How to druid?

How to druid?

in Ranger

Posted by: lucabuccia.3795


Dear all,
I tried to struggle myself out of changes of 26th Jan, and to keep a good “healer profile”, without the Celestial Druid spec.

Currently I use this kind of build: , with paladin amulet.

Is it a good spot (consider that I find hard to get out of Necro Conditioners pressure)? Precisation: I returned to Gw2 within 2 weeks, and I am basically poor of PvP knowledge. All suggestions are welcome, feel free to help a fellow Druid.

Have a nice day

How to druid?

in Ranger

Posted by: Euthymias.7984


It seems alright. You probably wont get much more condi-cleanse without investing into Wilderness Survival for Empathetic Bond/Wilderness Knowledge.

(Ive heard those runes don’t work on WHaO/SotP, but if they do, that’s a plus)
Just use your glyphs carefully to handle mild condi pressure and try to save CA for a condi bomb and additional sustain when you’re getting low. If all else fails, Sword 2+about face double leaping and Staff 3 can help you disengage.

If you’re using Sword/Torch, why not use the Mercenary Amulet for extra condition damage?

How to druid?

in Ranger

Posted by: BROKENCAPS.4561


Looks ok in general.

I think you need another stun break (your only one currently comes from druidic clarity which won’t always be on demand). Consider swapping ‘Glyph of Tides’ with ‘Protect me’ (it’s awesome) seeing as you’re traited for shouts and are using soldier runes.

Try Menders ammy over Paladins if you want to fulfil more of a healer role – this will make your 4 shouts heal for 3360 each…pretty sweet.

I’d take Smokescale over wolf every time.

You may want to consider Great Sword over Sword/Torch – as you’re not really maximising the condi from torch (you’d want condi damage ammy and quickdraw trait for that). If you do go Great Sword – swap Wilting Strikes for Two Handed Training.

Also – if you drop a glyph for another shout, you may want to consider swapping Verdant Etching for Celestial shadow or natural stride.

Hope this helps.

How to druid?

in Ranger

Posted by: lucabuccia.3795


I will surely try these advices later. I will report my feelings for sure,
ty in advance

How to druid?

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


I agree you definitely need a utility stun break.

I am like you and prefer the wolf over smokescale, but in your build you could go either way. The wolf is usually better in team fights, and the smokescale is better in 1v1s.

Except in two cases where it’s opposite: I use the wolf because it makes getting 1v1 decaps or even full caps easier, but your build obviously isn’t focused on that. And smokescale can be better in team fights if you’re playing at a really high MMR and solo Q randoms know what to do when they see a smoke field.

How to druid?

in Ranger

Posted by: lucabuccia.3795


Ok, so, I tried up the GS build, suggested by Brokencaps. Really nice heals and survavibility.
Mobility improved a lot with GS #3.
Damage increased thanks to GS #2.

I survived alone for 2 minutes of costant fight against a power ranger and a warrior.

Last thing: I found very problematic to survive Dragonhunter burst. I really got oneshotted by a trap. Advices?

How to druid?

in Ranger

Posted by: BROKENCAPS.4561


Ok, so, I tried up the GS build, suggested by Brokencaps. Really nice heals and survavibility.
Mobility improved a lot with GS #3.
Damage increased thanks to GS #2.

I survived alone for 2 minutes of costant fight against a power ranger and a warrior.

Last thing: I found very problematic to survive Dragonhunter burst. I really got oneshotted by a trap. Advices?

Glad it worked out for you.

There is an animation ‘tell’ just before the trap closes – dodge immediately if you can and you’ll escape most if not all of the damage.

In general – if you see a Dragonhunter camping on a bunker, send your pet in first and attack from distance before closing in. That way, your pet will activate the trap and not you. And remember – you’ve got some good disengages running Staff & GS.

Best of luck.