How to stop sucking?

How to stop sucking?

in Ranger

Posted by: Aylpse.6280


I’ve literally done everything in my power to not suck in PvP. I’ve tried traps I’ve tried SoF Regen, Spirits, I’ve tried power, I’ve tried Beast Master. None of them work for me. I have 2k hours on this class and its the only one I really like.

I rolled the class for the pet, are there any good rangers who actually use the pet and not as an f2 bot? Mapchat gave me the usual span 1. Guild is all PvE heroes, or Warrior/Thief. I have no where to turn. The community has gotten me to a really bad depression with the “lol ur bad” every game. I can not count the number of times I’ve been called a word for homosexual despite reporting and blocking.

Please help. This is my last hope.

Taking the higher moral ground since 1993.

How to stop sucking?

in Ranger

Posted by: Prysin.8542


Watch my streams and do the exact opposite of me

Lv 80 Guard, Ranger, Ele, Thief, warr, engi
Currently @ some T1 server in EU

How to stop sucking?

in Ranger

Posted by: Tribio.8531


rangers who actually use the pet and not as an f2 bot

CC pets are awesome in PvP.. Just think of the wolf and his fear or the drakehound that AoE immobilized.. Of course, the choice of pets depends greatly on your playstyle with your ranger..

Could you elaborate a bit more about what/how you like to play with your ranger? Do you prefer ranged combat, a mix of melee/ranger, or pure melee? Do you want to run a supportive build for your teamies or rather a power build that takes down enemies quickly?

The more information you can give, the better this nice community can help you..
And trust me: Rangers aren’t bad at all.. It’s unfortunately a class with a very little margin for error: One little mistake and you’re bound to get in trouble..
There are other classes that can keep making mistakes, those just stealth away when they realise it..

The Hatreidis family: Freya / Nina / Demonica / Athena / Faith / Arya / Angie / Sansa
Commander – Jam Death [Jd]
Fissure of Woe

How to stop sucking?

in Ranger

Posted by: Aylpse.6280


rangers who actually use the pet and not as an f2 bot

CC pets are awesome in PvP.. Just think of the wolf and his fear or the drakehound that AoE immobilized.. Of course, the choice of pets depends greatly on your playstyle with your ranger..

Could you elaborate a bit more about what/how you like to play with your ranger? Do you prefer ranged combat, a mix of melee/ranger, or pure melee? Do you want to run a supportive build for your teamies or rather a power build that takes down enemies quickly?

The more information you can give, the better this nice community can help you..
And trust me: Rangers aren’t bad at all.. It’s unfortunately a class with a very little margin for error: One little mistake and you’re bound to get in trouble..
There are other classes that can keep making mistakes, those just stealth away when they realise it..

Im really fond of the mixed, I like the short bow ad sword/dagger, I know very well pets are great for CC, but I really want a spec where I feel like me and the pet are a equal part team. Again, this would be a BeastMaster spec, the ones that dont work in the current meta.

Im currently a SoF “side point off bunker”, this would be fine but Im still having a lot of trouble. Im timing my dodges to avoid attacks, like hambow’s bow 5 and telegraphed stuns, swapping weapons and pets, ect. But there are times I just get rolled and despite trying my best, I just cant seem to get better. Any dodgy build really would benefit my playstyle. I like being tanky but I dont like my low damage output.

Taking the higher moral ground since 1993.

(edited by Aylpse.6280)

How to stop sucking?

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


How to stop sucking?

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


If all PvP builds are failing for you, it sounds like you need a refresher on the typical PvP meta in general. Do you know the typical roles and strategies? Are you able to succeed on other professions?

Also are you playing hot join? It can be extremely difficult to get anything going on hot join because it’s just a clusterkitten of randomness. You might have the best build ever and know all the right strategies, but you’ll get steamrolled when the “zerg” comes to take your point. If you’re playing hotjoin, never do that again and do solo or team arenas.

How to stop sucking?

in Ranger

Posted by: Aylpse.6280


If all PvP builds are failing for you, it sounds like you need a refresher on the typical PvP meta in general. Do you know the typical roles and strategies? Are you able to succeed on other professions?

Also are you playing hot join? It can be extremely difficult to get anything going on hot join because it’s just a clusterkitten of randomness. You might have the best build ever and know all the right strategies, but you’ll get steamrolled when the “zerg” comes to take your point. If you’re playing hotjoin, never do that again and do solo or team arenas.

Yes, I’ve been doing a lot of hotjoin trying to find a good build, soloQ is less stressful? o.o

Edit: I can confirm my build is part of the issue, no damage in it.. trying the build posted here.

