Is the ranger good?

Is the ranger good?

in Ranger

Posted by: Lytro.9305


Hey everyone, I was wondering with all the patches, is the ranger a viable class for pve, pvp, and wvw or is it still not up to par on what it could be and people still don’t allow them into dungeons and etc.

Is the ranger good?

in Ranger

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243



Ask a simple question, get a simple answer.

Is the ranger good?

in Ranger

Posted by: serow.6524




Current 80s: Ranger, Mesmer, Guardian, Elementalist, Revenant, Necromancer.
Working on: Engineer

Is the ranger good?

in Ranger

Posted by: Darkness.9732


No man ranger is still broken. It’ s nothing compared to other classes like warrior or engi or mesmer and so on.

Is the ranger good?

in Ranger

Posted by: Siroso.2769


Ignore Darkness, the answer to your question is definitely yes.

<— Broskies /Lulzranger

Is the ranger good?

in Ranger

Posted by: roamzero.9486


Rangers still have the worst class mechanic in the game, but in terms of PvP/WvW they are pretty good. In PVE they can be good but have a bad name due to all the bad bearbow Rangers.

Is the ranger good?

in Ranger

Posted by: Xyonon.3987


Ranger are good in pve and pvp. About pve, the main problem is that they are extremly difficult to play efficient. If the ranger isn’t played well, he’s weak. I’d say to reposition the pet and sword aa in an aoe situation aswell weapon and pet management in general makes him one of the hardest pve classes.

Ziggs Ironeye – Engineer | Madame Le Blanc – Mesmer | Mentor (PvE) | EU
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”

Is the ranger good?

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Hey everyone, I was wondering with all the patches, is the ranger a viable class for pve, pvp, and wvw or is it still not up to par on what it could be and people still don’t allow them into dungeons and etc.

Well that depends.
The ranger is still not wanted in any group like dungeons, fratals or PvP. Not because the bearbows, but because the class has no support. With other classes you can give some support with ranger you can’t althought there are skills for that they are broken.

In PVE with any class you will be fine. The enemy AI is as dumb as our pets, so most of the time you will only need to use the LB (And that’s why a lot of new rangers only know to use the LB, because there is not need to learn to use melee weapons in PVE)

In WvW at least (i don’t play PvP with the ranger) you’ll need the suport. The class lacks sustain damage, healing and suport. There are skills for that but they are broken like ours pets.

Spirits are too nerfed to be usefull. The trait to make traps to use ground target is broken. Shouts too nerfed as well and very lond CD. Even our weapons skills are broken like the sword.

Yes you can make up for all this broken mechanics, but you have to really like the ranger. Othrwise i would advise you to use other class, for example playing with a guard is lke playing in easy mode compared to ranger (although the guards ranged weapon is very “weak” compared to the sustain 2k damage you can do with the guard and greatsword + perma healing by trait + skills).

If you are planing to play with a ranger within a team i would say no,the rager is still broken.

Otherwise the class is ok if you like to play hard mode.

Inverse to Apple: SBeast is the worst yet.. jurl jurl
I’m all in for Team Irenio!

(edited by anduriell.6280)

Is the ranger good?

in Ranger

Posted by: Infatum.2481


Personally I think rangers are fantastic, I keep trying to play other classes and end up back on my S/D bunker ranger for all forms of play from Dungeons and Fractals to SPvP and WvW. Mind you I likely have issues since my only 2 80’s are both rangers, and my third highest character is also a ranger >_>

Any time I play anything else I quickly miss my “Crazy Rabid Mongoose with ADD” sword fighting style, get bored, and go back to ranger.

Is the ranger good?

in Ranger

Posted by: Sagramor.7395


@OP: Looks like you’ve been trying to decide between a Ranger and Warrior since October 2013 if I’m reading your post history correctly. Even if it was October 2014 you could’ve leveled both to 80 and been in full exotics by now. And been able to decide for yourself which is better.

