Welp druid is out, and I hate it, like genuinely hate it, but instead of making another rant thread about how druid sucks I’m creating my own specc and showing in another way why druid sucks.
Keep in mind this is just something I came up with in a few hours, not very refined but I just want to get a point across
So then: Bounty Hunter
New weapon: Rifle
New mechanic: “Hunt them down!” (F5)
You calll out both of your pets to hunt down your target, this can be extremely usefull and opens up possibilites for some major pet combos, especially with the new pets coming out, pressing F5 a second time will cause your second pet to cast its “F2” skill
New skill: Mark (dont think mark as in Necro ground marks, but instead like the overhead marks) you know cause bounty hunters target and hunt down people,thats what you are
Now before I get to the traits ill explain the weapon and marks a bit better
Firstly the rifle, I feel its the perfect weapon for this ranger concept, and unlike a certain other elite specc, its just something that adds to your class, not something you feel forced to equip if youre going down that specc
1: Auto shot that changes its damage output and effect according to range
Close up it does extra damage
Far off it puts conditions on enemy (maybe bleed or fire)
2: A shot that empowers your next pet attack, the pet instantly teleports to target and crits
3: A gap opener that applies conditions from up close
4: A gap closer that deals more damage from afar
5: A volley of shots (LB2) that pushes the foe back, doesnt really knock them back it just pushes him back, think like a stong wind :P
These are abilities the rangers put on enemies or allies that trigger on the target being damaged, examples:
Mark1 makes allies deal extra damage to the marked foe
Mark2 triggers some condition on the enemy
(“but thats like spirits” you say, well yeah except it isnt useless in pve, and its much more versatile)
Mark3 is one that you put on an ally and whenever they suffer damage something like aoe protection or maybe damage reflection, or aoe healing, this woul pretty much be a supportive ability
And a few more, I think you get the idea of what makrs are by now.
(notice how these arent strictly just for damage)
Now for traits:
I wont go very deep into these, but just to give an idea of what traits it would have:
One that like the rifle skill 1 would increase your damage output from up close, or have a chance to trigger conditions form afar, this would apply to all weapons, and increase rifle’s efficiency
A trait that would allow both pets to stay for a bit just after swapping (F4)
Traits that increase the eficiency of marks, both offensivel and defensively
Traits that added extra effects to marks, such as walking away from or toward a marked target would make you run faster, applying conditions with marks, or removing them
A trait that makes your F5 instantly mark the target
So what do you think about this?