How do I stop a thief?

How do I stop a thief?

in Ranger

Posted by: Crazy.6029


I was just in wvwvw and was scouting down about to take a way point, and a thief ported to me and killed me in killed me 2 secs. I rezd and ran back and he did it again in 2 secs. Im pretty decent geared with all exotics and have a pretty decent amount of toughness… but I mean 2 secs really..? He just appeared, I was stunned and was dead in 2 secs. Are they a bit OP? Im not the best out there but wow…

How do I stop a thief?

in Ranger

Posted by: nerva.7940


Protect Me, the similar signet, dodge, SB’s daze, dagger’s #4 evade, many different options. also, toughness.

once he blows his load, it’s easy to kill.

Ikiro – 80 Ranger
Umie – 80 Guardian

(edited by nerva.7940)

How do I stop a thief?

in Ranger

Posted by: Luriyu.6873


i tend to just pull a healing spirit (what ever it’s called). after the initial load, i clinch a revive and basically run circles around them with my short bow while healing (i use fern hound so added 1.5k hp of regen, along with my healing). usually once the initial strike is over and (if i survive) i simply just fight them until they decide to run away or kill them off (if they tend to stay).

a rangers sword (dodges) helps quite a bit, and laying down spike traps while getting chased works as well.

…though i just find thieves to be a hard counter to rangers (Should they get the jump on you). and almost every other class is pretty simple to fight against.

How do I stop a thief?

in Ranger

Posted by: Rore.3548


I seem to have the most problems with the ones that seem to be in perma stealth. Attack, stealth, attack, stealth, etc. AoE’s / traps don’t seem to keep them visible.

How do I stop a thief?

in Ranger

Posted by: Pvp.2758


traps = thieves demise

S(KILL) Gametypes > WvW & sPVP

How do I stop a thief?

in Ranger

Posted by: Xiss.9307


traps = thieves demise

don’t work against all the thief builds but against HS builds its a must.

How do I stop a thief?

in Ranger

Posted by: Ravnodaus.5130


Thieves do glass cannon perfectly. Do everything you can to survive that opening onslaught, and if you do, you’ll win the fight. They are all burst, and then a bit squishy afterwards.

Why grind dungeons? Only relevant content…
Why? Gives needed gear…
Why do you need this gear? To do dungeons… duh.

(edited by Ravnodaus.5130)

How do I stop a thief?

in Ranger

Posted by: Xandax.1753


Hope you’re with a group that can kill the thief before he gets you down.