If ranger's don't get fixed

If ranger's don't get fixed

in Ranger

Posted by: mamourrir.9641


If they don’t get fixed next patch, I quit. I’m dead serious.

If ranger's don't get fixed

in Ranger

Posted by: NaturalPortman.9562


No one cares


(im a girl btw)

If ranger's don't get fixed

in Ranger

Posted by: Volundarhus.7815


I will pour a tankard of ale on the ice in Hoelbrak for you.

Dragonbrand – Dumaresq
Loch Ness Monster (nnnf)

If ranger's don't get fixed

in Ranger

Posted by: Telegraph.7509


If they don’t get fixed next patch, I will eat a slice of cheesecake. I’m dead serious.

Maybe we should turn this thread in a more productive direction by talking about possible fixes for the patch in 2 weeks?

- Pet AI is a big issue, but most likely will take a lot of programming, so I doubt anything will happen here
- Fix some broken traits perhaps?
- Some spirits buff?
- Modest damage increase (or projectile speed increase) on the longbow?

If ranger's don't get fixed

in Ranger

Posted by: Volundarhus.7815


I will pour a tankard of ale on the ice in Hoelbrak for that cheesecake.

Dragonbrand – Dumaresq
Loch Ness Monster (nnnf)

If ranger's don't get fixed

in Ranger

Posted by: Telegraph.7509


I will pour a tankard of ale on the ice in Hoelbrak for that cheesecake.

I am saving up some gold so I can hire Eir to make a life-sized cheesecake sculpture of the Fang of Jormag.

You better have your ale ready when that day comes.

If ranger's don't get fixed

in Ranger

Posted by: Volundarhus.7815


Dolyak cheese – cheesecake. For that rich mountain taste.

Dragonbrand – Dumaresq
Loch Ness Monster (nnnf)

If ranger's don't get fixed

in Ranger

Posted by: Frosty and Frosty Law Firm.4981

Frosty and Frosty Law Firm.4981

Eir’s favorite hobby is cheese-carving. Most of her legend is based around it, actually. I heard she carved a cheese statue of Kralkatorrik once and got Jormag to start talking to it for five minutes until he realized his buddy was an inanimate dairy product and ate him.

Grind Wars 2: Heart of Tears

If ranger's don't get fixed

in Ranger

Posted by: Nurse.1085


I heard there wasn’t going to be any major class updates this December but there will be in Jan.

If ranger's don't get fixed

in Ranger

Posted by: Jay.3284


No one cares


Dungeon Master 8/8 | Fractal 50
80Rng – 80Wa – 80Thief – 80Grd – 80Ele – 80Engi – 80Necro

If ranger's don't get fixed

in Ranger

Posted by: Aridia.3042


Quit now while you’re ahead and save yourself some time.

Start at 13:30. They flat out said things are not going to be changed drastically.

So yes, Jon Peters lied. Come back in a year or so and check it again. This class is not going to be fixed in one patch, if at all.

(edited by Aridia.3042)

If ranger's don't get fixed

in Ranger

Posted by: Treehugga.2398


Just roll a profession that isn’t crap. I wanted a dps class, after hundreds of hours on ranger I rolled a warrior…face roll everything! Seriously…those pissed about our dps should roll warrior for pve, or thief for pvp, just until they fix it.

If ranger's don't get fixed

in Ranger

Posted by: BAMBOO.9430


Quit now while you’re ahead and save yourself some time.

Start at 13:30. They flat out said things are not going to be changed drastically.

So yes, Jon Peters lied. Come back in a year or so and check it again. This class is not going to be fixed in one patch, if at all.

Just like the game, you need to give youtube video time.
At around 19 mins in he talks more about the general design theory they operate with and cites examples from GW2, Starcraft and the like.

I’m being serious here, the game has only been out for a couple months. The Meta won’t stabilize in that time…especially if there are significant changes every week/month.

