If you could pick 1 Ranger bug to be fixed.
There’s this one bug i’ve seen floating around the studios that seems to render the Devs incapable of getting on and replying to some of the issues for weeks on end. I would love to see this bug fixed.
What would you pick and why?
My drakes… for the love of god make my drakes able to use their skills!! That’d be AWESOME!!
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
I would fix that one bug which allows people to play a Ranger.
So many lives have already been destroyed because of this.
I would fix that one bug which allows people to play a Ranger.
So many lives have already been destroyed because of this.
Why do you even play ranger if all you do is complain about it? I mean kitten, go play something else if you don’t even enjoy the prof!
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
I would fix that one bug which allows people to play a Ranger.
So many lives have already been destroyed because of this.
Why do you even play ranger if all you do is complain about it? I mean kitten, go play something else if you don’t even enjoy the prof!
Fate is a cruel, mean old crone. It made the class I love the one class which sucks the most.
I would fix that one bug which allows people to play a Ranger.
So many lives have already been destroyed because of this.
Why do you even play ranger if all you do is complain about it? I mean kitten, go play something else if you don’t even enjoy the prof!
Fate is a cruel, mean old crone. It made the class I love the one class which sucks the most.
It doesn’t suck, it’s actually quite a bit stronger than a lot of others if you play to its strengths, or play in a way everyone isn’t expecting. Like playing a mesmer that doesn’t shatter, my god does that throw people off lol.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
I would fix that one bug which allows people to play a Ranger.
So many lives have already been destroyed because of this.
Why do you even play ranger if all you do is complain about it? I mean kitten, go play something else if you don’t even enjoy the prof!
Fate is a cruel, mean old crone. It made the class I love the one class which sucks the most.
It doesn’t suck, it’s actually quite a bit stronger than a lot of others if you play to its strengths, or play in a way everyone isn’t expecting. Like playing a mesmer that doesn’t shatter, my god does that throw people off lol.
A mesmer who doesn’t shatter is just gimping himself. But we digress.
I would fix that one bug which allows people to play a Ranger.
So many lives have already been destroyed because of this.
Why do you even play ranger if all you do is complain about it? I mean kitten, go play something else if you don’t even enjoy the prof!
Fate is a cruel, mean old crone. It made the class I love the one class which sucks the most.
Rangers suck the most? I feel it’s a pretty strong class, I’m probably a fair bit behind on dmg cause I spec for survivability but I feel pretty strong no matter what class I’m up against in pvp likewise I tend to stay alive better than most in dungeons too, yet stuff dies …
Oh and hello Durzlla I guess I am banned from that other place, lord forbid you call a troll out eh, what a bunch of idiots…
I would fix that one bug which allows people to play a Ranger.
So many lives have already been destroyed because of this.
Why do you even play ranger if all you do is complain about it? I mean kitten, go play something else if you don’t even enjoy the prof!
Fate is a cruel, mean old crone. It made the class I love the one class which sucks the most.
It doesn’t suck, it’s actually quite a bit stronger than a lot of others if you play to its strengths, or play in a way everyone isn’t expecting. Like playing a mesmer that doesn’t shatter, my god does that throw people off lol.
A mesmer who doesn’t shatter is just gimping himself. But we digress.
depends on your build, you can build around being super powerful while you have 3 illusions out (it triggers as if you have 4 if you build right) making it so you don’t want to shatter unless you absolutely need to.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
Sword root bug, if I could pick just one. I’d really love to be able to use this weapon but not to the extent of turning off autoattack and mashing the 1 key to work around the bug. To me this is a must fix.
PS: why is it so hard to give straight answers to such straightforward questions in this forum?
Scarlett Daguer (Thief) | Gritt Bloodstone (Warrior) | Sirius Zand (Guardian)
- Whiteside Ridge [EU] -
Sword root bug, if I could pick just one. I’d really love to be able to use this weapon but not to the extent of turning off autoattack and mashing the 1 key to work around the bug. To me this is a must fix.
PS: why is it so hard to give straight answers to such straightforward questions in this forum?
