Just advice on my Ranger build

Just advice on my Ranger build

in Ranger

Posted by: Rar.8023


I am not really good at these. However, I was gonna do a build of
Marksman 30
Nature 10
Beast mastery 30

I use a long bow and short bow and feel I am the best at these. I then use the elite skill rampage with pet. I also use traps for in case I aggro any thing.

Oh and my crafting is Leather working and huntsman.

Does this seem okay? I get that its my character, but is this gonna be effective. I don’t care for pvp, but I don’t want to have a crappy ranger.

Just advice on my Ranger build

in Ranger

Posted by: stratgan.2638


As long as you have a bear as a pet and don’t wear exotics at level 80, you should be fine with that. Also, find yourself a Krytan Hound for extra dps if you are just clearing trash mobs out. They do ok for that.


Just advice on my Ranger build

in Ranger

Posted by: LaughingLoser.9806


It all depends on what you want to do. I mean, I run minion master on my necro in open world, but they die far too quickly in dungeons to make it useful. While I have never traited for pet on my ranger, I will say that my pets can stick around for a bit on open world maps (I use bear/moa), but die very quickly in dungeons as well. Soooo, if you plan on doing dungeons and such, a retrait might not be a bad idea. Open world, soloing, events, while I prefer traps for extra AoE, it’s a preference, it doesn’t make another build “crappy.”

Just advice on my Ranger build

in Ranger

Posted by: Angela Ranna.5638

Angela Ranna.5638

Consider taking 10-15 pts from BM and putting them into skirmishing or wilderness. Tier 2 and 3 BM traits are generally weak – you can get more damage out of skirmishing stuff or more defensive tools from wilderness. And all the trap-specific stuff is in skirmishing, so there’s that. The 10 pts in nature might be better in wilderness, or get 15 pts in nature for the pet buffs. Especially with RaO the 15pt nature trait is pretty sweet. Also note that the trait in nature that increases pet buff duration doesn’t currently work, if that’s the one you wanted.

Other than that the build should be pretty decent. Nothing wrong with those sigils, weapons, or skills.