Hyjaxx's Re-Port331 ( The new hotness!)

Hyjaxx's Re-Port331 ( The new hotness!)

in Ranger

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


Certain Engineer Specs will absolutely kitten us two ways from sunday..

That’s honestly what has given me the most trouble out of all the classes, is a well played Engineer.

Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Hyjaxx's Re-Port331 ( The new hotness!)

in Ranger

Posted by: Vermillion.1429


I can agree, the only thing that’s ever caused me grief in WvW is an engineer when I am playing properly.

Apart from that I have only died when I was basically slacking. Not paying attention and getting jumped, being foolhardy when I know I shouldn’t, and using evasions far too early.

If you’re on your game, you can generally take on 1v3. I’ve taken to eating up other zerker rangers quite happily while roaming, nothing explodes faster.

Hyjaxx's Re-Port331 ( The new hotness!)

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Certain Engineer Specs will absolutely kitten us two ways from sunday..

That’s honestly what has given me the most trouble out of all the classes, is a well played Engineer.

Yep, only class, when played well, that gives me a problem.

Hyjaxx's Re-Port331 ( The new hotness!)

in Ranger

Posted by: Tumult.2578


Sorry, that’s not Ranger, it’s perverted Melee’r. No thanks, but thanks for showing how ridiculous a build it takes to even try to play Ranger now.

Hyjaxx's Re-Port331 ( The new hotness!)

in Ranger

Posted by: hyjaxxx.1584


well a few things to Reply to your thoughts on the build.

As far as guard being a PITA to use i agree. for roaming i now use a dog and a wolf. So i start off with the wolf and set guard on top of the person im fighting…it makes them open with their knock down, then i fear. while the fear is going i switch to dog and use guard on top of them again….and again it opens with a knock down followed by the 2 second immob. so i have just tied up a target for atleast 6-8 seconds of Hard CC during this time i have also laid down Entangle,bonfire,poisons,bleeds…..this method kills a large majority of people i fight.

If they are able to get out of 1 or 2 of the CC they still have 2 more from the pet plus the entangle. Between the conditions and the CC they blow all their CD’s which leaves them in a real bad place….in which case im able to finish em off with a couple axes or S1 trifectas.

It really is a rush to play. I love it!

Whoajaxx the Ranger
Currently looking for wvw guild@henge

Hyjaxx's Re-Port331 ( The new hotness!)

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Where did Ryan go?

Hyjaxx's Re-Port331 ( The new hotness!)

in Ranger

Posted by: Ryan.8367


Your arguing about a build that is proven to win 1v1 fights. The BM bunker build is a roaming build. Played right it can win 99% of 1v1 fights and 1v2 fights. Yes I know some fights will not end, I even ran into a ele where we fought for 5 min then we both kinda stopped and went different ways, knowing it wouldn’t end.

If you’re so brilliant and know everything, enlighten us with what you know is better than the BM bunker build for roaming?

Christ I never said I was brilliant, I just know people who have faced insanely bunker regen rangers and know counters to it, namely d/d eles , engis and guardians when they’re well played. Don’t get all defensive about it.

For roaming:

Stop stacking so much healing for one, and toughness, you don’t need it. It’s just training wheels and has a large diminishing return after about 1800 toughness better to up your health pool for EHP. Better to use most of that anyway for direct dmg, again, remember your survivability was buffed this patch in NM line and you got a 5% dmg boost above 90%. You don’t need all of that padded survivability.

700 healing is a good number to be at IF you wanted to have a healing build. You honestly don’t need any more than that, the rest is just overkill and making up for your lack of dodging important attacks. If you wanna faceroll and run through kitten, so be it, you’ll have no offensive power other than trying to string conditions together on a player, which again, works against baddies but not people who have played against condition classes before. Remember, there’s classes much better at applying conditions you , namely engis and people practice duel with them all the time and learn ways to counter condition stringing/embedding. If you think otherwise then you obviously haven’t dueled as much as I have.

The reason why I don’t like builds like this is because it promotes bad playing, it’s a build unto which it’s quite literally the build and not you, everything is auto pilot. I’ve always had the same feeling against builds like super high bunker condi thieves , bunker phantasm mesmers. They’re just annoying and don’t really do anything against most good players.