It’s not a bug though… The reason you can’t dodge is because the 2nd and 3rd attacks are leaps…
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
@Daemon.4295 the sword root isn’t a bug btw, its how they designed it.
I would like to see F2 skill work for once when pressed, the skill always goes off at big delay. Not sure if its a bug, but sure does feel like it.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Pet agony resistance and AoE survivability (kinda the same)
Be able to stow my annoying Pets permanently while getting a damage boost, would numero uno for me.
Getting Obstructed for no reason. Especially when I’m channeling Rapid Fire.
@Daemon.4295 the sword root isn’t a bug btw, its how they designed it.
I would like to see F2 skill work for once when pressed, the skill always goes off at big delay. Not sure if its a bug, but sure does feel like it.
^ This
I’d love to be able to do things like send my wolf into a WvW zerg to blast off a fear aoe but the thing would never survive the time it takes to not only execute the attack (why does every kitten f2 skill have such a long windup anet?) but also the time it takes to even initiate the skill.
Seriously guys …….. stay on topic!!!
13 out of 19 replies are off topic! If you need some attention or would like to cry/whine, make a new thread. Respect the authors and make constructive feedbacks.
If I could only choose 1 fix:
Reduced damage intake for pets from AoE. (also mentioned by others)
It would be either obstruction bug for arrows or the lick wounds bug where the skill does nothing at all. Both of them have causes me to lose fights I should have one on more than one occasion.
I’d also like to see one developer take 5 minutes out of their day to fix the vitality on the black widow spider. It’s supposed to be the same as all the other spiders but it was the only pet that didn’t get a vitality buff during the BWEs. Someone forgot about it and now we have the game out for how long and a simple fix for this still hasn’t happened.
Traps moving towards the ranger when triggered and therefore not giving their effect.
The only use for traps at the moment is to use them while in melee combat. If you move a little distance away from the trap, it becomes useless (except spike trap I think).
A whole big chunk of possibly enjoyable ranger gameplay is disabled by this bug. I’d love to play with it, but then by laying traps in chokepoints in wvw and laugh from a distance. Currently that’s not possible unless you are standing nearly on top of them yourself as well.
If it currently works as intended however (I doubt it because it looks horrible), then traps should simply not trigger unless you are near enough for them to work.
Seriously guys …….. stay on topic!!!
13 out of 19 replies are off topic! If you need some attention or would like to cry/whine, make a new thread. Respect the authors and make constructive feedbacks.
If I could only choose 1 fix:
Reduced damage intake for pets from AoE. (also mentioned by others)
lol well technically you went off topic yourself as OP ask which bug you would like fixed and you responded with a buff you would like, not a bug fix.
the one bug that i would like fixed is short bow 3 (quick shot) a lot of times my ranger jumps straight up and down instead of backwards. no i wasn’t on an incline. seems to mainly happen if target is in melle range.
Choose one thing? Alright, I’d have to choose one that applies to our bows as it diminishes our damage output significantly and can be summed up in one word…
Even on a clear field with my enemy less than 1200 away from me, I get these messages constantly. Heck even standing lined up in front of a keep door in WvW I get these messages.
Fojja – Vyxxi – Nymmra – Mymmra – Champion of Dwayna .. and more
Highly Over Powered Explorers [HOPE] – Desolation EU
Drake pets only using their default attack and no other skills =/ Also the marsh drake using the wrong skin, it should look like its icon! I guess thats two but oh well
Drake pets only using their default attack and no other skills =/ Also the marsh drake using the wrong skin, it should look like its icon! I guess thats two but oh well
That’s actually not a bug (sadly) they changed it after the first beta, which is sad…
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
What would you pick and why?
My drakes… for the love of god make my drakes able to use their skills!! That’d be AWESOME!!
That. I want mah drakes with special attacks, please. They’re my favorite type of pet and I’m tired of using gimped versions. I’m hopeful it’ll get fixed in the January patch, since Jon specifically replied to it.
And that is indeed sad they changed what the Marsh Drake (or Scaled Drake I suppose) looks like as a pet. Other than the Reef Drake, the Scaled Drake is probably my favorite looking drake the game, and that icon is just a tease reminding me that I can’t tame one.
