Is a Ranger in a Bad Spot

Is a Ranger in a Bad Spot

in Ranger

Posted by: seekerbiswas.4259


My primary is a ranger. Reading this forms I see a lot of complaints from people. Is ranger druid that bad. If it is I am thinking for creating my second primary but it requires a lot of work just getting map completions.

If it’s not that what would a good build for Ranger/Druid in HoT.

I feel a bit lost with my ranger.

Is a Ranger in a Bad Spot

in Ranger

Posted by: Razaac.7834


Just stay away from ranger its a whaste off time. The ranger has been a running joke for players and devs for years and they all want to stay it this way. As soon as theres something good it gets whinned about in pvp instead of players figuring out a way around it and adapt. And the devs instantly reply to that with a nerf.
In all BWE’s we had every proffesion just kept whinning for dps increase….and they got it asap. We with only 1 BWE: in the end we only have nerfs (or at least it feels that way).
I really had hopes for the druid but now i m lost too.

I think that the devs are just complete lost with ranger / druid and have no idea ( and / or don’t care) what to do or where to go with this proffesion.
I feel sorry for all the time i putting in this class atm and getting really sad about it.
Maybe its time to just give up on it at all .

Is a Ranger in a Bad Spot

in Ranger

Posted by: Ardenwolfe.8590


For the time being, I would seriously consider playing another class. If I knew then, what I know now, I would have never touched ranger. It’s a good class, if and when the developers figure out what they actually want the class to be. Druid is a whole ‘nother nightmare. And, realistically, we’re still beta testing the class.

Don’t get that twisted. It’s the truth. We’ve had it for one beta test, and then it went live. That’s a big reason for some of these bizarre and radical changes.

But, again for right now, I don’t think they do know what they want druid to be given the recent events and ‘fixes’ put at our feet.

We are considered one of the weakest classes, yet we seem to get the most nerfs, no buffs to speak of, and we see the least amount of bug fixes . . . another topic you don’t want to hear about.

So, yes, my recommendation is play another class if you want to play Guild Wars 2 at all.

Gone to Reddit.

(edited by Ardenwolfe.8590)

Is a Ranger in a Bad Spot

in Ranger

Posted by: oshilator.4681


As a ranger main for the last 2.5 years, I’ve lost the urge to play any of mine.

If/Until they sort this mess out, I’ll be playing my Reaper.

GG, Anet. You’re forcing people away from the class.


Is a Ranger in a Bad Spot

in Ranger

Posted by: hellsmonument.4852


Too many issues, unless you are a hardcore archer/nature/celestial theme fan, don’t bother.

It is the weakest prof in the game, it gets nerfed every time anything for it is useful then that thing gets pushed aside and never looked upon again or they rework it into something totally different that works and then then nerf it again.

if this prof were to ever be anywhere near on par with others it would soon get shafted again, too many of us here have had fun for short whiles when the prof was useful only to have a precious mechanic if not most of them destroyed or turned into something else that doesn’t work for our play style anymore, then to get our hopes up again and the cycle continues.

Is a Ranger in a Bad Spot

in Ranger

Posted by: serow.6524


I’m still playing my Ranger. It’s relaxing and comfortable, and I still love the Ranger as an archetype. I’m a casual player though, so cutting edge balance is not a primary concern for my play style.

Current 80s: Ranger, Mesmer, Guardian, Elementalist, Revenant, Necromancer.
Working on: Engineer

Is a Ranger in a Bad Spot

in Ranger

Posted by: aikatara.3462


I have three level 80 characters, one of the is a ranger. I love all of them, the ranger included. I haven’t tried the the druid specialisation of HoT so far but my recommendation to your question – as it is to everything concerning rangers really – is: Try for yourself, make up your own mind.

In my experience it is especially hard to get some useful information about the ranger class since there are people who will answer you “Ranger sucks” to everything you ask. Some of the criticised points related to the class are maybe true or at least partly, some not so much, some are just wrong (at least in my experience).

So my recommendation: Play your character, familiarise yourself with the finer aspects of your class and your pets, try different ways of playing the class and different situations if you have not done so already. If you encounter any major obstacles/weaknesses you will realise it yourself. And if your conclusion is that you like playing your ranger, if the class works for you then it is just fine and totally worth it ..

But besides the fact whether you like playing a ranger or not it is absolutely worth it to have several primary characters with different classes in my opinion, even if it takes time to level them, since it is a lot of fun to play different classes with different mechanics…

Is a Ranger in a Bad Spot

in Ranger

Posted by: JKatz.1230


It’s weak but not unplayable so if you are a fan of that, sure. Prepare to be disappointed by every patch though. I don’t recall Ranger ever get buffed without a follow up nerf and then we get random out of nowhere nerf and then more “bug fix” nerf.

IGN: Mint Elbolt (Asura Ranger)