Again, I’m referring to 1on1s with top players of their class with builds that aren’t even high bunker at all they’re actually running mostly offensive gear w/ barely any survivable – if they mess up they will die but they also are next to nearly unstoppable in 1on1’s when they play right (Koroshi engi , Ukune engi, Amyrlin Serane elementalist, Twitchy Toes mesmer , Msandman mesmer, Incarnadyne thief , Aynkou guardian, Karlesi ranger, etc ) – most of these guys don’t even run full survivability because they’re just good at dodging and using their skills and know what needs to be dodged and use the right utilities when they need to be used.

BM / High regen bunker does nothing but promote bad playstyle as you can eat a plethora of attacks and it doesn’t matter because your auto-pilot stats/regen are taking care of it for you – the caveat is a tradeoff of virtually no dmg in either one end of the spectrum of offensive play whether it be direct dmg or conditions – in this build’s case it’s clearly direct dmg. People get so defensive when they get called out on the truth but let’s be honest here, if you were getting trolled by a thief with full bunker on that cleared numerous condi on invis that can never die and invis’s constantly – would you call him good or utilizing an OP build to his advantage? You’d probably call him annoying/utilizing an OP build to his advantage unto which he never dies. Can that same thief really kill anybody who’s extremely good? Absolutely not he’d probably just stalemate or lose against a good player who understands him but against baddies? Absolutely yes he can kill them. It’s the nature of this game’s playstyle and WvW bunker is on steroids.

Tanbin 80 Ranger

(edited by Ryan.8367)

Hyjaxx's Re-Port331 ( The new hotness!)

in Ranger

Posted by: jubskie.3152



You know, if you posted that deep and insightful analysis instead of “this build is crap, good D/D eles will pwn this trash! #swag”, this thread would have seen much better discussion instead of people getting inflamed.

That said, you make valid points.

Extraordinary Gentlemen [EXG] Desolation
Doing It With Style

Hyjaxx's Re-Port331 ( The new hotness!)

in Ranger

Posted by: ItIsFinished.9462


Anyone from Maguuma or Yaks Bend that’s following this thread and spec wanna meet behind the windmill? Need to know if this build is better than the one I’m currently running.

Arrow Slanger »—> »—> »—>
The Never Ending Repertoire of Ranger Builds
Salt of the Earth {SALT} Crystal Desert© ~~Dragon Rank~~

Hyjaxx's Re-Port331 ( The new hotness!)

in Ranger

Posted by: Goldmember.4368


Since it appears that ryan has a ranger, you he knows as well others that there is no face-rolling for our prof. We need more survivability than most due to our inherently low dps. That being said, optimization for us comes from being creative with our builds and finding the good aspects of our prof. Namely regens. I realy appreciate what I learn from other rangers on this forum, esp from chopps and the guys on “arrow to the knee” and those who give back to the community. Any fedback that makes the ranger better is welcome when it comes with solutions.

Hyjaxx's Re-Port331 ( The new hotness!)

in Ranger

Posted by: Ryan.8367


Yea don’t ever mention Chopps in a PvP/WvW discussion. You immediately lose me and you immediately lose most good rangers. He does nothing but dungeons. The fact that he even comments on PvP/WvW kitten when he’s even said he usually does mostly dungeons himself leads me to the fact he just bases alot of his ranger experience on fighting scripted mobs in dungeons, which has no place or say in WvW/PvP fighting real and good players at that so it ends up look like trolling to most good players when he actually sincerely means it.

Tanbin 80 Ranger

(edited by Ryan.8367)

Hyjaxx's Re-Port331 ( The new hotness!)

in Ranger

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


I think I dueled Ukune also…i dueled a couple of those people i’m almost certain.

Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Hyjaxx's Re-Port331 ( The new hotness!)

in Ranger

Posted by: hyjaxxx.1584


well good morning folks! lastnight was a blast. 7 of us put together our skirmish group and i got to try to work out a few bugs. and while im not a big fan of losing the bleeds from geo..the hydro sigils really take the wind out of players in conjunction with poison and weakness.

So i think ill be leaving the Hydros in for a bit. Another interesting tid bit. is that i changed up my wep sets to give it another go with s/t a/d im still getting used to it so ill let everyone know in a couple days

lastly, I think im going to take out my corruption sigil and put in another (end fills on kill) so i have one on each set. Without a viable way to apply prot. havin a ton of end for rolls is half an answer. I will then put my corruption on a seperate weapon that ill use to get stacks on my way in to skirmishes.

