Is There Something Wrong with Pet Attack Speed?

Is There Something Wrong with Pet Attack Speed?

in Ranger

Posted by: ChillyChinaman.6057


While doing damage calculation for my wolf, I noticed something strange. In the Heart of the Mists using a simple timer, I counted that it would attack 10 times in 12s for an attack speed of 5/6s. However, the wolf’s primary attack, which is all that it used, is listed as having a 1/4s cast time.

This leaves two scenarios. Either the skill is bugged, or there is a hefty aftercast delay that’s not listed.

Can anyone shed any light on this?

Is There Something Wrong with Pet Attack Speed?

in Ranger

Posted by: Jay.3284


What ISN’T wrong with pets

But probably a listing error.

Dungeon Master 8/8 | Fractal 50
80Rng – 80Wa – 80Thief – 80Grd – 80Ele – 80Engi – 80Necro

Is There Something Wrong with Pet Attack Speed?

in Ranger

Posted by: Kincaidia.3192


Cast time vs delay – it takes 1/4th of a second to actually perform the attack, 1 second-ish between attacks (the delay). The 1/4th second to perform the attack is why pets can’t hit a moving target.

Is There Something Wrong with Pet Attack Speed?

in Ranger

Posted by: Beecheese.4930


This is Error Number 3485394853794852793857239485

Is There Something Wrong with Pet Attack Speed?

in Ranger

Posted by: Dante Dragonhand.2538

Dante Dragonhand.2538

It doesnt add in animation time so the attack goes off probably at the right speed but animations slow it down to make it alot slower.

Is There Something Wrong with Pet Attack Speed?

in Ranger

Posted by: Swagger.1372


there something wrong with the pet… almost everything is


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