Is the ranger good?

in Ranger

Posted by: Yelloweyedemon.2860


@OP: Looks like you’ve been trying to decide between a Ranger and Warrior since October 2013 if I’m reading your post history correctly. Even if it was October 2014 you could’ve leveled both to 80 and been in full exotics by now. And been able to decide for yourself which is better.

2 characters to lvl cap within a year?! Can’t be done. Especially in my case.

I do have about 3 stacks of tomes of Knowledge, but man… I’m slow with clicking……..

Is the ranger good?

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Actually you could level up any class in a week within WvW

Inverse to Apple: SBeast is the worst yet.. jurl jurl
I’m all in for Team Irenio!

Is the ranger good?

in Ranger

Posted by: Lazze.9870


The ranger is still not wanted in any group like dungeons, fratals. Not because the bearbows, but because the class has no support. With other classes you can give some support with ranger you can’t althought there are skills for that they are broken.


It’s called offensive support. FrostSpotter is the second highest flat damage buff your party can get, and the ranger is more than viable for dungeon and fractal runs.

Is the ranger good?

in Ranger

Posted by: Lazze.9870


It’s a joke man.

Yeah, I got it. It’s till funny watching all the morons getting downed by them in pvp followed by screams of “guild wars cancer”.

Is the ranger good?

in Ranger

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


Rangers are good yes, however…

Pew Pew rangers are cancer.


It’s not because they are hard to down or defeat…its because they ALWAYS are running with 2 or more people backing them up. Talking WvW that is.

I despise LB rangers in WvW, because it promotes the ‘no skill’ mentality. I have seen probably 1 in 10 that can legit roam or at least hold their own. The rest…goes like this:

1. Rapid Fire
2. Barrage
3. Hunter’s Shot
4. Run around in a circle while invisible
5. Repeat

That’s right, never pull out the GS I know they have. Just spam LB and collect bags as the people around them do all the work.

Oh and to be somewhat on-topic…yes Rangers are in a lot better place than they have been previously. Could still use buffing here and there (SB for instance). But…I have a feeling Anet’s ‘attention’ will be ‘look staff!’.

Well to be honest if you don’t have to pull out the GS or wichever melee set you use you really shouldn’t or you’d be doing it wrong, the longbow does the most burst damage and it does it while taking the least in almost all cases.

Yes, taking the least amount because the user is standing at 1200+ range behind 4 other people. How again does that help the general population’s view of the class?

It’s ok though, extra money for me in the form of loot bags.

Is the ranger good?

in Ranger

Posted by: Gandalf.1537


LOL i like doing this LOLz, Run aroundz in a circlez while invisible heheheheh, got to love that saying.

Is the ranger good?

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


The ranger is still not wanted in any group like dungeons, fratals. Not because the bearbows, but because the class has no support. With other classes you can give some support with ranger you can’t althought there are skills for that they are broken.


It’s called offensive support. FrostSpotter is the second highest flat damage buff your party can get, and the ranger is more than viable for dungeon and fractal runs.

All the other classes do “offensive” support. But they do it better plus they provide real support to the group. Even without the frost spirit they do much more damage than the ranger.
What good is the ranger for then when you can have in that spot an ele or engie?

Inverse to Apple: SBeast is the worst yet.. jurl jurl
I’m all in for Team Irenio!

Is the ranger good?

in Ranger

Posted by: Maximum Potato.5923

Maximum Potato.5923

The ranger is still not wanted in any group like dungeons, fratals. Not because the bearbows, but because the class has no support. With other classes you can give some support with ranger you can’t althought there are skills for that they are broken.


It’s called offensive support. FrostSpotter is the second highest flat damage buff your party can get, and the ranger is more than viable for dungeon and fractal runs.

All the other classes do “offensive” support. But they do it better plus they provide real support to the group. Even without the frost spirit they do much more damage than the ranger.
What good is the ranger for then when you can have in that spot an ele or engie?

