have to agree with Fjandi. Unfortunately ranger is a class I get bored of very quickly, no matter how hard I try to like it, which is sad since I wanted the legendary LB. But I guess it’s just a matter of taste.

Heres what i think about Rangers pvp

in Ranger

Posted by: vespers.1759


And yes we can make more ranged dmg than warriors in actuall combat with our pets alive

but the pets are never alive.

Yes they have some issues in some fights but thats not true.Actually its unaccurate and blind assumption..Learn to adapt in the situation,if you find hard to keep alive your pet change it with a ranged one,or a tanky one.In pve you can do this out of combat.Choose before combat what pet its better for the fight..In pvp its totally fine and pets are always alive if you keep swapping em and you use your heal sometimes for them instead of only for yourself.I used ranged pet in pvp and i was totally fine

maybe in SPVP and small groups, but pets are a cooldown in wvwvw and dungeons.

Bristleback can’t hit anything? Let’s fix the HP bug instead.

Heres what i think about Rangers pvp

in Ranger

Posted by: SciChronic.3846


Forgive my ignorance, but what is the 40ms patch?

rangers used to attack much faster with short bows due to a “glitch” in the attack animation.

that said, no rangers aren’t fine, have you seen their GS damage? its maybe 5% higher than using a 1h sword. GS were good in pvp way back in beta, but anet nerfed things that affected all classes, and piled on nerfs directly at the GS turning it into crap in both PvE and PvP