Taking the higher moral ground since 1993.

(edited by Aylpse.6280)

How to stop sucking?

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


IMO solo queue is a 1000 times more fun and skill based than hot join. Hot join should be renamed hot mess.

Try some of the meta builds in solo queue and I think you’ll find them working much better.

How to stop sucking?

in Ranger

Posted by: Aylpse.6280


Just tried soloQ, I was told to kill myself by my teammates, whats worse is I’ve had suicidal tendencies since I was 7.

Taking the higher moral ground since 1993.

How to stop sucking?

in Ranger

Posted by: Otaking.4675


If all PvP builds are failing for you, it sounds like you need a refresher on the typical PvP meta in general. Do you know the typical roles and strategies? Are you able to succeed on other professions?

Also are you playing hot join? It can be extremely difficult to get anything going on hot join because it’s just a clusterkitten of randomness. You might have the best build ever and know all the right strategies, but you’ll get steamrolled when the “zerg” comes to take your point. If you’re playing hotjoin, never do that again and do solo or team arenas.

Yes, I’ve been doing a lot of hotjoin trying to find a good build, soloQ is less stressful? o.o

Edit: I can confirm my build is part of the issue, no damage in it.. trying the build posted here.

In hotjoin you find things like:

Overabundance of thieves because it’s the easiest class to ignore the actual domination game with and just look for burst opportunities so poorly skilled players can feel better about themselves. I am willing to bet that most of your losses in hotjoin revolve around thieves since they have a huge advantage over bow use and predictable melee like a pet and some of our movesets.

Teams of pubstompers or friends on voice chat that go spectator so they can all switch to the same team.

People joining their own game with their alt account so they can knock you off your stomp and rez themselves when they’re in trouble.

SoloQ players tend to cut out the shenanigans like these and play actual domination builds to focus on capping points instead of trying to troll you with ‘doolz’. Namely builds that don’t sit in stealth for 7/8th of a match.

I play power competitively and effectively so build isn’t everything esp. in YoloQ. Much of it is your comfort zone with your chosen build especially your keybind setup. I’d much rather have someone comfortable and effective with their personally designed build on my team than a bad player that thinks a build in the meta list is going to win the game for them.

I would recommend picking a build in the style you like and making it more defensive than you may be used to if you’re still having trouble. Learn to be effective this way and then put damage back into it once you figure out what defense you can live without. My current power build is all defensive traits and zerk amulet for instance in order to stop the condi meta cold, yet still having enough damage to be effective with the right pet setup and combos.

Hotjoin can still be useful if you really understand about the abuses going on that I described above and realize if all the players on your team are so weak against the pubstompers that they are getting picked off in seconds there is nothing you’re going to be able to do to last against 5 players with 3 points capped and nothing else to do but lie in ambush outside of the spawn. I have no qualms about deserting a silly hotjoin and getting a new one if that’s the case, waste of my time. It’s a faster way to practice new builds but once you get comfortable say 2v1ing with it, you should be spending time in arena instead for sure.

In SoloQ you can still find some pretty terrible players on your team since many times PVE’rs that just want their dailies can’t find the hotjoin button in favor of the Arena buttons but overall it is much more balanced environment.

How to stop sucking?

in Ranger

Posted by: Otaking.4675


Just tried soloQ, I was told to kill myself by my teammates, whats worse is I’ve had suicidal tendencies since I was 7.

What build ARE you running and what are you doing with it? Specifics would help.

How to stop sucking?

in Ranger

Posted by: Otaking.4675


Just tried soloQ, I was told to kill myself by my teammates, whats worse is I’ve had suicidal tendencies since I was 7.

What build ARE you running and what are you doing with it? Specifics would help.

Also, of course there is no reason to measure yourself by the opinion of a bunch of basement dwelling kids in their 5th year of college pursuant to a 4 year degree with an overinflated estimate of their own self-worth.

I am sure you have worth outside the sphere of video games. You seem like an educated empathic sort (or extremely skilled troll XD).

Really who gives a F about video game leet proz in the first place. Right click block is a very easy way to stop tactless slobs.

How to stop sucking?

in Ranger

Posted by: Otaking.4675


Try this build if you want to ignore the meta and go power:

Damage? The parrot is an absolute monster, paired with cats and pinning your victim down with muddy terrain ensures both pets can deliver that damage along with a bit of might stack while you plink away and dance around them with well timed stealth and KB.

LB opening → Stealth → muddy terrain → Pet F2/Swoop/stun/maul as needed.