In the trait department ive been messing with H.I.P.S amongst some other centerline traits. i wasnt pleased with the hide in plain sight so i switched to sword duration and it seems to help in situations when youre in a small group busting an upgraded camp and a bunch of folks stroll in. Ive also messed with the “vigor on heal” . That in conjunction with vigor from ltn Rflx allows me to get 35 seconds of vigor…so having 100% uptime on that might be worth it.

Still lots to learn, lots to try ..So let the battle rage

Jaxx of GRIM

Whoajaxx the Ranger
Currently looking for wvw guild@henge

Hyjaxx's Re-Port331 ( The new hotness!)

in Ranger

Posted by: Sol.4310


Can’t wait to see some feed back about this build in a few weeks. (I tried running this night of the patch)

The major problem I found with this build was we had no control or any real damage output skills bar the axe #3, which is easy to dodge. Now we can’t just use Cat’s/Birds to break our target getting us the upper hand, to much tank and no gank.

Also new elite trait is rather stupid, your willing to waste of much to invest in swiftness/regen which you can get rather easy.

Here is a build from Xsorus that I found rather smart : https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/ranger/My-new-BM-Bunker-Build-i-m-running/first#content

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

Hyjaxx's Re-Port331 ( The new hotness!)

in Ranger

Posted by: hyjaxxx.1584


Heya Sol. took a look at your build posted. its very similar to what i used to run pre patch. but i never took anything in marksman.

a couple major differences i see right off the bat, is youre running dwayna runes, where i took mine off to run Alturism runes. which gives Might and Fury AoE every time i heal.

The reason im Running the traited Guard shout is a simple one. Previously i had to use the signet to increase run speed and IMO it was a wasted slot. So now as opposed to that. I have an ability that puts 15 seconds of prot on my pet (which keeps him alive for more CC fun) it also gives me a viable way to heal my group and keep swiftness on them for skirmishing.

with the healing i have the regen on my Healing spring does close to 7k over 4 seconds. add to that the Might , fury, swiftness and more regen and I am really able to control the ebb and flow of a battle .

lastly, the Guard ability allows me to control when my pets use their 4th slot ability. as it seems to be default when they are attacking out of stealth. so being able to KD at will (with dog/wolf) or being able to hit an AoE heal or Might Finisher and the Ranger has now become a viable part of any small man skirmish team.

Jaxx Of GRIM

Whoajaxx the Ranger
Currently looking for wvw guild@henge

Hyjaxx's Re-Port331 ( The new hotness!)

in Ranger

Posted by: Sol.4310


That wasn’t my build. I said it was Xsorus I figured I link it, I liked his build I personally don’t run bunker in WvW. Just not my thing.

On side note how do you feel your going to handle the new necro meta. With using dog/wolf I can bet they are dead before you can pet swap them, and this comes from duelling them in SPvP 1v1. And there damage is allot higher in WvW.

You might be running HS as well but that won’t save you. If anything anet needs to give us better solid condition remove.

Or you might need to start looking at pets with 4k vita.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

Hyjaxx's Re-Port331 ( The new hotness!)

in Ranger

Posted by: hyjaxxx.1584


very true, with the necros. it will be interesting to see how it plays out. as of now im using Drake/Wolf or Dog/Wolf if it becomes an issue where necros/torment is too much ill switch to the pets with the immunity in their 4th slot (forget which one it is)

Also as of now, my condition removal has been acceptable…but i think as more and more necros start playing and using torment to it full ability ill need to grab the condi removal signet (ive been holding out as long as i could , as i dont really want this ability)

we have some crazy times ahead of us in regards to builds thats for sure. but as long as we work as a community im sure we can have some fun!

Whoajaxx the Ranger
Currently looking for wvw guild@henge

Hyjaxx's Re-Port331 ( The new hotness!)

in Ranger

Posted by: Sol.4310


Well Torment isn’t the problem its the damage you take while your getting feared + all the conditions.

Also how are you going to field with your build vs HGH Engineer’s seen as they will just remove your boons rather easy.

I know there isn’t a build that counters them all, but I personally felt the new trait was more of PvE skill rather then PvP skill. Think about it almost every class already apply’s swiftness/regen.

