J Sharp new info: sick em reveal stealth

J Sharp new info: sick em reveal stealth

in Ranger

Posted by: Decklan.7540


When was the last time you personally saw a stealth trap chell?

Most savvy commanders would rather spend the badges and supply on the supply trap, and even that is a super rare occurrence.

Stealth trap was created to primarily counter large groups that are entirely reliant on mass invis/veil; and even then it’s still used rarely.

J Sharp new info: sick em reveal stealth

in Ranger

Posted by: Chellanius.7526


You missed my point, however, how many people use it is irrelevant. The point is it’s there and people are free to use it if they so choose.

If a thief decides he won’t use a sword to rip boons from guardians, does that mean he should get more other skills that do?

J Sharp new info: sick em reveal stealth

in Ranger

Posted by: Chopps.5047


Chell, why does [Sic ’Em] scare you so much?

Tin Foil Hat Hearer »—> Ranger Extraordinaire »—> “Be like water…”

J Sharp new info: sick em reveal stealth

in Ranger

Posted by: Chellanius.7526


Just scares me that it’s probably never going to stop. Today it’s Sic ’EM, who knows what will be tomorrow.

J Sharp new info: sick em reveal stealth

in Ranger

Posted by: Diehard.1432


I dunno..maybe rune that grants you passive skill to reveal stealth?

Garuda X, lvl 80 human Siamoth Ranger JQ SEA

J Sharp new info: sick em reveal stealth

in Ranger

Posted by: Decklan.7540


You missed my point, however, how many people use it is irrelevant. The point is it’s there and people are free to use it if they so choose.

If a thief decides he won’t use a sword to rip boons from guardians, does that mean he should get more other skills that do?

So you’re saying the only counter to stealth in the game should be a trap that costs badges and supply?

I’m talking about stealth here by the way, not the thief. Stealth as a boon or buff or whatever you want to call has zero counters, whether or not it’s OP is in the eye of the beholder, but everything in a game should have at least one counter.

Block is countered by unblockable skills (traps, marks, etc)
Control is countered by stun breaks
Condi’s are countered by condi removal
Power is countered by toughness
Stability is countered by boon stripping or immobilize

See where I’m going here?

Also, sic’em is a really bad skill in a pvp setting and even though it’s getting the reveal, still won’t be picked up by a lot of rangers.

J Sharp new info: sick em reveal stealth

in Ranger

Posted by: Chellanius.7526


Yea but by countering Block, Control, Stability, whatever, you don’t make 50% of that player’s traits nonfunctional. Know what I mean?
And yea sic ‘em won’t be used much, so people will qq more, and we’ll be having this discussion again in 2 months, and than again next year.

J Sharp new info: sick em reveal stealth

in Ranger

Posted by: Coarr.3286


ill use it coz it fits my shout buff build very well.

see you on the battlefield

[care] Coarr Ix – Ranger
Stomp some Piken!

J Sharp new info: sick em reveal stealth

in Ranger

Posted by: kiwituatara.6053


I’m hoping sic ’em will be good enough. Used to get ganked by thieves left and right in WvW when I first started off~ payback time <3 karma

Thief hunting season is up folks! All are welcome aboard! Bring yo sic’ em, bring yo stealth traps! gank~gank~gank~gank~gank~ >:D

J Sharp new info: sick em reveal stealth

in Ranger

Posted by: Chellanius.7526


I’m sure if it won’t be ‘good enough’ people will make new posts on forums and QQ and nag Anet until they eventually remove stealth at all. xD But if you think you’ll pop a revealed on thief and he’ll sit there and wait for you to casualy dispatch him you’re sadly mistaken There’s gonna be counters to counter stealth.

J Sharp new info: sick em reveal stealth

in Ranger

Posted by: RyuDragnier.9476


Yea but by countering Block, Control, Stability, whatever, you don’t make 50% of that player’s traits nonfunctional. Know what I mean?
And yea sic ‘em won’t be used much, so people will qq more, and we’ll be having this discussion again in 2 months, and than again next year.

Ahh, but by killing a Ranger’s pets, you make 50% of our traits nonfunctional, remember? It’s already precedent set up by Anet themselves. Besides, if anything, it’ll just stop thieves harassing everybody in WvW if stealth gets a counter.

PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald

J Sharp new info: sick em reveal stealth

in Ranger

Posted by: Chellanius.7526


Rangers can switch between 2 pets. Thiefs can’t switch between 2 stealths. Also Sic ‘Em counters the wrong kind of thieves. If it needs a target it helps virtually 0 against perma stealth build, the one that most people want nerfed. But d/d and other thieves might feel it more. So what’s gonna happen is the number of perma stealth thieves will increase and it’s gonna get even more annoying for everyone, since blackpowder also negates the damage when in revealed. I guess that’s what we all want?

J Sharp new info: sick em reveal stealth

in Ranger

Posted by: Chopps.5047


Why will it help virtually zero against that build again? I fell asleep during that part of the explanation.

Tin Foil Hat Hearer »—> Ranger Extraordinaire »—> “Be like water…”

J Sharp new info: sick em reveal stealth

in Ranger

Posted by: Chellanius.7526


If you could get your brains working for 10 seconds without falling asleep Chopps you could think of a lot more situations that affect your ordinary non perma stealth thief. Also perma stealth thief has an easier time countering it.

J Sharp new info: sick em reveal stealth

in Ranger

Posted by: Dina Van Heyr.3018

Dina Van Heyr.3018

thief has wide range of blindness which is another “stealth” so stop crying .. when they out of stealth they blind target also block, evade don reveal from stealth as failed attack so they can spam bs until they hit ..