Focused? You probably have the best disengage in the game besides thieves with the most condi clear, on demand condi clear, lowered recharge on GS for swoop, blocks, and swiftness on weapon swap. Use this to rotate points, or just leave a midpoint battle and get out of combat quickly to recharge and get back in there. Make the enemy waste their best combos and time in a pitched mid battle on the ‘squishy’ ranger as they all clear right away and make them drop target while you LB stealth and heal or circle back.

Need to bunker a bit? Enough toughness dodge and natural life along with muddy terrain and stealth target drops to keep your opponents from getting a good combo grip on you while you delay a cap and you can certainly win a lot of 1v1s in this build and stop that cap cold.

LB knockback is excellent for decap at the same time. If you have to leave the point it’s easy to come back and KB them right back off it so their gain is minimal. Granted not a bunker build but just describing the tactic if you need to do it.

How to stop sucking?

in Ranger

Posted by: Eurantien.4632


It is near impossible for a ranger to ever be truly viable at the highest end of play because of the pet and its responsiveness. That being said, no one is near that tier and ranger can still be competitive at what is considered “top tier” atm.

To be honest, I don’t think there are any “top tier” rangers for the same reason you pointed out. Every ranger I have seen does not fully utilize the pet. The reason being because it is hard. The only way I can see a ranger truly being competitive and therefore good at PvP is through synergy with the pet. Sure, you can control the F2, but you can also control the “4th skill” of the pet (i.e. wolf kd). This allows you to be able to set things up as a ranger that other rangers simply don’t do (like kd + split shot).

In my opinion, the difference between a good ranger and bad, is how they use their pet. You don’t see rangers beating too many “top tier” players/specs in PvP because of this. I can give an example: Spirit Ranger vs Automated Response Engi (Pre-nerf). Everyone thinks this fight is won by the engi. The truth is, it depends on the players. Take the best engi and a ranger and you would think the engi would win, I would call it a 50/50 chance. The reason for this was storm spirit + drake F2. However, the engi being a good player is going to dodge the drake F2. So you as a ranger, must use F2, cancel with F3, reposition the drake on the edge of the node, reengage with F1, F2 until you can get it to land in conjunction with your storm spirit in order to finish off the condi immune engi.

That is just one example of pet + ranger synergy that can make you the best ranger there is. However, NOBODY does this. The reason is because it’s hard to pay attention to your enemy AND your pet in order to use it to its full potential (since you have to animation cancel until you want its attacks to land).

That is just for the ranger. There is also the meta. Warrior, Elementalist, and Engineer are all doing quite well currently. They have might stacking, they have AoE, they have sustain. Ranger, doesn’t have those things. I would say pre April 15th the ranger was pretty much a front line class. Since then, we are now a mid line class. You CANNOT hold a node against these classes. To win, you have to let the point go neutral, but losing the cap and killing your enemy is worth more than dying and losing the full cap. So it’s ok, fight off node, kite, and LoS. Do you what you have to do to win those fights. Ranger is the god of off node fighting and once that node is neutral it’s like off node fighting. Let it get neut, just win your fight.

That being said, decent pet control and good skill rotations on a condi build can make you pretty successful. Kinda sad but true. But then again, good pet control and reactive play not skill rotations, can make any ranger build viable.

Edit: I’m going to keep adding Edit: Also, you almost never want to do sword 2 -> sword 2 leap AT YOUR TARGET. It does like no damage and the cripple is meh, it’s just a free wind up for you enemy because he knows you will follow sword 2 with the leap at him. Use it to reposition yourself, or if you really want the cripple detarget, and leap through your enemy, you still get the cripple but end up past your enemy.

Edit: Builds won’t let ranger win anymore, (YAY), skill will.

Pet control + synergy
Smart off node play
= PvP Success

(edited by Eurantien.4632)

How to stop sucking?

in Ranger

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


@OP, I feel the same way. I’ve settled on a condi regen set only because it performs well when outnumbered and does very well in 1v1 if I need to take a point.

I did for awhile have a semi-pet related build where I could maintain 20+ stacks of might on it at all times however the investment for it made me very squishy. I could get my bird to crit for ~6k (every 18 seconds on F2) and the ~16 stacks of might on myself helped me dish out conditions so it was a hybrid based on my pet. As fun as it was melting people it was far to easy to overwhelm :/

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

How to stop sucking?

in Ranger

Posted by: Viking Jorun.5413

Viking Jorun.5413

Just tried soloQ, I was told to kill myself by my teammates, whats worse is I’ve had suicidal tendencies since I was 7.