Like I don’t want you to think I’m trying to dis your build, I’m trying to point out all the holes I can see from my point of view.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

Hyjaxx's Re-Port331 ( The new hotness!)

in Ranger

Posted by: hyjaxxx.1584


I think everyone agrees that every build is going to have issues with the facing of certain builds. with the necros ive faced im able to evade most their attacks or cleanse them with EB or HS. Also with this build i am able to apply conditions quite fast so even if they remove a couple i toss em back on. The conditions that do land on me are off set by my regen signet and my Regen (which ticks for large amounts)

In regards to HGH engies if they are good , it ends up being a long fight and i pray i get em with an entangle,bonfire,ltn breath to sway the battle.

I look forward to these fights as it allows me to find flaws in my build and adapt.

Whoajaxx the Ranger
Currently looking for wvw guild@henge

Hyjaxx's Re-Port331 ( The new hotness!)

in Ranger

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


Can’t wait to see some feed back about this build in a few weeks. (I tried running this night of the patch)

The major problem I found with this build was we had no control or any real damage output skills bar the axe #3, which is easy to dodge. Now we can’t just use Cat’s/Birds to break our target getting us the upper hand, to much tank and no gank.

Also new elite trait is rather stupid, your willing to waste of much to invest in swiftness/regen which you can get rather easy.

Here is a build from Xsorus that I found rather smart : https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/ranger/My-new-BM-Bunker-Build-i-m-running/first#content

You just like it cause I use Sharpening Stones ;o)

His is more defensive then mine, I’ve moved to a more offensive setup to makeup for the lost Pet damage, and the new synergy with that talent makes Sharpening fairly nice.

Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Hyjaxx's Re-Port331 ( The new hotness!)

in Ranger

Posted by: hyjaxxx.1584


Well , i spend reset Night out in a 8 man skirmish group. and took the opportunity to do some more field testing. The first thing i did after about an hour was go back to my previous wep sets. A/T + S/D i just couldnt flow with it the other way.

I also messed with the 1 trait in wilderness survival a bit. went from sword cooldown to vigor on heal, survival cooldown to the offhand training trait. and in this slot it seems they are all useful depending on the situation. But O.T was nice because it gives you your 1.25 evade (and 3.3k poison) on a 8 second pop.

I also stayed with my hydro sigils and they worked according to plan, id get everyone in a group, Entangle,Bonfire,switch weps (and ltn breath at the same time) and that really softened up the groups.

The only Hiccup in my build ( i feel) right now is Guard and how to properly use it. as of now. Im casting it on the targets and using it to pop my pet4 ability (which it does without fail) but its also useful when i cast a heal to also pop guard(with shout buffs) on top of the heal , so some more testing in that regard.

all in all, a great night. fought just about every class in every form and really learned some soft spots in the build along with some amazingly great spots. so now its time to keep taking suggestions from the community and growing as a whole!

thanks a ton!

Jaxx of GRIM

Whoajaxx the Ranger
Currently looking for wvw guild@henge

Hyjaxx's Re-Port331 ( The new hotness!)

in Ranger

Posted by: Tuluum.9638


Jaxx, just because I am curious;

How have you built your roaming squad to complement each other?

What kind of strengths and weaknesses have you intentionally put in so that the team is stronger as a whole?

Id love to hear about it I have no interest in the build itself (like I said, I just find bunkers boring as hell lol), but I have always wondered how GRIM builds around each other, but I only see stuff about your char.

I think that this type of play will really move some people forward, that may not have thought about the fact that you can make up for weaknesses in a team, and it allows for much stronger strengths, so to speak.

Henosis [ONE]

Hyjaxx's Re-Port331 ( The new hotness!)

in Ranger

Posted by: hyjaxxx.1584


Well our base for the group is a Shout/healing guardian and 2 mesmers. what this base allows is The Guardian to pop all his boons..then the mesmers Multiply them so as we charge into battle we have 25 stacks of might,stability,retal,ageis,regen,swiftness,protection. on long timers. this allows us to fight in upgraded camps and still take out more then our numbers.

Then is our usual group we have

Myself (Ranger)

So we are well rounded and can play off eachothers weakness.

