(edited by Eziekiel.1067)
Highest maul + MoC crit
Have I got the thread for you!
MoC is difficult to stack with the build in the thread because so many of the damage modifiers are first-hit or next-hit. The same reason that Path of Scars (axe 4) does less damage than Maul. In theory PoS should do more because it hits twice with a 1.2 multiplier vs Maul’s single hit for 1.5. But because several damage mods only work on the first hit, Maul ends up being better (or at least more reliable).
Also, the tooltip for MoC is written poorly. It’s +50% damage, or 150% of original damage.
(edited by Solandri.9640)
Thanks for the response! That video got me excited about the possibilities out there!
I hit a rabbit once for 750k Maul + Signet of the Hunt active (150% damage on next attack)
Sad day for the rabbit yes but who doesn’t love big numbers?!?!
For my GC ranger, my biggest hit record vs lv80 is 19.5k on a GC thief.
A typical burst for my ranger is swoop (10-11k on medium/low armor, 7-8k on heavy) + stun+Maul (15-20k on medium/low armor, 10-12k on heavy), usually I pared with QZ to ensure all these lands in 2 seconds. If both hits land 90% of targets will die instantly.
However, there are a lot of counters(especially passive trait effects) vs this combo such as dodge/block/invul etc. If you miss one of these 2 big hits, you will be in danger. It’s very breath-holding play style and fun to play.
current status, could hit harder with more ascended gears, but right now damage is already enough. The key part is how to secure the 2 hits to land. So I use QZ + Entangle. It’s a you die or I die game.
(edited by CRrabbit.1284)