Is condi change a small nerf?

Is condi change a small nerf?

in Ranger

Posted by: eldenbri.1059


The patch note read like this is a buff.
<em>Conditions will now deal this fractional damage either at the beginning or end of their duration, depending on when the next damage pulse would occur and their remaining duration.</em>

I think in cases where the opponent never removes the condition, it is a buff.

Looking through my logs, I seemed to find more cases the partial amount was applied as the first tick of condi damage. So my first burn tick showed up as 200 versus a typical 800. Under the old rules, that first tick is 800 and I never get the 200 tick (either I get nothing or I stack on more burns and eventually it becomes a full second).

So if I fight an opponent who cleanses the burn early on, I lose that 600 damage I would have had in the old system.

I’m not complaining at all. I think this is a great change – especially because anything that makes condi’s more viable in PvE is awesome. And I think condi builds are very poweful, so a small nerf is okay.

Am I thinking about this correctly? Does it look the same in logs for other folks?

Is condi change a small nerf?

in Ranger

Posted by: Zefrost.3425


I look at it that if a condi stayed on my opponent the entire duration but the end of it was only a 0.5s duration or something, the 0.5s duration will actually do damage now. Idk.

It’s a buff for warrior sword flurry is it not? Thresholds that I like to use with it are 50% or 100% bleed durations but in WvW people use food that lowers condi duration.

Is condi change a small nerf?

in Ranger

Posted by: eldenbri.1059


I think in many cases it is a buff. But if your opponent cleanses early, it’s a nerf (I think)

I’m assuming that the first “tick” of damage would always happen at the same time. So when I look in the combat logs, I see the first burn or bleed or poison is smaller number than it used to be.

It’s not a big deal, but I’m just trying to confirm that it looks the same to other people.