Now when our primary group isnt on. its usually 1 group of

Myself (Ranger)
2 mesmer
warrior or engie (depending on whos on) and even in this single group we are able to bring a huge amount of diversity to the field.

as a team we are still learning how to synergize off eachother in regards to fields and finishers and our spiking and formation methods. We still have a ton to learn , but more often then not we end up on the North side of the Spike..which is always nice

Jaxx of GRIM

Whoajaxx the Ranger
Currently looking for wvw guild@henge

Hyjaxx's Re-Port331 ( The new hotness!)

in Ranger

Posted by: Tuluum.9638


Thanks for the reply.

How are each of the characters built?

Given that you are essentially a bunker, do you have a glassy character?

I have always viewed a group, regardless of size, as sort of a single entity. It just has many, many more variables than with a single character.

So, this allows one character to build VERY strongly in one direction, while others build VERY strongly in the opposite direction.

So, in your usual group (of ranger, necro, thief, engi, ele), one of the options I would explore is the following make-up;

Necro: Set up as very glassy, and wells focused. The necro sticks with the other DPS/glass characters so that to get to them, the enemy needs to go through wells and conditions like blindness chill. DPS characters are advised to stay within the wells themselves.

Thief: DPS, but with a focus on blindness. DPS because, well, why not on a thief? The blindness will compliment all of the conditions done by the wells, but the thief does not have to rely on them for protection. Which means they can go out on their own, and take down enemies that are trying to retreat to either heal or reset. Traits like caltrops on dodge can help keep people inside of the wells, without actually losing a utility slot.

Engie: Healing focused, using bombs. They have the unique advantage that they can build for group support, but thakittens done through damaging attacks. Would basically run around inside of the necro wells to damage enemies at the same time as healing allies. Can also use the wrench to set up projectile barriers, pulls into the wells (and a subsequent focus fire by the group), and cripple to keep people in the wells death trap.

Ele: Focused on DPS and support. Using the staff, the strategy would be to immobilize the enemy within the well using things like static field, then supplementing the damage by firing off a meteor shower, and other AoEs

Ranger: Focus on support and pulls. Using the axe, the ranger can pull the enemy into the death zone, and supplement things like static field with muddy ground, frost trap, and entangle.

If you add a guard into the mix, they can use binding blade to frequently pull people into the death zone too. The overall concept would be to pull people into the wells, and keep them there for as long as possible.

This isnt necessarily posted as a suggestion to you directly, but more as just an example of ONE concept of group make-up and how to focus on one aspect (necro wells) as the mainstay of the groups power. Of course, doing the same thing every time not only leads to complacency, but also the risk of the enemy adapting!

So, in your group, do you do anything like this?

Henosis [ONE]

Hyjaxx's Re-Port331 ( The new hotness!)

in Ranger

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


I am just using birds with 30 in BM , might on swap , vigor training and quickness . Works fine , just lost some minor passive healing .

Hyjaxx's Re-Port331 ( The new hotness!)

in Ranger

Posted by: Manekk.6981


Certain Engineer Specs will absolutely kitten us two ways from sunday..

That’s honestly what has given me the most trouble out of all the classes, is a well played Engineer.

The nasty ones tend to splode my pet in little tiny bits in about 0,2 seconds, sound familiar?

Hyjaxx's Re-Port331 ( The new hotness!)

in Ranger

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


The big trouble with them was EB transferring the Chills/Immo/Cripples to the pet, that just ruined my dps against them

Had to play very defensively against the good ones, and even then…I lost more then I won.

Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Hyjaxx's Re-Port331 ( The new hotness!)

in Ranger

Posted by: Yankee.3578


Love this build. Its really solid. Sadly though, from what others say, this isn’t viable in dungeons since apparently the ONLY build that works in dungeons is a glass canon. And even then that’s only if you have friends that feel sorry for you and will bring you along.

So, being a noob here, I gather I may as well cash in my dungeon hopes and leave that to war/guard/mes…

Hyjaxx's Re-Port331 ( The new hotness!)

in Ranger

Posted by: hyjaxxx.1584


Well I had another full night of testing on my Build, tried lots of new things, new tatics ect a couple interesting things i learned.

1) with the offhand specialization trait, it allows you to use s3+d4+d5 to run a full circle around the target doing huge damage while evading the entire time. for the majority of the time you are behind the mob and they cant get DD abilities off. it works well in conjunction with wep swap(geo) + bonfire for a huge burst of damage/conditions and the evade is good for keeping people off of you for 3 seconds while your heal comes off CD.

