Idea to make shortbow more fun

Idea to make shortbow more fun

in Ranger

Posted by: idevourwater.3149


Shortbow atm is a boring pew pew weapon with mediocre damage and the low range…

if shortbow skills could stack in intensity and then be activated on demand for a larger burst damage that would be interesting…

what i have in mind is a two part weapon change:

1.) Change skill #1 on shortbow so that when you hit someone you could stack “potent poison” charges on enemies. These charges would do nothing at first but could be built up to a maximum of 25 stacks.
2.) the #2 skill poison volley would be reworked to another skill. for the time being we will call it “poison catalyst”. Essentially the idea is this skill would work as a burst for rangers. The base damage of this skill would be exactly the same as skill #1 but for each stack of potent poison charges on the enemy you will deal additional X damage (scales with power).
if the attack hits, the enemy stacks would go back to zero (and you would have to stack it up again if you want to do another burst damage)

of course the numbers need to be tweaked, but this could be interesting…
what do you guys think?

Idea to make shortbow more fun

in Ranger

Posted by: meikodesign.6471


I think that your idea it’s too complicated to be implemented. It’s a whole new system for only one weapon.
But i think Shotbow could be more fun too by improving the current skills :
- Change “Poison Volley” to “Poison Deluge” : Fire a spread of poison arrows on a target that explodes on impact and hits multiple foes. More damage than “Crossfire” maybe the double + 10s Poison within a 180 radius around the target. Increase the CD to 10s.
- On “Crippling Shot”, increase the cripple duration to 6s or add a 1s immo on “Crippling Shot”
- On "Concussion Shot, increase to stun radius and Increase the stun/daze duration or reduce the CD to 20s

Lunavi – Ranger 80 ~ Charr Kuttery – Warrior 80
Little Lunavi – Ranger – Rank 4x
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