In case you didn't see it...
While I enjoyed it, I got a kick when they were on Renegade, and Irenio described their 7-shot shortbow skill. It starts spread then comes together at the end of their range.
He went on about how there are skills that are shotgunned where – even if the player were using a ranged weapon – would stand really really close to someone so that they might hit them more times. Then, went on to note he didn’t think that it was super healthy since it puts ranged characters with melee ones.
I am then reminded of Split Blade and Poison Volley….
Will update once Path of Fire releases.
While I enjoyed it, I got a kick when they were on Renegade, and Irenio described their 7-shot shortbow skill. It starts spread then comes together at the end of their range.
He went on about how there are skills that are shotgunned where – even if the player were using a ranged weapon – would stand really really close to someone so that they might hit them more times. Then, went on to note he didn’t think that it was super healthy since it puts ranged characters with melee ones.
I am then reminded of Split Blade and Poison Volley….
Uugh IKR, why do these skills still exist in this form? Just make them a single projectile that has an AoE at the target.
Don’t want to be cynical, but it seems more a spec to please the ‘no pet’ crowd, rather than anything inspired.
Can tell by how excited they were to talk about the Weaver directly after, and the Mirage directly before.
but hey guys, taking an existing mechanic like is stowing your pet and remove the trigger “on combat” seemed to be so hard and difficult. You know, enough to mess up with actual functionality in the game.