2) being able to use Pet 4 ability whenever you want is SUPER NICE now. as a stealthed pet always opens with pet 4 . So now we can chain pet abilities for a series of reliable CC….sexy time.

and something that needs to be tested but i think i might be right…while you have conditions on you…if you are evading , that tick of conditions doesnt seem to hit. ( I am not 100% with this and it needs to be tested)

So all in all , i havent found too many weak spots in my build..but there are some things that im not pleased with and they are.

1) with this setup my healing went from 1350 to 1090 and i wish i could get it up a little higher, but im afraid that dropping my toughness or condi dmg wouldnt be a wise trade.

2) Lack of reliable protection boon. i have the prot on damage trait and the prot on roll trait.. but thats it. i try to keep vigor up all the time for prot rolls…but in all reality if your rolling , your evading that damage anyways..so the prot doesnt serve alot of purpose right then. So im going to keep an eye open for a more reliable application of Prot.

Anyhow. if youre running my build let me know what you think, also feel free to guest on over to darkhaven and say howdy if you wanna chat it up. my rangers name is Whoajaxx.

thanks a ton and keep the advice/criticism coming !

Jaxx Of GRIM

Whoajaxx the Ranger
Currently looking for wvw guild@henge

Hyjaxx's Re-Port331 ( The new hotness!)

in Ranger

Posted by: Manekk.6981


I tried a variation of my current 0/20/5/25/20 boon/mightstacking bm powerspec, swapping 5 in bm for the grandmaster in nature and hunt signet for guard, then dropped 4dwayna 2water for full hoelbrak runes, very strong indeed however despite feeling really good spamming guard so often just drove me nuts so I had to swap back :S

Hyjaxx's Re-Port331 ( The new hotness!)

in Ranger

Posted by: hyjaxxx.1584


well, in a group roaming around you can get swiftness up to over a min..so its not that bad..and in a fight its so useful , its hard to pass up..

Whoajaxx the Ranger
Currently looking for wvw guild@henge

Hyjaxx's Re-Port331 ( The new hotness!)

in Ranger

Posted by: Manekk.6981


well, in a group roaming around you can get swiftness up to over a min..so its not that bad..and in a fight its so useful , its hard to pass up..

Yeah it’s good no doubt, I’m just very comfortable in nature I still get perma everything in combat as it is and I have better success with it for some reason despite getting slightly lower mightstacks and having less power not using hoelbrak, cause with what I described using I had to keep using guard to keep regen up with the one I have I get regen passively, hoelbrak also had the added bonus of even shorter conditions so on paper it’s clearly better it just wasn’t in practise for me.

Hyjaxx's Re-Port331 ( The new hotness!)

in Ranger

Posted by: hyjaxxx.1584


understandable, sometimes things just dont feel comfortable for people. I know people say S/T + A/D is better than S/D +A/T but i just cant get used to it. my survivability goes down just because of my human error with the sets that way.

So i feel ya.

Whoajaxx the Ranger
Currently looking for wvw guild@henge

Hyjaxx's Re-Port331 ( The new hotness!)

in Ranger

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


I still prefer S/D and A/T over the opposite, but i’ve been playing that way for a very long time.

Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Hyjaxx's Re-Port331 ( The new hotness!)

in Ranger

Posted by: Saderic.2961


Alright. I perfer the power focused weapons of the ranger over the conditions mainly because I play 85% the time with a condition ele or necro so I rarely get to apply conditions myself. I made a power version of the build focused on fractals and explorable dungeons. I split my gear between Cleric and Berserker so we can still maintain a strong support focus and survivablity, but our damage output is still moderately decent. I’m on the fence between whether i’d perfer ranger or scholar runes or altruism. I also think you could make a case for warhorn with altruism runes since you will can maintain fury rather easily by doing what you already would be doing anyway. The warhorn’s 4 skill is lackluster, but not terrible. As well as whirling defense can be difficult to use or a poor choice in many dungeons.Although I do have to say I do like the synergy between it and path of scars now. Path of Scars pairs well with the greatsword as well and hots like a truck, so i think it comes down to a simialir situationas the ranger/scholar runes vs. the altruism. One is more personal focused while the other is better for the group as a whole. Let me know what you think. I like this thread and the ray of positive thinking it provdes as opposed to torrental onslaught of the “Rangers Sux” threads that plague these forums now.