(edited by Electro.4173)
I would fix that one bug which allows people to play a Ranger.
So many lives have already been destroyed because of this.
Why do you even play ranger if all you do is complain about it? I mean kitten, go play something else if you don’t even enjoy the prof!
Fate is a cruel, mean old crone. It made the class I love the one class which sucks the most.
It doesn’t suck, it’s actually quite a bit stronger than a lot of others if you play to its strengths, or play in a way everyone isn’t expecting. Like playing a mesmer that doesn’t shatter, my god does that throw people off lol.
Uh, lol the optimism is nice but untrue. Ranger isnt better than other classes, no matter what build you make, others can run of similar make better. And jokes on you, the only dps builds we can make and be worth a kitten are condi builds, which joke on you again, thieves, eles, necros, ect….all do it better. So yea, its less of a l2p issue and more of a l2fix issue for anet.
On topic, I cant choose from just 1 effectively but if I had too, Id say……Obstruction bug. That kittens on so much of my dps its not funny.
Pets being all functional.Hitting everyone-casting F2 fast-aoe dmg reduction.Thats the main problem with Rangers.They want to make him so much dependable in pets but the pets arent dependable at all
Choose one thing? Alright, I’d have to choose one that applies to our bows as it diminishes our damage output significantly and can be summed up in one word…
Even on a clear field with my enemy less than 1200 away from me, I get these messages constantly. Heck even standing lined up in front of a keep door in WvW I get these messages.
Yea, obstructed is the one for me too.
Sword 1, yup.
I can dodge roll and cancel any leaping attack on any other profession, but not the Ranger. Not cool.
Tarnished Coast
Sword 1, yup.
I can dodge roll and cancel any leaping attack on any other profession, but not the Ranger. Not cool.
Agreed, I died twice during a long battle in one of the borderland’s garrison because I leapt past a downed targeted enemy with my sword #1 and I could not stop myself. Sword #1 should be more controllable.
My number two is making it so the pet’s f2 ability fires off faster. Most of the time targets are out of range of certain abilities. The animations for the special attacks look great but they are horribly ineffective because of how long they take. I also don’t like how I have to mash my buttons to get that ability to fire off. All other ranger abilities execute in a timely manner except this one.
I was a ranger before shortbow had 1200m range AND after it didn’t…
The crossfire animation bug. Fix that so it goes back to it’s original speed and QZ goes back to the way it was…. owait, sorry, that was a lie to cover a nerf.
Well darn, where to begin…. how about the constant obstructed/miss/invulnerable shots, that would nice.
Dragonbrand – Level 80 – Human Ranger
Pets being all functional.Hitting everyone-casting F2 fast-aoe dmg reduction.Thats the main problem with Rangers.They want to make him so much dependable in pets but the pets arent dependable at all
That about sums it up for the pet side of things really. There are other problems such as useless traits or synergy, weapon strength or rooting issues. I doubt anet will get those fixed for a long long time.
Numero uno on my list is actually a two parter: Invulnerability, for no real reason I can fathom, and then by extension – the obstructed issues. Nothing infuriates me more in gameplay then to not be able to damage mobs and people because somehow they turn into super-powered whatevers and you just can’t hurt them. It happens when they are behind something as thin as a sapling (totally NOT full cover) to being in open field, and then not being able to rain down arrows on bad guys when you are strategically within range but on higher ground? That effectively takes away one of the more pragmatic tactics of being a ranged combat based class. It’s kinda lame, and likely the top related reasons why ranger damage is so lackluster.
Tarnished Coast Server
Bit silly perhaps and doesn’t affect gameplay at all but I badly want to be able to name each and everyone of my pets I just can’t connect with a “Juvenile Hawk” nor do i want to redo it every 2 bleepin seconds…
there’s one bug that I like to be fixed, like my pets can’t attack through stealth…
How about fixing the bug when we’re downed, we call our pets to heal us, except they just stand next to us, staring at us like stupid useless pets. Wait… they ARE stupid useless pets —’