Now that we are talking about how to improve the ranger to make it to come in line with the other classes, please let’s not forget about the bugs are still present in this class from like ever, and new ones from HoT launch.
It was a thread in bugs forums but i can’t seem able to find it.
Trait Enlargement or active from SoW nullified the astral form, taking the druid out of it and destroying all the remaining Astral Force. This bug is being there from hot launch, and actually is game breaking. I don’t need to transform when i get the bonus, give us an aura of something else if there is a need to make a visual effect for other players to know.
Runes of the druid are bugged. the 4th vitality stat doesn’t apply and if you die you lose the healing stats until you unequipped the armor.
Shout Guard! can’t be cast underwater. Yet with the change of functionality this make no sense.
Shout Search&Rescue! only works if the pet is attacking. if it’s in passive or not attacking the pet ignores the command.
Randomly but very often the skill Ancestral Grace locks the player for 1 second at the end of the skill. Most of the times disable the command Run Always.
Verdant Etching seems to reset the Glyphs CD when it triggers, making the Glyphs to take 2 seconds longer to recharge.
i don’t remember right now more bugs.. are there any more? i’ll be updating the OP with those bugs (please bugs that need to be addressed, no wonky and dated mechanics that don’t work and need redesing, we have plenty of those)
Inverse to Apple: SBeast is the worst yet.. jurl jurl
I’m all in for Team Irenio!
Verdant Etching seems to reset the Glyphs CD when it triggers, making the Glyphs to take 2 seconds longer to recharge.
The same mechanic as this is applied to spirits (this happened as a sneaky stealth-nerf as a band-aid fix for the unlimited activation bug in those few seconds till spirit died).
If you sacrifice the spirit for the active effect, the CD triggers on cast and refreshes when the spirit actually dies (which is roughly 3 seconds delay).
Apart from that, I believe we still have Jungle Stalker whose F2 CD goes on full 25 second even if it’s cast was interrupted before any or even partial effect took place.
Apart from that, I believe we still have Jungle Stalker whose F2 CD goes on full 25 second even if it’s cast was interrupted before any or even partial effect took place.
This applies to all F2 skills which grant boons to allies (with the exception of the tiger).
Another bug: GS3 and 5 range is (negatively) affected by cripple and chill.