Just your second weapon
Axe/Warhorn is pretty much everyone’s 2nd weapon.
You get to summon BIRDS, man.
I’m a 1-hand sword/dagger guy personally and will avoid that particular skill if fighting atop a perilous place, but like they said above me. Birds. ’nuff said.
I do have a gripe about ranger secondary weapons, though. Why can’t rangers use rifles? It would make sense given the whole hunter theme. But no. Instead of rifles, they get greatswords. What the deuce? I want a rifle, dang it. It makes more sense.
I use axe/torch
I use axe/torch
I was using warhorn for a while, but with my focus on Condition Damage, I just didn’t feel that it was really helping my build all that much.
I thought you threw an axe. I just wanted more of a hand to hand thing. I know there is no minimum range thing, Just personal preference. The torch may be the way to go, but then again I hear there are birds!
SHEPARD: I can’t not use that ability. I always end using it by mistake.
Well yeah, the axe is technically a ranged weapon. But the skill 2 bleed is best at point-blank range. And I tend to spend a lot of time in melee anyway, despite using a shortbow as my primary weapon.
The 1h sword has some problems right now with its evade attacks not breaking the attack animations from its auto-attack, and your only other choice for a MH weapon is either Greatsword or Axe.
Keep in mind, torch is great for condition builds, not so much for power builds. If you’re running power and crit, go warhorn.
Greatsword. It easily has the most kitten skins in the game.
Mixed Martial Arts and Crafts (MMAC)
Greatsword. That 1.1k range leap is just sexy. And the blocking ability where you can kick your foe to Narnia is even sexier.
Greatsword. That 1.1k range leap is just sexy. And the blocking ability where you can kick your foe to Narnia is even sexier.
Nothing better than watching a warrior try to eviscerate you for a killing blow, just to see them get tossed a mile backwards when they finally make contact. Gotta love counterattack.
Mixed Martial Arts and Crafts (MMAC)
I mostly run with axe/horn, cuz I wanna run fast XD
Depends on what you want to do. GS gives good raw damage. Sword/Dagger is super mobile. Axe/Warhorn (I use this) is versatile and lets you chase down things and glaive axes everywhere (beware these axes, they glaive to neutral mobs too). Axe (or Sword) /Torch is good for condition builds. SB is mobile and good for conditions but with a LB you probably don’t want it. Offhand Axe… can’t see why people would pick it over WH/Torch.
I run Axe/Warhorn as my main weapon. The multi-hit of the default attack + Split Blade + traps = multiple mobs die fast. It causes havoc in WvW also. Add in the chill for runners, epic birds for more condition and the Speed + ability boost make it a no-brainer.
Good, point! For the speed burst. I need that!
Short bow for skirmishing. A lot of the traits that affect the long bow affect the short bow.
I’m with yinwolf. Short Bow/Longbow is the best way for me, and I did it from level 1-80.
I used to go axe/warhorn but quickly got frustrated with the way the axe would hit nearby targets. I’d go for a fight with a red, then the axe would fly off and hit a yellow mob, giving me extra aggro I didn’t want.
I then went with sword/warhorn which was more fun, but the jump back thing was annoying. Now I just run longbow/shortbow like the guys above – with a bear tanking for me there’s no real need for me to be right next to the enemy. Just get them to fight my pet, run in behind and apply constant bleed.
But sadly no birds. BIRDS.
It will depend on what you want with the switch tbh, i don’t use bows at all and have an Axe/Warhorn/Torch combo, midrange is where i feel at home. I do notice that the Axe/Warhorn is my ‘main’ weapon of choice, mainly for the warhorn. I think the buff on it is the skill i use the most in the whole game, be i fighting or not… it’s the runspeed alone that makes this weapon worth it’s weight in gold… then again the torch would give you a way to combo with yourself and add fire to your arrows!
But! i see you mention jumping puzzles, which makes me wonder if the greatsword isn’t a better choice. It gives you a way to fight in melee range, it has great defense with the block in area’s where you can’t dodge (without falling to your death). And while i am not sure about it, but the Leap skill may well help crossing difficult jumps as maybe you be able to fly over them like a bird (this needs confirmation/testing though, as i personally haven’t tried it!)
Tbqh. The best advice i can give is to have them all, put the Axe/Warhorn on your second slot for the added speed buf. And switch them out for the greatsword when you enter a jumping area. This saves you a slot in normal gameplay, and there is nothing preventing you from doing this
25 okt 2014 – PinkDay in LA
1h sword + warhorn is great loving being able to buff allies , run faster + call in the birds and poison the guy at the same time wicked combo with quickening zephyr.
Axe/Warhorn is pretty much everyone’s 2nd weapon.
You get to summon BIRDS, man.
pfft its my #1 weapon set! always aoeing with the bleed on crit sigil its amazing!
But! i see you mention jumping puzzles, which makes me wonder if the greatsword isn’t a better choice. It gives you a way to fight in melee range, it has great defense with the block in area’s where you can’t dodge (without falling to your death). And while i am not sure about it, but the Leap skill may well help crossing difficult jumps as maybe you be able to fly over them like a bird
(this needs confirmation/testing though, as i personally haven’t tried it!)
Tried it on an otherwise impossible jump, didn’t work, just fell. It only has the appearance of flying – you’re still just above the ground.
I love the Greatsword’s blocking skill (number 4). It’s like:
Presses 4
“Come at me bro … Ah. Hitting my dog are you? Well fine! I’LL JUST THROW MY GIANT GREATSWORD AT YOU! HA!”
Longbow + Shortbow
fits my playstyle, while it may look boring… hard to die
I love sword/torch when solo. Ring of fire (skill 5) then leap out & back in (skill 2) is a nice combo, especially when fighting groups.
The horn in nice too though of course.
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)
I think the Greatsword is a lot of fun as well. You have to be careful though mixing it up in melee range with it though. I use it sometimes to jump in get a few big hits and get out.
I use Sword (because I like twirling around like an assassin ballerina) + Torch (mostly when fighting Risen, the aditional damage from burning is sorely needed against them) or Warhorn (when I get tired of running everywhere at snail speed =D).
The sword animations can become a pain though, and yes, I have evaded off cliffs or edges before. Heat of battle, bad camera, and all. If you have trouble with that, I suggest Greatsword. It may not be as entertaining as sword or warhorn, but it’s a solid powerhouse.
Using two bows is perfectly valid as well, but personally, I have become a bit bored with it, and now that I fight a lot of Risen, it’s also become really annoying positioning-wise.( Also, in sPvP, bows are weak against fast-moving professions like Thieves.)