Hyjaxx's Re-Port331 ( The new hotness!)

in Ranger

Posted by: hyjaxxx.1584


taking my Re-port331 and running power instead of conditions is a viable path to go. for weps i think i would run GS + A/A in that situation.

And thanks for the praise on the thread. Ive done my best to keep an active thread in our community that is heavy on options and light on BS and drama..so id love to see it keep on cooking!

in finishing , if i was running a power build i would run all clerics, then Altruism runes for the fury, and precision charge sigil to keep the Crit Rate fairly high.

Matter of fact when im done with all my testing on the condition side of things , this is the route ill be trying next.

Jaxx of GRIM

Whoajaxx the Ranger
Currently looking for wvw guild@henge

Hyjaxx's Re-Port331 ( The new hotness!)

in Ranger

Posted by: hyjaxxx.1584


Alrighty getting ready for some testing tonight, I switched out my settlers gear for Apothecary and went Rune of Earth for protection on hit and mag aura at 20%hp…i put them on apoth instead of settlers to make sure my healing doesnt drop too low..and my Toughness even with droppin the settlers is up to 2200.

im already having the feeling that this is going to be much better for condi type Re-Port331’s . ill let everyone know later tonight how the changes affected things!

Whoajaxx the Ranger
Currently looking for wvw guild@henge

Hyjaxx's Re-Port331 ( The new hotness!)

in Ranger

Posted by: hyjaxxx.1584


Ok another evening of testing in the books. and i have to say. I think ive struck gold here.
with these changes ive made. the pros and cons are.


-Much more reliable form of protection (6 seconds)
-magnetic Aura is super awesome and gives you time to breath in tight situations
-about 150 more toughness in this configuration
-feels (tougher) overall , allowing confidence in engagements

-reduced Boon duration leaves a gap in swiftness and regens.
-small reduction in healing power drops your HPM on your group by quite a bit.

So Im going to do some more testing with this , as id like a set in stone gear/rune set to attach to the Re-Port331.

advice and criticism as always is needed and appreciated , lets keep our community healthy!

Jaxx of GRIM

Whoajaxx the Ranger
Currently looking for wvw guild@henge

Hyjaxx's Re-Port331 ( The new hotness!)

in Ranger

Posted by: jubskie.3152


can you consolidate your build in the op so its easier to read without going through the whole thread?

I’ll add this to the compilation thread when you’re done.

Extraordinary Gentlemen [EXG] Desolation
Doing It With Style

Hyjaxx's Re-Port331 ( The new hotness!)

in Ranger

Posted by: hyjaxxx.1584


can you consolidate your build in the op so its easier to read without going through the whole thread?

I’ll add this to the compilation thread when you’re done.

jubskie, what do you mean exactly? what do you want me to do?

I put the build link in the OP , im guessing thats what you meant?

Whoajaxx the Ranger
Currently looking for wvw guild@henge

(edited by hyjaxxx.1584)

Hyjaxx's Re-Port331 ( The new hotness!)

in Ranger

Posted by: Tuluum.9638


advice and criticism as always is needed and appreciated , lets keep our community healthy!

I know that responding to my post may “give away” some of your tactics, but that is the goal I was trying to achieve.

Along with posting builds, I think it would be a good idea to also post how that build can work into other builds/classes, and how it does it. Both through synergizing cross-class traits, as well as on the field of play. By doing this, people can not only give their input on the build specifically, but also how it can actively be used in group play. When we get a lot of good minds all focusing on it, we are likely to come up with even more ways that we can make our builds work even stronger in a group!

It seems to be something that is missing from almost every build in every class forum, so maybe its just me thats nuts. :P In fact, Im pretty sure thats the case… but since I am nuts.. how am I to know? HOW AM I TO KNOW?!


Henosis [ONE]

Hyjaxx's Re-Port331 ( The new hotness!)

in Ranger

Posted by: Sipius.1358


jubskie, what do you mean exactly? what do you want me to do?

I put the build link in the OP , im guessing thats what you meant?

I think he means updating your build link with all the tweaks you’re making (trinkets, sigils, runes, traits, etc.). It could save a person some time and gold if they buy the gear in your first post, only to later see that you’ve changed it. Personally, I almost picked up Altruism runes before I noticed you switched them.

Great thread, though. So much good information and thinking outside the box. Thanks for all your work!

Hyjaxx's Re-Port331 ( The new hotness!)

in Ranger

Posted by: hyjaxxx.1584


thank you for all the kind words. one thing to note is this.