That’s horrible. I’m sick today, but if I’m feeling better I’ll be on later. Go ahead and PM me and we’ll see about using my guild’s ToL practice arena to get you into the PvP mood. I’ll teach you all of the tips and tricks you normally learn from playing a map 1,000 times, and obviously you can’t learn on your own if you have teammates that talk to you like that, and it’s not fun at that point either.


I know quite a few rangers including myself who utilize the pet to the extent that is intended. You’re not the only one who’s figured out that pets are an extension of the ranger and act on it.

(edited by Viking Jorun.5413)

How to stop sucking?

in Ranger

Posted by: livlaender.8790



die Gedanken sind frei

How to stop sucking?

in Ranger

Posted by: Eurantien.4632


Just tried soloQ, I was told to kill myself by my teammates, whats worse is I’ve had suicidal tendencies since I was 7.

That’s horrible. I’m sick today, but if I’m feeling better I’ll be on later. Go ahead and PM me and we’ll see about using my guild’s ToL practice arena to get you into the PvP mood. I’ll teach you all of the tips and tricks you normally learn from playing a map 1,000 times, and obviously you can’t learn on your own if you have teammates that talk to you like that, and it’s not fun at that point either.


I know quite a few rangers including myself who utilize the pet to the extent that is intended. You’re not the only one who’s figured out that pets are an extension of the ranger and act on it.

Awesome, glad to hear it. All I said wasn’t that I haven’t seen any. There are only 3 rangers in the small NA competitive scene, and the other two don’t do this.

How to stop sucking?

in Ranger

Posted by: Esclfowne.3472


This is my power ranger build, i do well for the most part in spvp, the only problem is that it lacks condi cleanse, so a pure condi player is a little more tricky to kill; but u can always switch out toll to healing spring if u need to and use sword skill 2 leap finisher to heal about 1.3k.

How to stop sucking?

in Ranger

Posted by: Kirby.9138


How good are you with the Sword? Most bad rangers I see fly around the screen with it while not doing any damage.

How to stop sucking?

in Ranger

Posted by: Cufufalating.8479


Improving at any game really comes down to looking at why you lost. Try to avoid making excuses like “hes using a cheese build” or “I got zerged over” etc. While it might be entirely true, maybe they were a PU mesmer or indeed you did just get run over by 20 people, there is still blame on you. Why didn’t you see those 20 people coming? 20 is a big group, pretty easy to see even a long distance off, so actually it is largely your fault for being unobservant. Maybe they came round a corner, but then why were you standing by a corner which lead to a direction you knew enermies could come from?

You see this a LOT in DotA… where people will be off farming, get ganked by the opposing team and them start flaming the support player for not having sentry wards up to alert them of the enermy teams movements. Sure, some blame might be on the support player for not having the wards, but most of the blame is still on the person who died because they could clearly see there were no sentry wards, and thus they had no clue where the opposing team was, and still they went out on their own into a dangerous location when actually they should have waited and requested either someone to back them up or to put down wards, rather than going balls to the wall then blaming others for their misjudgement.

So back to the point… just look at what went wrong every time you lose and look at what YOU could chance about it next time. Don’t blame it on things you cant change like the other players build.

Cufufalating – Ranger / Part-Time Mesmer
Gunnar’s Hold

How to stop sucking?

in Ranger

Posted by: Prysin.8542


still, if none of these suggestions here help you, watch my stream at sunday for some tips and tricks. Perhaps you’ll learn something that will help you


Lv 80 Guard, Ranger, Ele, Thief, warr, engi
Currently @ some T1 server in EU

How to stop sucking?

in Ranger

Posted by: Lynnie.7213


@ OP:
I think the best thing you could do is find your role in pvp, get a good build for that role and practice a lot. Rangers need the double effort to be as good as the other classes and sometimes isn’t enough.

If you like to be a Bunker and hold the capped point no matter what, do your search on builds and practice a lot.

If you like to burn people down, go for a sniper sorta of build.

If you like to be support and etc …

Must practice a lot, find your role, get a build and practice rotations on dummies for hours untill you get muscular memory then go Duels and then go PvP. That way you won’t get all depressive.

Necromancer – Ranger WvW/Spvp/Pve/Build/Guide videos:

How to stop sucking?

in Ranger

Posted by: Benjamin.8237


I love the whole no top ranger thing when people like Niah, Kenny and Azron all play exceptionally well as Ranger.

P R I N C E | Best Renger EU
You can find me in PvP | I normally answer PMs