@JonPeters, What is half of 520ms?
In before close by rabid moderator.
About tree fitty.
Naa. More in the range of tree haty.
LOL. You sir or Madam made me laugh our loud for real. TY for that morning humor.
I think answer to this will take at least 2 weeks of debugging. Coz, debugging is serious business.
Omg, moderators wear Rabid gear?? O_O
But seriously, everyone knows half of 520ms is 400ms. Pft.
Why? Gives needed gear…
Why do you need this gear? To do dungeons… duh.
UGHHH!!! I was so kitten that the nerf/glitch whatever wasn’t even addressed in this patch. Trying to stay with my ranger as long as i can (level 50) but im about to go thief. :/ :/ :/ :/ :/ :/ :/ :/ :/ :/
Nah, he has higher priorities than to even change the tooltip so it wouldn’t lie to us, such as fix asura’s head size. Wonder if I can change their headsize to half of 520ms…err i mean 520cm or pixels?
I’ve never used tooltips :P lol. Is that where you see DPS numbers / speed of attack?
inb4 moderator closes for directing at an employee directly with his copy and paste answer.
We made this change because it was creating some animation bugs to leave it where it was. It was also encouraging just spamming QZ which isn’t the most fun gameplay.
I am JonPeters and I prove this message.
darn those animation bugs, i would rather have 30% less dps (bleeds/crit).
yeah firing a shortbow like a machine gun for 4-sec is def not the most fun gameplay.
firing at a slower rate, so I can appreciate the animation of pulling the string back, has to be the most fun gameplay I have ever seen, thanks anet!