My primary Re-Port331 is the way 99% of people should be setting it up. the rest of the stuff in the thread is just me doing nightly testing to find viable changes to evolve the build.

If you run in a group or youre running a Power based Re-Port331 i would still say Altruism is the way to go. Now on the other hand for Solo Roamers and condi based Re-Port331’s These earth Runes seem to be pretty nice.

With the earth Runes and traits the uptime on protection is pretty darn good. and an additional 33% mitigation is amazing.

matter of fact this morning i fought an Engie and a thief at the same time. and the protection/magnetic aura really made the difference. The Engie dropped a field and then himself and the thief opened up with ranged attacks..and they were both downed at the same time. I then sent my drake on them with breath and T5 to seal the deal. Sexy time for sure.

And for anyone who has additional questions please feel free to guest over to darkhaven and say howdy!

and stay tuned for more testing tonight! have some neat crap up my sleeve!

Jaxx of GRIM

Whoajaxx the Ranger
Currently looking for wvw guild@henge

Hyjaxx's Re-Port331 ( The new hotness!)

in Ranger

Posted by: Tuluum.9638


Well, I suppose I will take the lack of response as my answer. :P

I have really been focusing on team synergies recently, so it would be interesting to discuss it. But, its build specific, so I feel it would be difficult to just do a general thread on it in each of the class forums.

Ah well, good build anyway. Regardless of my personal dislike of playing bunkers, it looks undoubtedly effective, with quite a few different options to cater to different playstyles while still retaining the core of the build. Good job!

Maybe we will run together at some point.

Henosis [ONE]

Hyjaxx's Re-Port331 ( The new hotness!)

in Ranger

Posted by: hyjaxxx.1584


Sorry Tuluum, i diddnt see your question. I believe i answered you in regards to my group synergy. and who we try to run with to optimize our effectiveness.

as far as telling people what purpose they serve in a group the name of the build does that fairly well, Regen/Support how they choose to fill that role is up to them.

Whoajaxx the Ranger
Currently looking for wvw guild@henge

Hyjaxx's Re-Port331 ( The new hotness!)

in Ranger

Posted by: Narya Firering.9301

Narya Firering.9301

Nice build. Could you post your build using http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/ ? It has the new traits + Settler. I think it should have everything you need for your build. Thanks!


Hyjaxx's Re-Port331 ( The new hotness!)

in Ranger

Posted by: hyjaxxx.1584


You’re an idiot.

Conditions get removed by most classes and then you’re left there impotent. You may be alive but you’re not going to cap a point and you won’t be for very long when that (insert ANY class here) calls all his buddies and you go down like a KITTEN.

They ruined Rangers and as long as morons like you keep posting stuff like this, we’ll never get it fixed.

Hey, Bud…this is a wvw build. your nodes to cap are over there —-————>

and also, the updated info is on the first post of the thread..thank you narya!

Whoajaxx the Ranger
Currently looking for wvw guild@henge

(edited by hyjaxxx.1584)

Hyjaxx's Re-Port331 ( The new hotness!)

in Ranger

Posted by: Narya Firering.9301

Narya Firering.9301

There was a mistake in your sigils (unless I am wrong). One should be corruption, the other one stamina. I updated the link


Note: you can add the 25x stacks from Sigil of Corruption to get the “correct” stats. That cannot be saved in the link though. Click on the gray circular icon with a dagger.

Hyjaxx's Re-Port331 ( The new hotness!)

in Ranger

Posted by: hyjaxxx.1584


Ahhhh, yeah i forgot to add that I pulled corruption onto a secondary weapon to add stacks then switch to my primary set. I dont die too often so really only need to toss the wep on a few times a night.

Whoajaxx the Ranger
Currently looking for wvw guild@henge

Hyjaxx's Re-Port331 ( The new hotness!)

in Ranger

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


You’re an idiot.

Conditions get removed by most classes and then you’re left there impotent. You may be alive but you’re not going to cap a point and you won’t be for very long when that (insert ANY class here) calls all his buddies and you go down like a KITTEN.

They ruined Rangers and as long as morons like you keep posting stuff like this, we’ll never get it fixed.

Unless you specifically gear anti condition to the fullest, you’ll never be able to remove them fast enough on a ranger.

We apply a boatload of conditions, incredibly fast….

Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies