Idea for new pets in next expansion

Idea for new pets in next expansion

in Ranger

Posted by: AlanCMD.9205


Create/Provide your idea for new pets.

Giant Chameleon:
F2 ability: unblockable pull foes with sticky tongue from 1200 range (hope the animation allow the pet to move with the target to secure the pull)

F2 ability: camouflage the surrounding allies and make them invisible for 4s (radius 600?)

Idea for new pets in next expansion

in Ranger

Posted by: DoogySnowStalker.2069


Since the new expansions seems to be set in the Crystal Desert, I can only really imagine getting a Hydra or a Siege Devourer. Wouldn’t mind the Siege Devourer because it may as well be your own personal battering ram and catapult. Not taking the environment into consideration, I would want a Dire Wolf; a revamped version of our current canine pet.

Is a Warrior just a pet without a Ranger?

Idea for new pets in next expansion

in Ranger

Posted by: Harnel.6810


speaking of massive animals such as hydras, siege devourers, and potentially even Junundu Worms, I could see a special type of pet being a thing. I actually even mentioned the idea in another thread.

Basically, they’d be limited to this particular elite spec, and that’s largely fine, but essentially, they’d have 170% or so the stats for a standard pet (which should put them on slightly above the DPS that a ranger currently has, based on the DPS charts that someone ran, as well as make them quite tanky) in exchange for not having a second pet; the F4 becomes a heal and condition cleanse for your current pet, or a revival if they’re down. Give it a defiance bar and you’re set.

Pretty simple, and it’d make for a very effective tanking and damage spec in things like raids or dungeons, as a creature that large would likely have cleaving or AoE attacks, and be tough enough to tank several enemies at once, including bosses.

Idea for new pets in next expansion

in Ranger

Posted by: Bast Bow.2958

Bast Bow.2958


Venomous ones and constrictor ones. Conditions like poison, immobilize etc