Looking at only GW2…look what happened with mesmers since launch. Early, there were 2 opinions: “Mesmers are a joke” and “Mesmers can be amazing, just only a few people play them well.” Then Greatsword and a handful of other skills got a couple smacks from the BUFF bat, the average effective ‘level’ of mesmers you saw in spvp jumped. More people picked them up, learned how to play them, posted on the forums….now your typical spvp game is 30-40% mesmer, 30-40% thief(same thing here), and a smattering of everyone else. Most of the mesmers weren’t even running greatsword builds outside of wvw.

Rangers could have been the same if they received bunched of big changes/buffs. Then, all we would have to look forward to is minor nerf after nerf.

I think what someone said earlier is right. They need to not worry so much about balance(buffs or nerfs) and just focus on BUGS and play ability for the next couple months. If dual daggers works for elementalists, then leave it be. Take that development time and put it into ranger signets, engineer turrets, necro minions, the dozens of traits and abilities that need help. If your player metrics show that less than 1% of rangers take Beastmaster’s Bond, use a white moa/rainbow jellyfish or use an offhand dagger…then that is where the dev time can be spent and hopefully not undone at a later date.

The goal should be to get players using all the skills in somewhat balanced amounts…not 90% of rangers using shortbows, cat pets, quickness, fire trap, and entanglement.

If ranger's don't get fixed

in Ranger

Posted by: skotie.2614


Wouldn’t a good fix for rangers be to increase their dps with ranged weapons as long as the ranger doesn’t have a pet out? Never played one but I hear the pets are about useless in pvp as dungeons anyways.

If ranger's don't get fixed

in Ranger

Posted by: Aeri.5738


If they don’t fix rangers I’m going to post a picture of an angry mob, I’m dead serious!

“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2.” – Well, I guess you really failed, ANet!
Update 5.9.2013: getting better ANet, still way to go!
A Lannister always pays his debts – For everyone else, there’s Mastercard.

If ranger's don't get fixed

in Ranger

Posted by: Nilsen.2063


hi guys I left side my ranger and i am playing of Warrior, I’m happier.
i recommend try, to decrease the stress


(edited by Nilsen.2063)

If ranger's don't get fixed

in Ranger

Posted by: RummyTheMad.7290


I’m honestly not sure what “ranger’s don’t” is, but I’ll assume it’s some sort of ointment or tincture.

As a side note, if they don’t fix rangers I will shrug and continue to enjoy playing mine. I’m dead serious!

If ranger's don't get fixed

in Ranger

Posted by: NargofWoV.4267


I don’t know, I feel our class has some weaknesses and issues, but it is far from un playable. Can I dominate with it? No, had I wanted that, I would have rolled a theif… Have yet to see a pvp mmo game where a Theif wasn’t OP in some fashion due to fast dps and invisibility.

Narg, Ranger JQ
Heavy Halo, Warrior JQ

If ranger's don't get fixed

in Ranger

Posted by: garethh.3518


Maybe we should turn this thread in a more productive direction by talking about possible fixes for the patch in 2 weeks?

There have been a million of those and no dev has ever commented on or acted on any of them…

If ranger's don't get fixed

in Ranger

Posted by: garethh.3518


Rangers could have been the same if they received bunched of big changes/buffs. Then, all we would have to look forward to is minor nerf after nerf.

Who said people only wanted big changes???
Just because he says the devs are not going to fix the ranger all at once, doesn’t mean he can write off the devs utter lack of addressing the class at all…
Sharpe said they work in numerous small tweaks, and I’m cool with that, I actually prefer it…

The problem is that they kind of dropped the numerous and just left the ranger be with A SMALL TWEAK OR TWO SINCE LAUNCH.
That’s the annoying part, if they were actively tweaking the class I would be ecstatic, but they haven’t, pretty much at all…. oh and have said that we shouldn’t expect large patches till 2 or more months after next year because of the holidays…

(edited by garethh.3518)

If ranger's don't get fixed

in Ranger

Posted by: Kincaidia.3192


hi guys I left side my ranger and i am playing of Warrior, I’m happier.
i recommend try, to decrease the stress

I agree. I’m much happier since getting my thief to 80. I still use my ranger for his set of MF, but that’s about it.