Well Frost Spirit has no internal cooldown, so that’s a 7% party-wide damage buff right there. Spotter’s 7% party-wide crit chance, which is also far from negligible. Warhorn provides at least 50% party-wide fury uptime, Healing Spring is almost definitely the best water field in the game, and with opening strike+whirling defense+rapid fire, they have some of the best vulnerability stacking in the game, bar engies.

I’m not saying they are ‘the best’ offensive support. But having at least 1 ranger in a dungeon group will provide your group with boons that other classes simply don’t have. Not to mention their damage is actually very good now with Predator’s Onslaught.

Who’s a good boy? Not you, since you aggro’d the BLOODY CHAMP-

Is the ranger good?

in Ranger

Posted by: Lazze.9870


All the other classes do “offensive” support. But they do it better plus they provide real support to the group. Even without the frost spirit they do much more damage than the ranger.
What good is the ranger for then when you can have in that spot an ele or engie?

Yeah, all of them. Especially the necromancer, the staple of all dungeon runs!

What good is that engie when adding it to the team won’t make the run jack kitten faster than having the ranger there? FrostSpotter more than cancels out the extra vuln the engie provides, and everything else the engie brings to the table is already covered by other classes.

Much more damage as in every other class having a better personal dps? EEEEP, wrong, again. Potensial damage, both personal and what is provided by the ranger’s buffs, are the last two thing you wanna complain about if you’re gonna start bashing the ranger and its usefulness.

We’re talking about being viable. The ranger is more than viable, having a great personal dps while contributing to the party. OP specifically asked if rangers get kicked out of dungeons, and your response was that they’re not welcomed. That is wrong. A proper played ranger IS welcome despite lacking in defensive utilities. We’re not talking about speedruns records attempts where you’d want two eles, a war, a thief and a mes/guard.

(edited by Lazze.9870)

Is the ranger good?

in Ranger

Posted by: Manekk.6981


Rangers are good yes, however…

Pew Pew rangers are cancer.


It’s not because they are hard to down or defeat…its because they ALWAYS are running with 2 or more people backing them up. Talking WvW that is.

I despise LB rangers in WvW, because it promotes the ‘no skill’ mentality. I have seen probably 1 in 10 that can legit roam or at least hold their own. The rest…goes like this:

1. Rapid Fire
2. Barrage
3. Hunter’s Shot
4. Run around in a circle while invisible
5. Repeat

That’s right, never pull out the GS I know they have. Just spam LB and collect bags as the people around them do all the work.

Oh and to be somewhat on-topic…yes Rangers are in a lot better place than they have been previously. Could still use buffing here and there (SB for instance). But…I have a feeling Anet’s ‘attention’ will be ‘look staff!’.

Well to be honest if you don’t have to pull out the GS or wichever melee set you use you really shouldn’t or you’d be doing it wrong, the longbow does the most burst damage and it does it while taking the least in almost all cases.

Yes, taking the least amount because the user is standing at 1200+ range behind 4 other people. How again does that help the general population’s view of the class?

It’s ok though, extra money for me in the form of loot bags.

I just meant not taking unecessary risks doesn’t necessarily mean you have “no skill”

Is the ranger good?

in Ranger

Posted by: KylarStern.6148


I’ve played every class to level 80. Ranger is by far my favourite.
I run a full celestial hybrid build with LB, Sword/Dagger.
Honestly, if you don’t know what you are doing, how to adapt skill rotations depending on enemys, when to time pet skill etc. A ranger can seem a bit eh, but if you learn to play properly they can be a seriously devistating class and exceptional roamers. Especially as a hybrid. Thats my favourite thing about rangers, theres a lot of builds and playstyles that are all viable if you know how to play them, which makes rangers a tough class to counter in a fight (assuming you havent followed a standard zerk build or similar). And they have a great ability to position them selves in fights with invis, dogdges and leaps.
So yeah, if you find a play style that works for you and learn it, rangers are GREAT.